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Everything posted by SailCat

  1. For the curious I found this vid recently: I didn't notice if it had been posted before.
  2. Thank you for your service!
  3. If they could also release a Tweaked/updated Takatoku TV SDF-1, that would be great!
  4. I need to rebuild/fix 1 arm; the metal linkage for the head is busted, so I need to see if it's replaceable and source a part if it is; do a deep clean of the whole toy, and hopefully find repro labels for after the cleaning. I've decided to not address the yellowing.
  5. My google skills have failed me. Are there any online restoration walkthroughs/resources for Gakken 1/35 Legioss toys?
  6. I'm hoping for the HMR Destroids they teased to be released. With a new Delta on the way, I'd love a HMR VF-31, plus it would be another milkable mold for HMR to keep the Macross part of the line rolling. Given the Bandai/Takatoku aftermarket $$$, I'm still hopeful for a TV style SDF-1 re-issue or update. TV style SDF never gets enough love IMHO.
  7. I'd live for Bandai to do a classic re-issue of the old Takutoku SDF-1 1/3000 scale toy. Maybe get Tenjin to do up some sweet new art for it?
  8. Fantastic! Better than the one I remember! The reason this popped up in my mind is I saw in the news that Japan is looking at an updated YF 23 for their new Fighter. I thought Northrop should take one of their existing air-frames and deck it out Macross style. Might help them make the sale.
  9. Sorry I should have specified, it was definitely fan art, not a legit image.
  10. I thought I saw a pic somewhere of a YF-23 Blackwidow in Macross YF-21 colors. However my Google-fu has failed, and I don't seem to have saved a copy. Any one ever see it?
  11. SailCat

    Hi-Metal R

    Wasn't the first (new) Hi Metal line release the VF19Kai? Followed by the VF-1 and the improved VF19s? It's just an remold away for the YF19...
  12. SailCat

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks at hi-metal VF-19's..... How about a VF-11 this year?? Super and Protection versions for re-using the mold (max/Milla. Might even be able reuse some of the mold for a Mylene MAX version.... Then release a 11b ver and they can pump out a YF-19... Then BAM! YF/VF-22's for everyone!
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