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Everything posted by mamboeidos

  1. anyway finally manage to post.... for some reason my password has to be reset as usual n the email just send to me like 2 hrs ago when i request for it 8 hrs ago.... totally got my timing wrong thinking po is 1 hr later n not at 3pm japan time... 15 mins into 3pm n AMJ sold out... n i spend 2 hrs F5 with login issue at HLJ then finally managed to log in back item was sold out when i was checking out. with ami ami cart jacked after adding to cart after like an hr of F5 ... 2 hr of f5 going into thge 3rd saw the po open again and finally manage to order one from ami ami
  2. gone !
  3. Thanks man... So one day already n no cancellation letter should be gd to go then
  4. How do u know if ur ami ami order is confirm? I only received the acknowledgement email
  5. Damn it !!!! payment page screws me up again !!!!
  6. got cartjacked at checking out on the last page....
  7. I got one from amiami too...hope it dun cancel out on me....
  8. now at ami ami playing the spining game....
  9. I wont really recommend TFH unless u have too much money to burn... used to buy from them years ago but to cut it short, there are times when other than their price being on the higher side, stock get cut which i had encounter before... anyway they only have blue frame and with that price no different getting from NY which at least they delivery like for Karios case for DX macross
  10. u r late if u try to PO at P-bandai first before FJ... my FJ order got cancel even before P-bandai for my country announced the news. yes server crashing is for sure when it comes to hot items like metal build...... they just never learn cos y would they?
  11. yup...dun understand y they would do that by giving limited and low amt of stock to other asia market... n to make it worst it is instant sell out so u have to make a decision to get which item and forgo which item.... and if u r unlucky..... u dun manage to get any at all...
  12. damn~ nearly missed out on the blue frame having crashed on p bandai Singapore...... now where can i get the striker part since FJ cancel on me.....
  13. not sure since i decided to check it out today and happens to see it. now no more from amazon jp but other seller and they dun ship to my location. fair price better than higher price
  14. manage to order the red frame kai at PO price at amazon around 27k yen after shipping lucky me. Did they release more stocks or am i lucky?
  15. me too at big in japan...total cost plus shipping is less than NY or AE
  16. 25k yen? big in japan is cheaper..... luckily i already got it there...
  17. PB should be like the japan where if u click it from location other than the stated u will not be able to purchase it maybe unless u use a proxy or VPN?
  18. alright~ manage to get 00 riser at 280 USD with shipping after the server down for nearly an hr. Could have got myself a 2nd set but decided to let another collector like me to have a great day ahead after the frustration of server being down and hitting F5 non stop
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