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Everything posted by Numbninja

  1. Is it upfront payment for po on 3zero page for ingram?
  2. Is it upfront payment?
  3. Is the moshow QAN(T) still available for purchase....i accidentaly broke 1 of the fin on his head...plus i really love it enough to get a 2nd
  4. Vientiane toys.....i hope this gets teleased by end of yr early 2020. Just beautiful
  5. Does any one here knows of a good chinese company that create molds?
  6. Is motor nuclear moshow/poison toys/ vientiane toys...it has feel of their aesthetics, i hope i'm right but then i would be a bit concerned...they have been doing alot of renditions of figures but none seems to have been updated beyond grey prototype stage.
  7. Any recent news from moshow/ poison toys/ vientiane toys....i get excited for anything they offer
  8. Do you think the mc strike freedom is worth getting? Havent seen any review of deactive mode
  9. Thank you for responding...however the issue i have is i don't have anything in my cart or anything recently pre ordered....i log into amiami and a item will be in cart for checkout and it will be random figures like nendroids or statues and now mafex, very strange..wonder if its a bug?
  10. I got payment notification from amiami...but i noticed whenever i don't visit their website for a while something is always in my shopping cart to checkout that i didnt even add to cart much less interested in....its bothering me and kinda reluctant to do any purchase...has anyone experienced this?
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