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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Pfft! Duh! Everyone knows that...
  2. Did I really say that? I honestly don't remember. Though if I had, it likely came from the same source that first led me to believe Ohnogi worked on the series...
  3. Off topic request. Is it at all possible to get the translated transcripts from the Macross special before Mac Frontier Deculture aired in December? A member here translated half of it for me but I suspect real life took over for him and I still need the rest. Any possibility of that in the near future? We now return to our regularly scheduled thread.....
  4. umm, WOW!
  5. With the VF-100 series and the eventual VF-1s, this kit could have some company...
  6. Very cool indeed! At first I was a bit put off by the armor, but then quickly realized that in space you don't need aerodynamics... Though I am reminded of a Gundam when looking at it...
  7. I suspect the reason for staying with the 1/100 scale is to compliment the Bandai 1/100 kit. It really is too bad no garage kit makers ever did anything more than just one 1/72 VF-2SS-SAP kit.
  8. I think Hasegawa needs to further exploit the old licenses, with a VF-4, VF-14, Variable Glaug, and (dare I say it!) an armored GERWALK kit, etc... They VF-1 line, as good as it is, is becoming stale for them with all these new fighters coming out of the Bandai camp... 1/48 scales are certainly a good start, but the 1/72 line could use some new ideas!
  9. Isn't that the Korean resin add on kit for Hasegawa battroids? It was very much like the after market gundam customs.
  10. Any word on the new Deculture / Itashi decals? Do they come with the new kits (ala the VF-25s FAST Pack kit) or do you get them some other way?
  11. Entirely possible. That is why my comment was a "generality". Specific examples can easily be different. I could have used the term "Japanese", but no doubt a Japanese fan would have posted, "Well I'm Japanese and I like Sheryl..." It's inevitable when being non-specific. Your comment does go to my ultimate point that this is another enigma that Kawamori has thrown out there to make fans talk about the series long after its over. I have no doubt the same happend after the end of Mac 7, with one camp thinking Gamilin should have gotten Mylene and another camps thinking Basara should have gotten her. It's all good franchise marketing, IMO...
  12. Dude, elitism in fandom has been around forever! As for the Sheryl and Ranka issue. I notice, "generally speaking" Western fans gravitate toward Sheryl and Asian fans "generally" gravitate toward Ranka. I suspect its a sign of good writing when fans tend to identify with characters they recognize the most. Sheryl was portrayed as very much a Western diva and Ranka as a hard working asian girl with dreams of "idolhood" (is that a word?). Neither side is right or wrong and Kawamori probably felt it best to not take sides and simply create a "new" enigma for the fans to chew over for the next several years...
  13. Doh! Well I got my '86 version back in 1986!! So that is how I know it came with a poster (kind of a pleasant surprise) from "Books Nippan". My '84 was after the fact and it didn't, but those who got that one say it came with one as well, which I have no reason to dispute... Gubby I think someone pinched or lost the original poster that it came with. I had mine mounted on foam core board and alas it didn't last over the years...
  14. Amen brother, amen! The only recent exception I have seen would be Eureka 7...
  15. Provide the page numbers and I can scan them, I have both the '84 and the '86 reprint (both came with posters btw... )
  16. LOL! Shaloom got the "Delta War" from Isamu Dyson's profile on Mac Plus! It was one of the conflicts he was in during his service history before being assigned to New Edwards base. I've got the screencap somewhere on my hard drive...
  17. Honestly, it was somewhere on these boards way back when, but I'll be damned if I can remember where. So many threads.....
  18. Well of course Kawamori was against it. His initial outline only had Sheryl as an inspirational character for Ranka. Sheryl was supposed to be gone very early in the series, but that was changed.
  19. I've watched them all. Even Macross 7 despite how I feel the first season was a waste of production money...
  20. If one were to assert that a "question" remains, that is one thing. A lack of facts supporting or denouncing the "question" are not a definitive resolution either way. A "question", until otherwise proven or disproven will still remain. However to proport that an assertion is true without at least "one" verifiable source is fraud. He could have posed the question that Ohnogi might have written uncredited episodes due to the apparent change in focus and / or tone of the character narrative (which I did notice) is a plausible assertion neither proven or disproven. But this individual chose to present it as fact to a fanbase who have less access to the original material than we do and that is a dis-service to the latin american fans. It also severely undermines his credibility in that community when the facts are revealed that, thus far, his claims cannot be substantiated by any official records.
  21. With all the art floating around from the cards, Chronicle and Macross A, why do I get the feeling that within a year or so we'll be seeing new art books from Tenjin Hidetaka and Mikimoto?
  22. Essentially, the Macross Frontier version of DYRL, which was essentially the same thing. Could be cool!
  23. Well we can find humor in how the Japanese mis-pronounce foreign words, just like they could find humor in how we'd mis-pronounce Japanese words. Fact is that this show had the benefit of a French speaking animator to help them with pronounciation of French terms, but no English staffer to help them with the English ones, so they simply "sounded it out phonetically" based on the katakana. The same situation was found in Eureka 7. None but one cast member knew how to pronounce "Eureka" correctly and that single cast member only voiced one character in one episode. The sad part is that when Bandai Entertainment English dubbed it for Western release they kept the mis-pronounciation as it was, instead of correcting it for audiences who knew how to say the name. So now you have a load of western E7 fanboys running around mis-pronouncing a name as if it were gospel...
  24. I gots to get me those Itashi Messiahs!!!
  25. Wow love the Carrier version. One suggestion on the texturing though. The hull designation would be "NMC-25", not SDF-25
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