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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Why are we talking about Gundam in a Macross news thread???
  2. IMO, if you can survive the repetitious first 20 episodes, you'll find the meat of the story in the second season... Really?!!! We had no idea...
  3. BTW, is there actually going to be two versions of the VF-25? One fighter version and another that transforms from Battroid to GERWALK?
  4. OK, you are making the assumption that the Japanese "think" like Americans, first mistake! BigWest has no interest in making deals with partner companies of Tatsunoko, and HG and Toynami are exactly that. BW would rather loose money than give a dime indirectly to Tatsunoko or its partners. Yamato and Bandai have many ways of marketing Macross merchandise in North America.a True it may not be a large a market share as they could have, but this is about the honor of the IP rights holder and both Yamato and Bandai understand that. Deal with reality. So long as HG blocks Macross productions from US shores we will be paying more. If you want that changed you better start some sort of letter writing campaign to convince HG to relinquish it's erroneous trademark on the name "Macross". Because BigWest isn't interested.
  5. It's looking mighty fine so far...
  6. Not exactly. They have an autonomous colonial government aboard the Frontier. It is most likely that the UNG is now more of a federal body with member colony worlds (fleets) participating in it. The federal laws are passed and the member worlds abide by them in exchange for collective support from the Federal Government. Such as providing a military presence for their protection and allowing them access to the Galaxy Network. The Galaxy was corporately funded and thus runs like a corporation (an oligarcy) with no democratic representation for the populous. It also allows them to skirt around any laws regarding implants and the like since the Galaxy fleet would be considered the private property of the Galaxy consortium of investors. I think Kawamori was trying to show the audience how multi-national corporations operate in our global society.
  7. You are correct, my bad...
  8. I think you mean the F-16MAXL (Maximum Lift). I disagree. The VF-19A has been used by Spacy, but most likely predominately used by the UNAF. The VF-19F/S are space optimized for the stellar fleet and as already stated their fixed wings reflect that. Yes, the SV-51 has influenced the final design of the VF-27 particularly with the vectored thrust vanes that make up its feet.
  9. Hmm I'll have to find that episode and re-watch it. I don't recall any indication that he returned to his Evil series body, but it's been a while...
  10. The Kite is the symbol for the UNG, not SPACY. That's like saying the US Airforce logo should be on every F-15 and not the US flag insignia.
  11. When I get my copies of Macross Frontier Materials, I'll let everyone know if this is the definitive line art book or not...
  12. Thanks, but be careful not to post too many of those right now. The book is still in print and I'm sure we all would like to see more Macross productions. Don't wanna dilute BigWest's profits....
  13. I always thought he died with the body when he ate Rax... When did he leave the body?? Which brings up the other ultra stretch of disbelief that the spiritia PD beings were capable of utilizing the EVIL series' powers from human host bodies while the actual EVIL series bodies remained in stasis....
  14. Good point. Keep in mind that UNSpacy has an Airforce, Marines, and a Stellar Navy. So it is conceivable that Kawamori really hadn't considered that the VF-19 could be the mainline fighter for the UNAF and only a SOC fighter for the stellar navy, when explaining why (in universe) it didn't appear in Mac F.
  15. Like the underside angle of the VF-4. Truly a beautiful plane. Too bad the battroid looks so fugly! Nice scans! Anymore?
  16. The NMC25 looked fairly standard to the general appearance of previously seen warships. The noticable differences are in the components that make up the Attacker mode, shoulders in particular and the gun emplacements. The NMC21 looks like a standard NMC superstructure with modifications. The Galaxy fleet was corporately sponsored so it was outside the standard government conventions with respect to fleet construction. In the Macross universe, it is common to immediately change things on cap ships or fighters with new technology all the time. So various differences between the ships is to be expected IMO.
  17. You are aware that they are just decals right? You heat them up and they peel right off...
  18. I agree that 007 doesn't have anymore meaning than Micheal's or Luca's plane numbers. It's just a plane number as far as we know. There are plenty of overt references to Mac 2 in Frontier, but nothing substantial that would put it as a recognized story in the Nue continuity.
  19. Whatever you fix, I'd like a copy to add to my personal collection of DVDs...
  20. I believe someone used that model photo as a basis for a similar image of the YF-19 in the rain. A very cool looking pic...
  21. Not sure what you are referring to there bud... Yeah Gimp is great for fairly simple editing. I use it at work for cropping and editing digital photos...
  22. Too many legal tendrils attached to that insignia, unfortunately...
  23. "A" battle took place or rather "battle footage" was broadcast to Frontier. To what extent is really unknown. It's another one of Kawamori's enigmas. We are told that Frontier was "set up" by Grace and her faction, who also controlled the Battle Galaxy. Did the Battle G provoke a fight and then beat it? Was the broadcast footage seen by Frontier real or staged for their benefit? The Frontier forces never reached the site where the Galaxy was allegedly fighting, so we simply don't know whether the battle footage was real or not... Not sure what you are saying there dude??? Mac F wouldn't reference Mac 2 since it's outside the Nue continuity. There were a few visual and throw away homages to Mac 2, but no historical references made as with other Nue stories.
  24. You limit their numbers and if it's a playable race, it will take a LOT of resources and research to finally be able to make one. Another way is to treat them like a small cap ship which requires several research modules to be built before any can be available on the tech tree for production.
  25. Chronologically by production, the Chronicle has it right. FB2012 was essentially a music video compilation, not an actual production unto itself. IIRC, most if not all of the Megaroad sequence was already storyboarded for DYRL, but never animated in time for its theatrical release. Whether SK recognizes M2 or not is not relevant to the franchise as a whole. Only to the Nue continuity.
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