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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I'm pretty much of the same opinion...
  2. VF-400 Lazarus... Love the name, very appropriate! Although, I am not sure Shinsei would be going retro in their designs. However some colony industry and LAI might consider resurrecting the VF-4 design (particularly a space based colony)....
  3. Upconvert what? The resolution is already there, the big question is how large is the grain size on the print, which may or may not show up during a higher res scan. not to mention any injuries the film has sustained over the years.
  4. I'm pretty sure Gilliam was SMS007, Alto just took over the plane after Gilliam died. They could very well be cannon fodder planes, or a flight team we didn't see during the series...
  5. I agree. VHS tapes were still being sold for about the first 6-7 years DVD was available. Since DVD is an easier format to work with, and now much cheaper, I suspect it will be around as long if not longer than VHS was. Eventually you'll be able to get a movie on DVD for like $10.00, and a BD for about $20 - 25. Much like it was about 8 years ago... Also keep in mind SDFM was shot on 16mm film stock. Granted many technicians believe a 1080p resolution is possible (at maximum res) from a 16mm source print, however that would require the original film stock (which is over 25 years old!).
  6. My take on the AUN pre-SW1 was more of "secret war" by factions looking to control OTEC. The UN Wars were described as regional conflicts which could mean just about anything, from open opposition to the UNG to countries like Palestine and Isreal continuing age old conflicts despite the UN Charter. The AUN (based on the events of M Zero) was once only a terrorist organization early in the franchise, but was retconned into a very well funded and supplied army conducting what could be described as covert operations globally. I like to believe that certain governments sought to destabilize the UNG. What was going on politically at the time has never been revealed (AFAIK) so any number of factors could have been going on, from nations leaving the coalition to secret coups being planned. Mac Zero never really satisfactorally answered why the AUNA stopped operating pre-SW1. I tend to be sceptical that an isolated incident like Mayan Island would be enough to deter many of the elements supporting the AUN to stop. On the contrary, it would galvanize their resolve to take control away from the AUN.
  7. Well a background or proficiency in trig is somewhat necessary from what I understand. Background changes are fairly easy, but anything beyond that gets complicated.
  8. Agreed!
  9. Zinjo

    VF Girls

    Pfft! You just aren't trying....
  10. Nothing outside of Japan. You might want to search torrent sites like Tokyo Toshan for subbed video files. Then get software like VSO's Convert X to create your own DVDs from them. That's what most of us are doing.
  11. Probably still working on it. Do they retain the original menu screens?
  12. IIRC there was some question as to how that statement was translated. Reveared has a different connotation in English as compared to worship, and I believe that was the sticking point. We'd have to look through the hundreds of posts to find the post regarding that translation.
  13. My bad. Yes max resolution for DVD is indeed 480p.
  14. Is that confirmed? The page says "Moved from article", but no further explanation is given or bibliography provided. Do we have any reference materials to further confirm this? As for the Colony fleets, a lot depends on if you intend to include game references...
  15. Creator's religion??
  16. It comes down to maximum resolution. An old LD or DVD has a maximum resolution of 720p (1080x720), whereas a BD needs 1080p (1920x1080). The only thing that can provide that kind of resolution is film stock which has a higher resolution than the newest HD cameras in use by film makers (although these are higher than BD anyway). Restoration is generally done frame by frame. Granted, professional restoration houses now have tools that speed up the process.
  17. Actually, "4" is the bad luck number in Japan. The number "13" is purely a western superstition. I'd suspect the lack of a VF-26 is that either that number was assigned to a new YF in development or Galaxy the used the designation in the development of the VF-27. For all we know, a VF-26 exists as a lower performing version of the VF-27....
  18. Yes, I meant in North America. BigWest owns the Intellectual Property rights to the franchise, while HG only holds the distribution rights to the animation, via Tatsunoko. A trademark denotes IP rights over a product, which neither Tatsunoko or HG have. If argued, BW could potentially prove that "their" IP rights are being infringed by a trademark awarded to a license holder of the animated TV program. The tough part is ensuring that a Western judge understands the Japanese court decision and how it relates to the case. Since 1999 both sides attempted to trademark the name Super Dimension Fortress Macross (including 超時空要塞マクロス, Chō Jikū Yōsai Makurosu) in the US several times and both parties "abandoned" their attempts over and over, until early 2003 when HG finally secured it. The ownership of the IP rights is likely the reason why Warner Bros has opted to "reimagine" RT for the big screen. If it does go into production, I will be surprised to see any references made to Macross, it's story or even the term "Macross" itself appearing in the final film.
  19. It's listed in IMDB as in development, so it aint a rumor anymore. Whether it gets a green light is another matter...
  20. I wonder if it takes place in the Megazone universe? The designs are very much influenced by Hideki Kakinuma's Garland. Since Shinji Aramaki is directing the new show and was part of the team that created MZ23, it doesn't surprise me that the bikes resemble the Garlands. The look of the "Maneuver Blade" (interesting name considering the Maneuver Slave was the battroid name for the Garland) reminds me of the "Original Garland" which had much smaller extremities than the Garland or Proto Garlands did. I'll check it out for sure...
  21. Not as far as anyone knows.
  22. So would this be the VF-41? To remain within the convention of how the VF-17, became the VF-171 by 2059....
  23. Bandai Visual has been the home video partner to BigWest forever so I doubt licensing costs are really an issue with them. However, it does come down to demand. To garner the same sales as the Perfect Edition, they'd have to remaster from original film prints for a Bluray release. Adding a sub and dub track would also be helpful to boost international sales. So at this point who knows. Frontier is the golden child at the moment and will be getting all the attention for at least the next year...
  24. The biggest obstacle to BigWest is the ownership of the trademark to the name "Macross". Prior to 2003, it wasn't owned, because everytime HG or BW would apply for it, the other would block it. After the 2002 ruling in Japan giving BW intellectual property rights to the Macross franchise. Early in 2003, HG went after the trademark again and for some enigmatic reason BW didn't block it, thus HG won the trademark. Now BW has to fight to get back what they already have a right to . Hence the lack of any new Macross productions coming over since 2003. Unless they are rebranded and all references to the term "Macross" are removed, domestic licensers are going to be blocked by HG over trademark infringement. With the Warner deal for the RT movie in the wings, BW will have to convice that studio that their RT project is not in danger of any legal entanglements just to keep WB (with its deep pockets) out of the trademark battle with HG. The only legal recourse for BW is to commission a Western company to do a subtitle and dubbing track for their Bluray releases and sell them directly that way, but it seems that ship may have sailed...
  25. Definitely looking forward to this mod!! Hopefully, eventually we'll see custom maps, but I am aware map making for HW is not an easy task...
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