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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. DVD or Bluray?
  2. Dude that is excellent work!!! Any chance of Hires picture versions of this fine model? Please include flight shots. Mighty fine!!
  3. Actually the Macross segment of RT is one of the most popular, so I don't think adding that term will affect traffic. If it does Marchalongcassidy will be getting tons of fanboy messages trying to change the names to "Veriwreck" and the like...
  4. Keep in mind the Valkyrie is the iconic fighter of SW1, so all surviving humanity would relate any variable fighter as a Valkyrie since everyone under the UNG would know what was being talked about. As for Destroid pilots, I suspect that both the Army and Marines were trained in them before SW1. We do see destroids aboard the Macross and that is a naval vessel. In the 2040's I'd suspect that destroid pilots could be made up largely of washed out VF pilots. If Gamlin's training was any indicator, the standards are fairly high.
  5. Christmas is coming after all. I recently upgraded and I haven't installed all the peripheral drivers for my gear yet. I plan to do so over Christmas and get back to some scanning...
  6. If a name change is a reasonable possibility, something like the "Visual Macross Mecha Manual" or "Macross Visual Mecha Manual" would be descriptive enough to get search engine hits. Since the site is the graphical contemporary to the mainly text Macross Compendium. Just a thought.
  7. Very nice work. Though, I am not a fan of the clouded canopy personally.
  8. Pfft, why would anyone need "expert" advise...
  9. When working with digital transfers there is no quality loss unless you compress the video with a codec. It is possible to get a 1:1 rip of the DVD, however it will be the same size as what's on the DVD (which is about 5 - 7GB these days). That would be the maximum quality you could hope for from a DVD as it is also compressed from a higher definition master (35mm film or HD video). To get a proper remaster, BigWest needs to first get a near perfect print of the film. Take a lossless transfer of it digitally and then clean up that transfer digitally (like what was done with the Indiana Jones trilogy). After which they will have a file probably in the range of about 100 - 150GB. Then they'll need to do any edits (additions like the Angel Paint ending, etc...) Once the movie is color corrected, enchanced, any new audio tracks added and finalized, then it is ready for DVD and Bluray transfers, which will shrink the masters down to the appropriate sizes. The quality will be there as it's better to down grade a very high resolution video file, than to upgrade a lower resolution one to a higher resolution. I think the remastered version was probably done in Japan were there is limited experience with digital film restoration, unlike the US. I am surprised that they didn't tap Animeigo to do their remastering. They did a hell of a job on the SDFM remaster and they had much less to work with!
  10. Looks kinda fun... Mecha basketball. It can't be anymore strange a premise than surfing mecha. Eureka 7 turned out to be pretty good!
  11. Well he's officially Michael Blanc with Michel as his nick-name. How the Japanese VA's pronounced it is really no longer an issue since the proper name has been published.
  12. Actually all that is really needed is for someone with lots O' cash to pay for a good dub or at least a coherent subtitle track and then sell said items to Bandai Visual to include with the Bluray releases. Essentially the R2 International version of Mac Plus did this with the subs and dubs made by Manga Ent. With the North American market essentially blocked from Macross branded productions, this is the only way around the blockade for Bigwest (outside of growing the stones to fight for their rightfully owned trademark).
  13. Do you mean Michael Blanc???
  14. I don't believe so. Hikaru was made flight leader and given command over Max and Kakizaki. Whether that included a rank increase I can't honestly remember...
  15. Pretty good marketing idea. By then much of Macross fever will be cooling off. Perfect time to turn the fire back up... Though with that much time, it makes one wonder if it will be a re-telling indeed or if they are considering doing a Dynamite type side story...
  16. That's unusual. I bought an Asian version of Howl's Moving Castle and not only was it a camera bootleg, but the subs looked like they were translated by a marine, with all the cussing coming from characters...
  17. Why do I get the feeling that the logo is actually Polidred's illustrator version that he did did early last summer. I've seen it pop up on a few websites along with a couple of the early wallpapers I did... I'd have to see it up close to know for sure. As for Chinese knock offs, be sure not to pay more than $10 because that's all they'd be worth. I've taken to downloading torrents of the quality subtitled versions and burning on to standard DVD using VSO's "Convert X". At least that way I'm getting the best translations out there, shy of professional efforts. Of course I am also getting the Bluray discs from Japan...
  18. That's assuming they even care to recover the fighters. These are simplistic fighters piloted by clones....
  19. It stands to reason that the Macross Cannon also served as a surface launch deck since the ship was designed to attach to the ARMD space carriers not the Prometheus. Thus a need for surface launch capablilities were needed while in an atmosphere.
  20. Yeah, but she was bad....
  21. Look at what you get for $810.00! 4 -Klan Klein figure 4 -Sheryl figures 4 -Ranka figures 10- Nyan Nyan Bowls 24 - towels (4 types) 24 - mini-figures (4 types) 30 - mecha figures That's quite a bit. Hell the figures alone are worth about 6000 yen total... This looks more like a promotional set for stores as opposed to retail customers.
  22. Dude the Sheryl and Ranka's are definitely worth getting! The mini-mechas are cool too. Wonder when they'll be out individually?
  23. Yes the spelling is correct. It's from the Russian "SVD Dragunov" sniper rifle. I like the direction this has taken in the universe. Shinsei Industries et al still develop the new fighters, but their final development is handled by localized colony industries. I suspect the final design specs are then sent back to Shinsei or NUNS for official designations. Hence the Galaxy's VF-27 which took a more modern design direction along the VF-19 & VF-22 generation lines, whereas the VF-25 took more vintage design cues from the earlier VF designs with mission specific bolt on weapons packs. The intriguing idea is that the base YF-24 design could spawn several versions based on the same airframe. Ranging from a basic VF-24 fighter through to the ultra advanced VF-27 design.
  24. Possibly a copy error or misunderstanding by the Bandai marketing group who put together the kit manual.
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