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Everything posted by 68whiskey

  1. Its sad but we all know Bandai likes to sell options and accessories separate. We can probably expect a C1 kit or a Zeta Plus Hummingbird style option parts in the near future
  2. Hey This isnt a personal attack on your favorite MB but more or less an internet opinion as to how the providence has limited range of motion/articulation when the backpack is applied. This is in comparison to every other MB unit that has a backpack accessory.
  3. Defend the brick how you will , its seems pretty limited compared to a lot of the other gundams and reviews I have seen. I was just using it as an example as to people shelled out the cash for it
  4. The conversion rate of 40k yen is like $280-300 give or take. If this stays in a similar price range before P Bandai and others charge their misc fees it seems like a sound purchase. Over the last year I have noticed 2 things that need to be said right now 1) Every one has wanted a Zeta for a while and now its here , why are people getting cold feet? 2) I like how every one is complaining about the 40k yen price tag but some of you here did not hesitate to buy that MB Providence brick. I say if you like the Zeta, then buy it. Regret it later
  5. I was too lazy to take quality photos but here is Bandai (left) vs KO (right). I have all 3 shields and they all have slightly different shades. The KO being the most off white then the option parts shield then the polka dot shield. Bandais shades off white are a lot closer to matching though.
  6. I ordered one too just to see what it was like. I was kind of surprised that it turned out quite well in terms of paint & quality. In terms of Bootleg factor its a very close replica to the real one.
  7. ^^^ this is the real truth Im not too sure what bandai is trying to achieve with this video. A lot of their stuff comes from their existing MG line Intellectual Property. They are coming through with some revolutionary new designs, they are just re hashing most of the same stuff in different colors or a few different panels. Aside from Kampfer or Justice we havent had anything really new recently.
  8. Can one of you transformers fans give me ballpark figure of what to sell a Threezero Nemesis Prime DLX figure for? Supposedly they only ever made 1000 of them and I doubt they are selling for $1100 + tax (As listed on ebay). WHats a decent price to list it for? https://www.threezerohk.com/product/nemesis-prime-dlx-scale-collectible-figure-limited-edition-by-threezero/
  9. https://www.threezerohk.com/product/premium-shattered-glass-optimus-prime/ out of curiosity, were any of you able to get this ThreeZero Premium Shattered Glass Optimus? It just popped up and disappeared everywhere
  10. I def have a spare MB Nu Gundam and a Spare Bazooka Launcher set if you are legit for realsies interested. No RX 78 because thats GFFMC and I only have Wing/Death Scythe in that category. Slide into the inbox when you are ready to talk numbers. Also looking to list a Bandai VF-1S Roy soon too if interested.
  11. ill support this project, put me down for a finished set.
  12. so if im seeing it right , its the old QANT design with a few diff decals, an extra sword and a blue base? I wonder if the armor pieces are removable on this like they were on the previous QANT. Given the way this is a JP exclusive lottery item, the scalpers are going to be well fed when this drops
  13. Thanks, I must have not been able to find it on P bandai. $380 + tax + ship is still rough with an inial $310 price Kinda hoping this ends up on Anime Export or something
  14. After some research i stand corrected. Its Aurora Battler whatver that is Yeah thats the one. Bandai recycling the same frame and similarities
  15. People are still buying from the thieves at LP ???
  16. isnt this the same as the blue one they just dropped with a diff backpack accessory? Bandai doing the same thing to Code Geass as its doing to gundam and macross lol
  17. I ended up buying that KO justice and for the price its not bad. Came with a few broken items to be glued back and weak wrists but its a great alternative to the $300 bandai version. The Fatum also has rear thrusters that pull out when you open the flaps and it has clear smoke pieces for the guns in the front. https://gundamit.com/heixiu-model-paralyzed-warrior-series-mb-pirate-gundam_p5512.html There is also an alternative for the MB Crossbone X1 now too
  18. That Zeta looks pretty cool , the 1.5 is kind of mid tho. It walks a fine line between MB and MRS in terms of quality Detail. Its left in the shadow of the Zeta lol
  19. https://sugotoys.com.au/product/bandai-nu-gundam-accessories/ for anyone that needs MS Fin Funnels , Sugo has them for $450 which is cheaper than the $600 plus tax that they are on ebay
  20. The V1 band is pretty rough tho
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