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Everything posted by 68whiskey

  1. Is anyone else having fitment issues with their Armored Parts set? I have a Hayate 31AX from first batch pre orders , the Gatling guns do not fit the underside of the wing/folding arm cover at all. They fit the folding wing tip slot but not the arm cover slot. I really don’t want to open my second plane to display these. The tabs that mount to the wing look a little thicker than normal and the instructions are sub par and only show the mounting instructions for Gerwalk mode
  2. I didnt understand that either. No one asked for Bogue. I was expecting Chucks 31E or Arads before bogue. Not too sure why Bandai did that... then again , bandai doesnt listen to their customer base anyway.
  3. any time something is labeled as a "Garage Kit or Garage Build" its generally a resin DIY type kit. On a side note , has Nin Nin been doing the "Insufficient Shipping Charges" thing with anyone else?? They hit me with it on my Hayate 31AX Supers and Exia devise recently. $20 on supers and $13 on exia
  4. I forget who but someone makes a METEOR UNIT , its the same company that makes the Ptolemaois Pod and the other launch deck , the name eludes me right now. Playhouse or Bug house? *edit , it was megahouse https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character-gundam/74817-realistic-model-series-mobile-suit-gundam-00-ptolemaios-container-1144-limited-edition-megahouse-.html Bandai Spirits also has one , so I doubt MB line will get one soon as much as I would love to see one. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/206101
  5. ThreeZero actually launched two colors. One was white and red (anime) color and the other was silver and red (metallic). They also have a black shin getter in the works for 2023. Similar to the CCS black version , it will have a battle worn scarf as well. It’s on Nin Nin and Show Z currently.
  6. oooffff So Bogue and Mirage armored parts this year? Then super parts? My wallet is gonna take a beating here
  7. Its about time Bandai did something about Shin Getter. They have been losing money to those 3rd Party KOs and ThreeZero reps. The Threezero version was very well detailed for only being $150ish.
  8. F that guy , he displayed like 3 of them and the rest are sitting on his kitchen table in a box unopened. Also I say you buy the GN Arms , Im sure I can find a spare Exia to send you. I have a one armed exia Metal Build or I have can give you the KO exia from this kit I got. Bought it for the accessories really. https://gundamit.com/baile-model-gn001-hsa01-gundam-avalanche-exia_p1284.html Thank you, I think I was checking before it went live
  9. Uggghhhh I don’t know how I feel about the colors on that metal build desthscythe and he was one of my all time favs… when does the pre order for GN Arms go live ? I have $500 and a spare child to trade for 2
  10. I really hope there is an add on later for Dynames to include the shield bits. I feel like their were a prominent part of his arsenall in the second half of 00 Raiser. I believe they were also used in Trailblazer awakened but dont quote me on that since I havent touched that movie since 2014 *** just to clarify , this is going to be a limited run = brown card board protector or is this going to be a base sale item?
  11. I have an exai repair 4 i got for parts. I stole the exposed metal arm and swords from it . Id probably send you the one armed exia at shipping cost if you want it. You can also get a KO exia for $130 shipped these days.
  12. *flings money at screen* I may have to order two - three sets of this 😃
  13. Def worth it for the for the extra parrot accessory and extra cape parts. Those gold ish button cape pieces were easy to break. In case you want to throw a parrot or cape on the X3 or dual wield pistols this might be a good way to go.
  14. Agreed, being a collector is starting to lose its fun/enthusiasm. Also coupled with the lower amount of pre order stock and having to stay up late to try and order one before selling out has been a pain in the "donkey" . I dont understand why bandai made so few of the Strike Noirs
  15. The problem is that they know they have a solid fan base and people will buy it no matter what. Look at the horrible QC on the original Frontier line of toys. Bandai just re polished the turd and people are eating it up. They wont change anything until sales begin to drop significantly.
  16. I agree that the YF 29 has QC issues. I shelled out $300 for the 30th Anni yf29 and supers only to find the same problem with the arms as mentioned above. One of the wings also droops down when extended.
  17. Thats a tough one. The first freedom gundam came out in 2012 , back then Bandai set the bar real low. I own an MB freedom and the detail on this one looks better in my opinion since it has more panel lining. However its also an apples to orange comparison as this is their Chogokin line which is more on par with Robot Sprits in terms of detail and points of articulation.
  18. nIn isn’t a bad place . I use them often . Just be Warner’s there is a small chance they are going to shake you down for $10-15 just ass your item is ready to ship. It just happened to me with the Red Dragon Cavelwetch and V fin head set. 4th time it’s happened in many years with them
  19. That explains the brown box for the hi Nu & dynames but which Evas came in brown boxes ? I know some of them did because I have some boxes for The purple Eva and Red one. in terms of BBTS shipping . They sent a big box with a small box inside. No bubble wrap between those two. Inside the smaller box was the hi Nu floating around loosely in a bubble wrap sleeve. If I every buy anything from them again I’ll make sure to post pics , I already tore down the bigger box
  20. Just my opinion but I would skip. Its cool looking but the quality of the figure is more on par with Metal Robot Spirits line. This new Chogokin gundam line of theirs doesnt have the quality , points of articulation or detail that would justify that price. Wait til the novelty wheres off and people start reselling them for around $220 like they did with the RX model after the NIght Model dropped
  21. It really is. Poor shipping has always been a staple of who they are. Their solution? Offer a monthly charge for proper shipping. Sorry to dude who got his Hi Nu wrecked by LP but there have been quite a few posts about this. Can I vent about BBTS for a sec? unfortunately I ordered a Hi Nu from them (alcohol was involved otherwise I dont like ordering from them) and why is that they can never manage to send over the brown transport box like other vendors? I emailed their customer service who basically said " its how we get them " and offered no additional help. The issue I have is that they sent it over in this plastic wrapped film in a bubble sleeve thrown in a box. During the shipping it must have bounced around a lot and the front/back of the back are kind of warped. Just looking at the front of the box you you can see the bulge on the front/back from the plastic trays. Ive had similar issues with my Dyanames and Eva 00 I ordered from them. Has anyone else had issues like this with them?
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