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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well it typically takes a few days for any raws to come out on the BDs. So it's a bit early yet...
  2. They key is trying to get a quality AVI or MKV of the video since both are lossless formats. From that video editors like VSO's Convert X works great. Your vista problems are the main reason why i've never upgraded...
  3. Well actually. Max's "I broke the Battle 7" pose...
  4. Deify?? I somehow doubt the PC were Vajra fanboys... The race was pivotal to their advancement and ultimately their ability to colonize much of the galaxy. They feared the Vajra because they understood what instantaneous fold communication could mean to their civilization if controlled by malevolent hands or if they pissed off these beings with naturally occurring SD organs and the destructive power they could muster from that source! I recall no deification of the Vajra, fear of them, yes....
  5. So do I if only it was "Macross TV" on "the TV", it would be perfect!
  6. He was a womanizer and it affected his performance...sheesh, I thought everyone knew....
  7. Actually for a static painted figure it's not really that outrageous...
  8. Explains why Roy was so good in the VF-1! If you can handle the Moose, it's easy to control the Squirrel...
  9. Very nice!!! You always come up with the coolest stuff... I wanna be like you when I grow up.....someday...
  10. Where did you get that picture of the custom from?
  11. Really? What happened to the Galaxy fleet? Where is Mao Nome and Grace's cohorts? Are the Vajra still in danger of expoitation?, etc... There are still quite a few open ended questions that "Your Song" never touched on... I agree that a side story ala Dynamite would be preferable to a clip show, regardless of how mind numbingly cool the CG anime would be...
  12. It is somewhat disappointing that the love story was "lifted" from Roman Holiday. Oh well "there is nothing new under the sun"... It does explain the apparent "knee jerk" change in Hibiki's affections though. Roman Holiday didn't have a love triangle in it....
  13. Hmm, good point.
  14. #2 Probably a DVD-9 since they are very popular in Asia and becoming so in the West. #3 If you have a standard TV there will be bars, since the show was produced for Hi Def broadcast in Japan (16:1 aspect ratio).
  15. Considering the VF-11B figures are apparently sold out in Japan, it might be a strong indicator to Yamato that the demand for the fighter is still quite high. Yammie is already lined up repaints of both the VF-19A and the VF-11B in their smaller figure toys, so could transformables be far behind? We'll have to wait and see...
  16. Well considering the success of MF and the fact that Bandai is doing their own figures for the series, I'd expect CMS to be planning more figures. I hope they go the way of other toy manufacturers and start doing things like the sailor outfit Minmay, the Valkgirl outfit Minmay, Mac II and Mac Zero characters. What I really want to see is a series of 1/6 scale pilot helmets from all the series' and more cockpits! Though I suspect any new series will have the iconic Minmay in it somewhere...
  17. Well Yammie is expanding it's Mac Plus mecha figure line. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/011463/ http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/011463/01.html They will have a second VF-11B and the VF-19A Ravens color schemes...
  18. Would it not be easier to do said translations and then check each other's work or appoint an editor to fine tune the work? I do like the idea and it's long overdue, to be sure...
  19. I don't recall multiple NMC's personally (yet that may still be the case) however I do recall at least 3 City ships in the Mac 5 fleet (unless that was Spacy's first experiment with multiple civilian vessels which ultimately led to the Island cluster colony ships).
  20. True. Trying to emulate the Q-Rau battroid in a transforming fighter was definitely ambitious.
  21. So then the New Macross Class colony ship includes the islands + city+ New Macross Carrier, correct? The question for many seems to be how are the city+NMC is differentiated between the island cluster + NMC?
  22. I dunno, I wonder if it isn't a dig at HG and the Mospeada series... However, how are we to know that the Spacy Marines haven't been using exo-suit power armor since after SW1? If ground pounders have to take on giants it would make sense to give them as much help as possible... I like the fact that Macross doesn't give too much away. It gives us fans a lot of empty spaces to ponder in....
  23. If I remember correctly, sketchley once described the word as literally meaning "Inspection" however with a conotation or implication toward "supervision". Now "Inspection" may be the closer literal translation, however if we literally translated Japanese into English it would sound like gibbersh, as the sentence structures are very different. The same goes with words. In English the idea of "inspection" is often inclusive in the term "Supervision" or supervisor. Thus for English speakers to better understand the term, I can understand why the army was termed "Supervision Army" for the English audiences initially. The PC didn't "worship" the Vajra, but they did admire and envy them quite a bit. It isn't clear whether the space whales are natural creatures or PC constructed, however with the existence of the Vajra, it does make one wonder... I tend to entertain the notion that the SA are fleets of PC and Zentreadi who have come out of their mind controlled states and are simply fighting for their very lives. The Zentreadi are the agressors and the SA are simply fighting to keep from being wiped out of existence by a relentelss foe. Thus far we've never seen an SA attack on a colony fleet, only Zentreadi.
  24. Geperunitch appeared to have similar capabilities to the Vajra capital ships with tentacles and the like. His actual weapon systems is somewhat unclear outside of apparent fleet command capabilities. Gigile appears to be a sub-commander with a built in dimension eater weapon. Sivil is the most obvious (to me anyway), a S&D unit. She is capable of infiltration as well as anti-fighter capabilities. These two appear to be an anti-capital ship team. Glavil seems to be the scout & targetting, while Gavil is the big guns and large enough to take on capital ships. Valgo strikes me as a strike team type of unit. Able to fold in and attack with swarming sub-units and then folding out once the damage is done. * Not sure the purpose of this unit outside of a plot device to bring back Valgo to the show... These two remind me of a tandem artillery team capable of bombarding an enemy position with superior firepower. --------------
  25. The PD were ethereal creatures from the Super Dimension that possessed the EVIL series bio-weapons during a malfunction of their SD organs (what powered the weapons of the EVIL series). The EVIL series (IIRC) were developed to deal with the ongoing civil war at the time. Essentially the final escalation of weaponry that became the ultimate demise of their civilization...
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