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Everything posted by Numbninja

  1. holy cow...this is ridiculous
  2. yes i am aware sir...he showed proto-type of this version in grey....he said it was heavy and mentioned weight, packaging and everything.....i have it in my whatsapp feed
  3. yes sir....i don't mind it, as long as they keep making em this good. A guy i communicated with who sells Gundam kits and models from china. I was talking to him about how great their quality was...then he told me they were working on nz-666, about 3 months later he had pics...sadly he no longer works at the online store...bummer well, i said rumor as their is no concrete information that its a moshow/poison production. this was mentioned to me 7-6 months ago however. you have a very deep rooted knowledge, so i have no reason to doubt you on this. I just hope i can afford it.
  4. Its rumored to be Moshow/poison/vientiane toys...quality should be top notch
  5. https://youtu.be/ZJvbxArCexo
  6. wow...that looked like a fun transformation too
  7. its on Showzstore..price is 259usd now
  8. holy jesus....is that the 1/100 mb...is there a link to po this badass?
  9. does TF-source charge cc upfront for po items?
  10. revenge of the sweatshop workers
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