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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. The only real tactical advantage a battroid has in the air is the ability to take a defensive stance against a superior force for as long as your ordinance or skill lasts.
  2. Well the price is the same as HLJ when you pre-order. Not sure why it's list price doesn't show the discount?
  3. I should have guessed...
  4. Well they should have stuck to their original plan and forced themselves to cut the bits that were not essential to the focus of the story.
  5. Has anyone seen this yet? I just stumbled across it when ordering Disc 2 of Delta. https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%90%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%E3%82%B5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3-%E5%A4%A9%E7%A5%9E%E8%8B%B1%E8%B2%B4%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E7%94%BB%E9%9B%86-%E3%80%80-%E5%A4%A9%E7%A5%9E%E8%8B%B1%E8%B2%B4/dp/4334902154/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1472607261&sr=8-16&keywords=macross Very good news for Sept. 14
  6. True. If you have to render new skins, changing a few details to give the illusion of a new sequence couldn't hurt (it isn't like it requires a whole new set of cells). Though we have no idea what kind of budget or time constraints the production team is under. Sponsors want to get the most bang for their buck so spend no unecessary money is the mantra. Nothing new on either side of the Pacific... What would be cool is to produce different action sequences as opposed to the recycled TV broadcast versions for the home video releases of the show. This could be billed as a marketing draw to sell more units.
  7. OK, maybe this is me, but the "odd one" is Macross 7 that tossed most believability to the winds during it run. For me, the antics of the fighters in M7 are more suspect than the lack of battroid air battles in MD. M Zero seemed to have the most believable battroid air sequences that tended to show the fighters aloft in battroid, but under a slow controlled descent as the units were not designed to really fly in that mode.
  8. Yes, but then he can't be superman anymore either. A damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Though I am beginning to believe Kawamori either doesn't like or doesn't do well with singing as the primary weapon in a Macross story. As a supplementary tactical advantage, it works. SDFM, DYRL, MF, even M Zero (to an extent). M7 and MD are heavily reliant on the stuff and it comes across as rather hollow to me. In MD it seems to be portrayed as more of a salve, a power up and a key to unlocking PC tech.
  9. More like the money isn't there. If you can get away with recycling cg sequences (which is easy since that money has already been spent) and dress them up with new skins, or new camera angels then why not? Why reinvent the wheel if you don't have to?
  10. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    I don't believe there is anything else noticeable in the fighter mode.
  11. IF this show gets a movie, I expect it may follow the same route as M7, where the movie only takes the same hero characters and puts them in a different situation like Dynamite. The alternative is a tighter, less bloated version of the story ala DYRL. We'll see if the show merits any movie treatment.
  12. I find it amusing that so many are complaining about animation quality and recycled CG animations. When making these complaints against a currently running TV anime, it is like a duel with spoons-pointless! If these issues translated into the DVD / BD releases then they'd be valid, but not yet. In a budgeted TV series on a short production schedule this is going to happen. I can see Satellite going to BW and saying: Satellite:"We need a 1.5 million to produce this 25 episode run." BW: "You have 1 million" Satellite: "But Frontier had 1.2 million and a longer production schedule" BW: "You have 1 million and the schedule stays the same" Satellite: " We need 1.5 million and more time" BW: " You have 1 Million, make it work, discussion ended..." So Satellite, rushes through some less important 2D animation and recycles Frontier sequences with new model textures and camera angles. Save money, stay on schedule, all the while appeasing the sponsors with high quality animated music videos for the idol group. Welcome to broadcast anime... Little wonder why SK seemed to prefer OVA and movies. More control with better production quality. Notice the music side of this show is doing very well? Definitely the successor to M7. The writing is another matter entirely!
  13. It's doubtful this is more than a single season effort since Kawamori has already started pre-production on his next series.
  14. I have little impression this story was ever broken in the writers room. Its seems more like they were doing their best to flesh out the Kawamori outline without really providing feedback to the author that some elements wouldn't work. SK always seems to struggle with drama when working with idol / mecha shows where the idols are the heroes. M7 had a similar issue at the beginning and then when the story moved toward universe building and physical struggle, things straightened out.
  15. The big reveal about Sheryl was that she was indeed the grand daughter of Mao Nome, not just a coincidental namesake. The reason for her orphaning was pretty well never really explained, but at least we knew something earlier on than much of Delta. As I've said for some odd reason they are holding the mysteries longer than necessary. Solve one and introduce another and keep us wondering. At this point, we want to know, but aren't that excited about the answer due to the frustration of waiting for so long.
  16. Equally plausible. Though Lady M is a person who the Xaos leadership apparently have met, not a "project". I would me more concerned about a Deus Ex Machina ending at this point, but we'll have to see.
  17. Since Mikumo is a clone, who is she cloned from? I am beginning to revisit the notion she could be a Myung clone and Lady M is actually Myung. The narrated history of song research dates back to the Great Space War, but I do not recall any mention that Lady M was involved with the project back then. If that is indeed the case, then Myung could very well end up being Lady M. She was actively involved with the Sharon Apple research and provided the "soul" of the artificial idol to the audience. It is not really that great of a leap that she would refocus her efforts toward Song research and the Fold Song phenomena (perhaps even linking her to Dr. Chiba from M7). Without Myung, Sharon Apple had little emotional impact on the audience. Now consider how Mikumo was able to quickly reach the emotions of the Walkure team at the beginning. Makes a person go, hmmmm.
  18. To your assertion, what was the point of learning the history of Walkure? So we'd care about the characters more? Didn't really seam to work for me. Just a history lesson about how they came together that could have been covered in the manga for those who wanted to know. This didn't advance the story and seemed very much like a filler episode, animated to give the CG team more time to create the imminent battle sequences yet to come. They could have used this episode for any number of side stories. Stories like the attraction between Kaname and Messer or the growing triangle with Arad and perhaps the implied competition between the two for Kaname's affections. Maybe some more hints at Roid and Keith's relationship or a visual hint that Lady M was closer than we thought. Relevant insights into the characters that would draw us into caring for them. Messer's death was akin to Michael's death in Frontier, but in several ways handled much better to tug at our hearts. Then that hook was allowed to slip away in favor of narratives complete with talking heads for 3 episodes after an obligatory battle episode.
  19. Well we got a few reveals in this episode. Roid killed the king; suspicions realized. Mikumo is an engineered clone, designed to fight the var, which speaks a lot about the future need to recruit singers after this. I suspect the Windermerans were engineered for the same purpose but over time they lost the ability to be Star Singers. The Wind Singer's song is killing Heinz, we saw that coming too. The implication that Roid is continuing Grace and Galaxy's work on the "human network" of mind control, interesting. Roid's and Epsilon's end game still unclear. As for character development, there were several "moments' that really weren't capitalized on. Kaname and Messer was one that immediately comes to mind. For a short series, drawing out the triangle between Hayate, Frejya and Mirage was a poor choice. Hinting at Mirage's self doubt but never really showcasing it more was another mistake. It seems like they are missing the focus of this story and are instead throwing too much at the wall, I like the universe building, but sometimes too much can be a distraction to the principle point of any story. What message are you trying to convey? That is fairly obscure at this point. Using mystery as a plot device only works for so long before you have to reveal things. The best method is the Abrams described method of ending one mystery at the same time you introduce a new one. Delta is carrying too many mysteries for too long, holding the story back.
  20. Maybe he was a fanboy of the TV series "The MInmay FiIes" and that is his Hasegawa Kit from that show
  21. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    Did you have plans of doing a clear canopy version for non-BDI versions and also the VF-22 Cockpit version canopy? Amazing work as always sir!
  22. Kawamori tends to write the outline of the story for the production and lets other scribes flesh out the details.
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