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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I think the universe is broad enough to contain several in-universe stories based on established facts. Any revelatory impacts on the universe would have to be cleared through SK though.
  2. I'd be more inclined to say the 171 is an extended service life of the design, than the 17 itself. The forward fuselage underwent a substantial change over the 17...
  3. Basara? Yeah, I feel your pain...
  4. One thing many are forgetting is that Project Supernova was a UN Airforce project, not a naval project. It is entirely possible that the VF-19 was the mainline fighter of the 'Airforce'. Mac 7 showed that the VF-11 continued to be the frontline fighter of the navy until it was replaced by the VF-171. The VF-19's and VF-22's were special forces aircraft in Spacy. Based on official publications we know that there are several branches of UN forces. Marines, Air Force, Spacy and even planetary naval forces. How many branches remained after SW1 is currently unclear.
  5. But MarchImadeachart, you have a title!
  6. Ah it's nice to see Mikimoto drawing one of his favorite characters again...Minmay! ...not like he ever stopped...
  7. Never say never.... If there is a will to do so (granted not as the M2 story currently exists), it could happen. Anyway, the reorganization of Spacy is a possible result of the events of the VF-X2 game, however, nothing has been published to confirm it yet.
  8. Alright... What's Palpatine's middle name?
  9. Zinjo


  10. I smell a fanboy rant coming on.... Before getting your back up, be sure and read what is posted... I said he didn't "have" to cobble the shows together based on market pressure, internal pressure was not touched on ~ deliberately! Not as much as you'd like to believe... In most markets it didn't run very long. In my market it ran one and a half times before it was pulled. Granted some markets probably did run it for 3 years and that likely included South America and parts of China after the initial release. As for my opinion, the "fact" is that HG could have capitalized on bringing over more anime shows under an RT umbrella (something I do attribute a certain amount of forward thinking they did have with licensing Macross, Mospead and Southern Cross), something no one else was doing at the time. Thus bringing fresh new content to their market regularly and contributing to the establishment of anime in pop culture. Essentially they could have been the catalyst of this movement, but chose not to. They chose to dumb down the content of the shows, instead of giving their audience enough credit as distributors do now. I've seen the pilot episode Macek did for SDFM and eventhough it wasn't completely true to the original it was much better than what RT turned it into. Thus the ability was there to market an anime show as it was, just not the will. They walked away from a cash cow and their lack of imagination in business is still evident today. Video tape releases do not mean success. Many anime programs were released on video (particularly OVAs and Movies) in the 90's not just RT. Essentially the franchise was mothballed until about 1999 when they began agressively marketing the show again. The "reason" HG gives for not defending their alleged copyright when Mac Plus came out (they had none) in 1995 was that the franchise was shelved and they simply didn't notice the release. Considering how the talking heads at HG change their story on a monthly basis, I'm sure the excuse has now changed for their fanbase who will gladly eat it up like gospel... AAAAND...Fanboy-CONFIRMED!
  11. Amen brother, Amen!
  12. An addition to VFTF1's assertion, is that in reality, Macek didn't "have" to cobble together the other shows to make RT. At the time Anthology series were all the rage and there was no compelling market pressure for him not to make RT an anime anthology show. As a matter of fact it, would have better served the source material and provided a vehicle for the brand name to bring over any number of mecha anime series under the RT umbrella. It is quite probable that an RT anthology show could still be running even to today and HG would not have mothballed the RT brand for nearly a decade as it did in the 90s.
  13. Hey I got that stuff and it smelled like cat spray!!!! I'm calling my lawyer!!!
  14. I don't think this example really fits your argument. It wasn't the play that "created" the anti-government sentiment, only motivated the people to act on existing dis-satisfaction. M7 portrays the music as having the affect of creating the change, which is stretching reality IMO. There has to be an initial desire for the change to begin with. The music breaking the mind control is less of a stretch compared to changing hearts and minds. Sivil is the best example in the series of music finishing a change that started internally beforehand. As for show execution, I have to agree that the execution was poor. Bandai gave them a budget for 2 seasons and Kawamori wrote outlines for 1 season! "Crap! How do we stretch this out?" As I've said before, if the show were condensed down to one season, I probably would have enjoyed it far more...
  15. Red sums it up pretty well. We don't know what the current strength or status of the SA is. Judging by the fact that humanity hasn't run accross them in the 50 years its been travelling the galaxy implies that their forces are not as extensive as the Zentreadi. Some like to "assume" this means they are wiped out, but that is not officially supported in any official publication (yet-anyway). The biggest question for me is "What is their current state of mind?" If one assumes the mind control of the PD (not brain washing as some have stated) can be broken through anima spiritia song, then why didn't the PC employ their Anima Spiritia forces to free the SA armies of their mind control? If they did, then the next questions are: "Did it work?" and "If it worked, then why are they still fighting?" My belief (with respect to the second question) is that the SA may essentially be fighting for their lives against a superior rogue force with no way to order them to stand down (the PC took the inhibitor, to not attack micrones, away from their giants to beat the PD and then were able to reinstitute it on only a fraction of their total Zentreadi forces). If the reawakening of the SA was a success, it may well have contributed to the ultimate demise of the PC civilization. The PC worlds would have aided the SA forces as actual repatriated allies and this would have been seen by the rogue Zentreadi as an act of treason. Thus, if they defeated the SA forces they'd also wipe out the world that came to their enemy's aid.
  16. I'm assuming you must be describing passive stealth. Active stealth would be quite different. Whereas you could have Cyclops jammers, or IR absorbing equipment (all speculation of course)... It is entirely possible that the VF-17 used passive stealth in atmosphere and active stealth in space...
  17. The precedent was established in Mac 7 with the "Milky Road"...
  18. I find it interesting that she's the tallest of the three idols, yet in SDFM she was the shortest of all the cast...
  19. Actually it was more of a hybrid. The VF-25G and RVF-25 are both reminiscent of SDFM's VF-1J's that Max and Millia flew, with the white striped colored fuselages. I am expecting a generic color scheme like DYRL with the possibility of wing art like Ozma's. These are civilian's afterall. There would be no military restrictions (so to speak) on personalizing one's aircraft. The other extreme would be to go with the white stripes on a colored fuselage. It's all about the merchandizing, so anything to make the existing kits look differently to sell more is to be expected. Bandai is taking a page out of the Hasegawa play book. How many different variants of the VF-0, VF-1 & VF19's does Hasegawa have in the market right now? All these variants are based on the same model molds, the only differences are in the decals and color schemes. Pretty clever from a business point of view...
  20. I told you guys.... It's gonna be like DYRL - new paint jobs to sell more merch from the same molds... I'm expecting the traditional black and colored stripes like before, possibly some back art like Ozma's for the hero valks...
  21. Pfft... Everyone knows Robotech came first!! Kawamori stole the idea from Harmony Gold...
  22. Very cute! Though I'd prefer May'n...
  23. Sure, I wouldn't mind a sequel on two conditions. First, they go back and clean up the story mess from the first series (too many dangling story threads) and second, they get a better grade of writers to do it or at least a story editor to keep the story threads nicely tied up by the end. Though, I am not sure what kind of premise to use, the first seemed fairly final.
  24. Well considering the color scheme in the series is reminiscent of SDFM, I'd be expecting a more DYRL stripe color scheme for the movie,as somewhat an homage to DYRL. Maybe we'll get lucky and each fighter will get more "Wing Art" like we saw on Ozma's VF-25S.
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