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Everything posted by 68whiskey

  1. So is this a countdown til pre order or count down til further information? I dont think Ill get this giant brick because you really cant pose it but im curious to see what the cost on this will be.
  2. That was me , I bought 2 of them and I brought it up at some point in the comments and never got a reply. Then i totally forgot about it until now. I still have that second set just sitting a closet somewhere
  3. For those of you that bought Hi Nu and only wanted the shield without buying the bazooka , here you go https://gundamit.com/hm-model-lightning-shield-for-rx-93-2-hi-gundam_p3372.html
  4. I really wish they would have sold the Fan Racer separately. I really like the VF-1D but not enough to buy one now that its 350+ since I missed the boat on it. Is this the Mechanic Edition or whatever it is? Whats the story with this? Im not versed in Macross enough to know why its limited edition.
  5. Across the board the MB line has had more issues now than just regular joint issues in the past. I was pretty pissed when my Trans Am Raiser came in with paint defects and knubs. It was like i paid $400 for a KO or something. There has also been fitment issues with the spare hands , shoulders and some of the gimmicks on some of the MBs get stuck and dont move slowly. Justice was was brittle AF and the shoulder joint break or pop out of please easily too.
  6. Ok so they have just ignored me all together now. FYI to anyone thinking about shopping with them. I already bought another set on ebay. I just dont want these parts to get stupid expensive in 6 months like the MS Fin Funnels The first Amatsu Mina released in like 2015 was the one with joint issues. The Princess of the Sky ver wasnt bad. Bandais QC in general (Post Covid) has gone to s*** while the prices continue to go up. Luckily the two you are looking at are generally ok despite the above issue with the dragonics. Just buy them and dont look back
  7. I just double checked my Strike Noir to be sure but the Regular strike, Strike Rouge and STrike Noir share the same rear mount so it should work. I also have some of those MC KOs from ShowZ and Gundamit. It all comes down to how OCD you are because the quality is ok if you stand more than 24in away. Any closer and youll see the nubs , the blemishes , the uneven paint and the finger prints of whoever assembled it.
  8. No outer box. It was just Bandai transport box. I have been too unmotivated to open it. I contacted customer care and they didnt seem to care. Lesson learned but Ill probably sell the parts (without a box) in the marketplace soon.
  9. Remind me to never use DenDenHobby/Kurama Toys ever again. They shipped my Rewlula parts in 3 layers of bubble wrap and that’s it. This was the result
  10. Luna is price gouging , this is nothing new. For the money they charge you think you would get better packaging without paying their premium shipping membership. I get the LP girls need to go wine tasting and bar hopping (in case you missed the removed videos on their YT) but there are other ways to generate that fun money.
  11. Anyone else remember the fiasco that it was last time they introduced the Freedom 2.0 concept? First it was $400, then $350 and then $300 due to low interest. Its going to be interesting to see how they do as a "Limited" type item.
  12. Bandai dropping another BN FDX series statue Nu Vs Sazabi. When yall find the pre order links make sure to drop them here because I want one of these statues. https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2023/08/bnfdx-mobile-suit-gundam-vol2-rx-93-nu.html https://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=413412
  13. that white stand was cool if the plane was displayed by itself. If you added the super parts it would slide off with any movement if positioned in that tilted/banked position.
  14. Imaging if they did a Metal Structure Nightingale, the detail and paint on that would be insane! Nin Nin very rarely label anything as "Out Of Stock" . "Soon Available" is their way of saying its out of stock Bandai would pull a stunt like this or they would re release GN Arms Type D in that Dynames Green and charge more for it
  15. If you want to pose it in Gerwalk or Battroid I would get one. If you want to display it in plane mode I would not roll the dice on this unless its the latest issue. If you want a first release version ill sell you one of mine for $210 shipped
  16. Well it finally happened , on my third Hayate I got one that doesnt have any of the previously mentioned issues. Then I realized my second set of super also has the messed up tabs on the mini gun but everything else fits fine. Safe to say Im done with this line of bandai products
  17. When I have something from Hobby Genki/Okini / Nin Nin etc I usually hop on ebay and see what shipping fees are ranging from to mentally prepare myself.
  18. Its this mentality that got us to where we are today. If bandai knows that people will buy whatever turd they put out , they will keep doing it. Until they take a hit at the bank account , they would fix anything.
  19. Too Many joints... the arms/legs are attached to the main body via this weird bar system and when you put the armor on the range of motion gets limited. Look at this video at 2:45-2:55 and youll see it. Its cool but unless its on that stand you might not get the advertised range of motion. the rear lower leg armor pops off with any movement too and the rear mid back thrusters are nice and wobbly.
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