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Everything posted by Numbninja

  1. Yes sir, but i mostly browse Macross stuff here. i was wondering in total how many toys they plan to release for a complete kuro kara line. Yes you are right about star saber not making its may launch date, must be frustrating for those who paid upfront . As for me, i don't mind as it gives me time to budget for it, providing tfsource has it up for po.
  2. Flame toys reusing the molds on kuro line, first drift with repaint for sg, now tarn's got the fallen with slight modifications and repaint, i wonder what they will do with star saber??? a black and gold/red/silver/white etc version would be sick tho... how much toys does this line consist of btw?
  3. too funny
  4. Its listed on their twitter sir....also they did a interview with a online publication and the writer mentioned that the amount of toys, popular soc, mb, etc they had sitting in their studio that they did the engineering for that they got no credit for was mind blowing. but with that nda, gotta keep it on the hush.
  5. Just a few days ago....i found out that T-Rex does the engineering for a bunch of bandai's toys, the vf-31 included. these guys are awesome, i'd like to know their methods on how they approach these things.
  6. Wow....it kinda works for me as i had spent alot this year on the hobby....but i kinda feel relief yet somewhat disappointment. Thanx Sir
  7. I never checked sales here or any other site...i need to look into this thanx sir
  8. Much respect sir...thanx, i will prepare my mind and body for this
  9. i didn't know that...thanx sir
  10. Hey good folks...i'm trying my darnedest to get my hands on po of this toy....i know its been said it should be available on launch day, but will it be scalpers or bandai putting out additional items for grabs....i really want this
  11. are you sure SG Drift will be released in March? i thought it was this month @@Kuma Style
  12. you are on point with that observation.....its like she was punching underwater....it lacks impact
  13. the eyes seem smaller than toy previously show...i liked the eyes bigger on the toy imo, still hope to get one when it gets released tho...
  14. is kyo wearing nike airforce
  15. @Scylathis is tf at its finest...and Prime v3 def looking like a moble suit indeed here's more artuculation
  16. more star saber goodness, the articulation is splendid as expected.
  17. they don't animate like they used too...uc looks good tho...but i agree with it being some what cold, sterile is a bit harsh
  18. what was this guy posting....I'm curious to see what all the salivating was all about
  19. he comes with additional head...he looks amazing
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