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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I am wondering if they are saving any VF-25 and mecha lineart for a special book, because so far it's been very sparse!
  2. Always a treat watching WM Cheng work his magic....
  3. Yeah I know, I couldn't find any suffix support for it, but I tossed it out there as a stretch... I still think it stands for "New" however, I suspect it was tacked on as a suffix to maintain the recognizable designation of SDF. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it until otherwise corrected by official media...
  4. One thing that came to mind is the "N" could possibly stand for "Neo" as in the Super Dimension Fortress Neo (aka New or newborn). Nu would have used the Greek letter as seen in the NUNS insignia.
  5. That explains a LOT! Rail guns are capable of turning their projectiles into a plasma mass given to sufficient speed of the accelerated shot.
  6. Considering how vast the Galaxy is, it isn't likely the Zentreadi are sought out (they tend to find us.. ). Humanity has concentrated most of its efforts on colonization to avoid genocide of the species...
  7. Nevermind....
  8. The Vajra markings are clearly natural, however it would not surprise me if the PC adopted the markings as their Republic insignia, since it bears a strong resemblance to a simplistic galaxy picture anyway.
  9. It is my personal belief that the SA are split into two camps. Those who are still under PD mind control and blindly fighting the Zentreadi and another who've woken up and are simply fighting for their very lives! As for any pictures of SA not being found that is not surprising, as they are even more visually enigmatic than the PC. However it isn't a huge stretch to believe that they may possess both Zentreadi and bio-mecha (AFOS), though nothing as advanced as the EVIL series were... Since all their gear was co-opted from the equipment they used at the time of their mental control. I suspect we may never see the PC and if we ever do, it will be in the form of a SA PC commander. The PC are a near extinct race and I suspect SK likes keeping them a mystery. Adds to the magic that is Macross...
  10. I find it ironic that the average NA anime fans have no idea how much is fixed before a title finally gets released here...
  11. Well considering Minmay is one of his favorite characters to draw, it was probably the only way to get him to come back to doing a Manga in the franchise. Not to mention Minmay is one of the most enduring characters of SDFM. 25 years later she is still very popular....
  12. To be fair I own the Emotion R2 release of the movie and the video quality is the same! Manga had a POS transfer to work with and all they did was dub, sub and sell it as it was. The remastered edition is so superior to the original releases of the OVAs and Movie for both Japan and North America!
  13. On Tokyotoshan?
  14. Zinjo

    Space Render

    Aren't those from the "M.A.T. Sky Angels Volume #3 : Extra Journal : VF-1 Valkyrie"?
  15. Hey guys, does anyone have a down and dirty translation of the Q&A's in Memories 2059? Just curious...
  16. Charts could also go generationally. Gen 1- VF-0 -> VF-1 Gen 2- VF-4 -> VF-??? etc... Just a thought...
  17. Official File # 2 has more mecha and character bits in it...
  18. Agreed. We can start a discussion thread based on the translations of the Chronicle found in this thread.
  19. Check for new codecs....
  20. Most likely. However, if there is a way to encode their mode via their behavior button that would certainly help in dealing with when they transform. Like when they are in "guard" behavior they are all in battroid. when in agressive they are in fighter, etc...
  21. Hmmm, well that tosses out that theory.... Thanks for the clarification sketchley
  22. I'm still not convinced on that. I suspect the SDF designation refers to an SDFN escourt warship and the Megaroad is the designation of the colony vessel or the collection of the two. Much like Macross 7 included the NMC 7 and the City 7. Hopefully Chronicle will finally put that question to rest...
  23. Yeah that's a tough one. It could be both "New" and "Navy", however previous naming conventions lean me toward "New" as in New generation of Macross Class SDFs. The original was a rebuild, not a scratch built ship...
  24. If you are referring to this thread, that may well be, since in all cases the inquiry is redirected to the myriad of Mac 7 threads on these boards that go into minute details and debates over said details of the show. The first few posts are nearly always a summary similar to what's been posted here.
  25. Maybe so, but that can be attributed to a language that is not familiar with the pronounciation of a foreign name. Hell Eureka was pronounded Erireka in Eureka 7. Only one VA actually knew how to pronounce it right and she had a bit part half way through the show. Both Michael and Eureka have non-phonetic spellings and could easily confuse a non-English speaker... so the VA's did the best they could with how they thought the name should be pronounced. Have to give the writers credit for not sticking to Japanese names in the show...
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