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Everything posted by 68whiskey

  1. Speaking of the GUndam Factory Rx-78 , have the Illuminated versions dropped anywhere other than ebay yet? Im not ready to pay $400 + tax for one
  2. I mean , I want to act surprised but Bandai is about to milk the F out the Crossbone molds by the looks of things. Question is are they dropping another Full Cloth or an accessory kit for a different crossbone
  3. Anyone get that DLX Shattered Glass Soundwave? If so can you please share some pics ?
  4. Just found this thread. I just received my 1/72 Strike and all the reviews are correct. Its of poor quality Also now I need to buy a KO Snow White gundam
  5. If any one is thinking about getting that new 1/72 MoShow Strike , don't do it. It looks cool but you cant see all the tape I used to hold it together lol. It comes with weak/flimsy torso and wobbly hip joints. It looks cool but it may not stand up properly under its own power. When it arrived it was missing Grand Slam so i don't have it to display. QC was just as bad as the 2017 release they did , this one has way better paint on it though.
  6. The GFFMC version of the unicorn where early models in the GFFMC line. Most of the GFFMC line suffered from weak joints , hands that didnt stay in place and general QC inconsistencies, quality wasnt really fixed until the GFFMC Wing gundam came out. I bought the first GFFMC unicorn build and Final Battle version. I kept the final battle version because the colors on it are awesome but it lives in the box due to poor posability. I hope that if the Metal Build line launches one that it will have far better quality than the GFFMC line did. Also Im quoting this because I want to see you bite a Metal Build Unicorn
  7. Yes I checked , then I checked my notification settings also. Not sure why they stopped. Glad im not alone. Im using an Ikea Regissor Glass door cabinet. If I use the stands I get it about 1/3 full , if I dont use stands I can get half of the collection in there. If i wanted to display everything properly I would need 3 . They are front heavy and need to be drilled into the wall to avoid tipping , so Ive been hesitant to get the other 2. My collection is missing -Original 00 Raiser trans am -Exia Avalanche (just didnt care for it) -Gerbera powered arms set. -White Astraea test maneuver parts In terms of KO I have -Metal Club Kashatriya with funnel effects -Inactive Strike Freedom & Inactive Destiny - Strike Freedom "Soul Blue" - Strike GTX -Teal Strike Freedom - Trans Am Raiser - Raiser Plane with sword pack and more -Metal Club Sinanju 1/100 & Sazabi 1/72 As you can see this repressed childhood obsession becomes a problem when you grow up and get a good job and an adult bank account. This all could have been prevented had my parents just bought me the gundam stuff I wanted instead of forcing that lame Star Wars crap on me lol
  8. P Bandai & Big Bad Toy STore are notoriously slow when it comes to shipping. Also how do I go about getting notification emails?I have my alerts turned on but they arent showing up?
  9. What is IBO MRS and which lupus rex did you buy? Are you talking about that "Metal Myth Dragon King" lupus knock off? The stand base has unique designs which are cool but the stupid arm that is included makes it hard to put in display cases or balance properly. This is why I wish someone would make a small clear 2-3 in adapter just like what the Metal Build Strike includes or the Gold Frame Astray. That way I can display my MB figure without having 12-15in high figure in a cabinet that only has 15in space between shelves. If bandai could start adding/selling the display stand pictured below, that would be great. You think they would have by now considering every Exia to date has had weak hips joins and its hard to pose them without a stand. https://twitter.com/amiami_english/status/1141999871710261248 Couldnt insert photos from link , so here is link
  10. Hey Sqidd , here is the size comparison I promised you lol. I also hate the MB stands for the most part. I do like the mini stands that the Strike and Gold Frame Amatsu come with. If you make smaller stands out me down for a few
  11. Their attempt was more about "Saving Face" on a public forum. I also got a nice lesson from them about forum etiquette as well. Its slightly smaller, less detailed and less articulation than a metal build. Same weight thought. If I have time later today Ill pull out the Chogokin RX78 and take some pictures next to my Exias or Strikes for comparison. I thought it was part of the " Chogokin" line given that yellow box in the upper left corner of the package?
  12. I have trust issues with Luna Park because they have burned me in the past. Do we even have a release date on that so far or do I just need to keep an eye on ebay?
  13. I have ordered most of my metal builds from Nin Nin and have had only one issue. That issue was more related to the shippers that the company. Overall I have had a good experience with them since 2018
  14. L-O-L not quite what I was looking for but it does the job. I was more or less trying to figure out what time is it in the US when its 4PM in tokyo. I also think we are ahead of them time wise right? Not sure if its the flash in the photos or the quality of that metal build but that Justice looks like its a China KO . I hope the actual in person finished product is a lot better.
  15. First go around it will be Justice + Space Station Jabber next release will have them both sold separate. Then after that they will release it again at some BS tamashii event or Comic Com ….. sold separate of course
  16. Lol i doubt the strike parts will fit , looks like they rebooted the Freedom frame for Justice. We will find out on Jan when it drops
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Hobby-Dendrobium-Universal-Century/dp/B00030EU9Y You mean kind of like this or a metal build version? Bandai needs to pull their heads out of their JDM a**es and drop the Metal Build GN Arms Type E they teased a while ago. They have done the R&D so they might as well sell it https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2019/07/metal-build-concept-model-01-gn-arms.html
  18. It seems like GFFMC got their s*** together with these tri stars. Im glad I drunk ordered 3 of these because they do not have the weak joints or quality control issues that their predecessors did. They put a lot more detail into these and the maneuverability backpack and leg parts look really good with the paint scheme. Im too scared to put numbers on mine though.
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