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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. This is TRUE! OverTechnology is the wonder from the SDF-1! Plus people like to look through windows.
  2. I bailed on this show after the 2nd episode. I really wanted to like it. On to the next show!
  3. Didn't the bulk of Tatsunoko's talent from that era leave to staff up Production I.G.? Anyway, as it was said many times before: Why pay royalties to HG when you can just make Sci-Fi movie/show with none of the legal baggage.
  4. That sucks. I hope the shipper will make it right for you. I won't see mine anytime soon. I went with SAL.
  5. Hardwired for security! Or if you bothering the captain when he's trying to sleep.
  6. DewPoint

    Macross figures

    As with the others: Buy what you like, like what you buy. Honestly though, I had discussed this topic during one of my jury duty sessions. It was a kidnapping/rape case. The topic itself is very fascinating to discuss when you have a broad demographic to discuss it with. Women's opinion on the matter are extremely broad and interesting. However, we all know that this topic will very quickly go far beyond the scope and intent of this forum. Thus: best to move on!
  7. DewPoint

    Macross figures

    "Concert Outfit" Sheryl is never an issue. Based on the show, she wears a suit that projects her outfits. The only real skin you see is her hands, neck and face. Well at least you can argue that. Your opinions about women are not wrong. Women are important in any society. However, everyone wants to feel attractive or desired at least sometimes.
  8. Well that is a post-Roy, Hikaru piloted VF-1S. He did get it nearly destroyed getting Misa out of the hole in Alaska. Rebuilt with available (possibly salvaged) parts!
  9. I decided to not get into this line, but I'll be there on PO night to see if the bloodbath is really going to be as bad as we all expect.
  10. I'm the guy in the yellow suit. Nobody cares about me unless you fly the Valkyrie I maintain.
  11. I really do like the proportions of this version. I totally forgot about the red Legioss prototype that was shown. For some reason I only recall the initial red and white prototype.
  12. I'm guessing that a green Legioss will be next and that it will have to also sell well before we even hear a hint of a Tread.
  13. If you go to about 21 minutes into the 1st video, you will see the missiles removed. We are not shown how to remove them though. Probably just pegged in.
  14. That's a lot of little bits to move around. It explains why the price is what it is. Durability is likely going to be a concern.
  15. I get this from Amazon.com. Why can't you send me the windshield wipers? What's so dangerous about sending windshield wipers on a airplane? Seriously...
  16. They could do it Bandai DX style and just sell the basic character figure for the normal $50-ish and then offer a $20 armor set as a web exclusive!
  17. I totally think it is because it looks like he is wearing blush.
  18. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't seen Macross II is so long, I will believe anything you all say about it! This is the internet. And if its on the internet, it must be true!
  19. Just a reminder that international travel and shipping is a relationship between two countries. The "why" your package isn't shipping is a combination of Japan not allowing the shipping, your country not allowing shipping or it just could be the shipping company not shipping. Either way, we just gotta wait or pay more. Hopefully we don't miss out on items we really want (or need). I think its far better to be able to still order and have to wait for shipping that to be excluded due to shipping. At least your will get it at some point in the future. Hopefully without a crushed box.
  20. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Not that I've seen. The last two HMR were non-Macross and both TWE.
  21. The two times I ordered items from Amazon.jp with DHL shipping, they arrived in that condition. I am reluctant to use that combination now days.
  22. The Kitz Concept Robotech product line seems to be doing well. At least the Macross World Members that have purchased their products are generally happy. That being said, it is largely Macross based. We'll see how this Hong Kong based Robotech Toy era develops.
  23. Southern Cross is a lot better in its original from then in Robotech. I'm sure how much better is a matter of debate. We should have a pool on how long this topic stays here.
  24. Did Jetfire fast packs come with stickers applied? I've never owned one. So its either used with Jetfire parts or a very early Bandai release?
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