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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. ROFL!!! That will kill all their machine translators and the ones that don't suddenly explode will leave the reader with the expression ...
  2. Seek help brother, seek help....
  3. The GU-11 cart lineart may be new, but it was first featured in a piece of art in Chronicles...
  4. You are probably right. Although, I am expecting a new Hidetaka Tenjin artbook eventually. With all the new pieces of art he's been doing for the Chronicle I think is beginning to match all the art he published last time... He's up to at least 28 to date (every cover and fold out poster is his along with a few select ones inside).
  5. Minmei complex?
  6. Not sure what this is? New earrings perhaps? Maybe a broach or necklace? It seems to have some sort of significance for the movie.
  7. Yeah, I am not a fan of the color changes. Doesn't seem to make sense other than to sell more of the same ole toys with a new paint job. I was kinda hoping to see a strike pack version myself. Now if Michael and Lucas's Messiah's are white with stripes, then that would definitely make the movie an homage to DYRL...
  8. It explains how Max was able to fly through the melee he did with out much effort. Granted he has mad skills, but mechanically assisted response time sure helps....
  9. The thing I am finding about Chronicle is that with a year under its belt they could already publish an artbook with all the paintings that have appeared in it thus far!
  10. I have no doubt whatsoever!! We probably won't see a YF-24 until after they do the CAD designs for the VF-100 series or a model kit... No CAD designs exist, since the show only showed a 2D screen image of it.
  11. Or if designating it by Western convention a "flight"...
  12. I wouldn't read too much into a commercial. Remember everyone speculating on who had the purple trimmed Messiah before last december? Although that screenie of Brera makes me think he joined the priesthood or something, judging by his new costume...
  13. It's all about fan service dude. The Itashi cars are no less provocative and more suggestive than these decals are.
  14. WOW!! Now if only Bandai would sell these as separate sheets like Hasegawa did they'll be selling VF-25's for years.... Actually there are two Kathy's the one shown in anime52k8's screeny and another version of her pulling up a t-shirt to show her lingerie that came with the VF-25S Fast Pack kit. A smaller version of the graphic is on the Armored VF-25S Itashi decal sheet. I'll see if I can find it on my HDD... I am wondering if we will see the other Itashi decals displayed at the earlier hobby show though, or if there is such a limited supply that many of them are really not getting out there. I've heard stories of Japanese hobby stores not giving the Itashi sheets out to customers because there are so few for all those who want them. However it is hard to say at the moment what Bandai's release plans are, since a few release schedules were moved around on other lines based on the popularity of the Armored pack of the VF-25. The VF-19Kai was originally scheduled for July release on the VF100 line, but it was bumped by the Armored version of the VF-25...
  15. Oh, how you suffer for the cause brother...
  16. I'll put money on a strike version of the super packs ala DYRL...
  17. She is one of his favorite anime characters to draw....
  18. Hasegawa in association with various model magazines published several custom decal sets for the Macross kit lines. Two Minmay Guard sets, one that came with a battroid kit with a tour called "Ashes to Ashes" and another decal set with the "One Night In Paris" tour version: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10033638a/20/1 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=30402&st=0 A set for the YF-21: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10014122 A custom set for the YF-19: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10026828a/20/1 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10026828b/30/1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/toy-in/3631221803/sizes/o/ The VFE-X set for the VF-1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/toy-in/3632041522/sizes/o/ The VF-1 Blue Roses set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/toy-in/3631221093/sizes/o/ Just a few of the ones that have been available over the years. Most are out of print now. I'm sure other members have examples of more...
  19. That's disappointing. You'd think that Bandai would figure out that selling the Deculture decals as after market products would not only sell more kits but also provide revenue as well. Giving them away is a nice promo, but Hasegawa and Model Graphix have been cashing in on custom decals for the VF-1 for years now! Not to mention the dozens of custom Gundam decals floating around the market...
  20. Yeah, I've seen his work before. I particularly love how he uses the Gundam bases for the background hanger...
  21. My Bad, yet the Monster is still a rare gem....
  22. Another one I have by a Simon Holt
  23. Well the PC were actively surveying the galaxy during the time of Earth's seeding. It is possible that the Zentradi have comprehensive stellar maps, but I would expect that with a Republic so vast that the maps were not necessarily detailed. So the fleets could navigate into systems but didn't necessarily know if the worlds in the system were inhabited or could sustain any life or not. The maps allowed them to avoid folding into a star or a celestial body. Thus a survey vessel would be needed to fold in and get detailed scans of the planets. Another thing to keep in mind is that for fleets headed into the galactic core, the more likely the Zentradi maps would be detailed as IIRC the PC originated around the core. Then there are the fold faults. It has not been determined whether these are stationary, moving or both phenomena. If they move then they would also have to be scanned for when plotting jumps.
  24. I'd be more inclined to believe that they used the in universe reasoning that the Galaxy Corp. spent their budget on outfitting the Galaxy with the latest R&D equipment for a vast array of experiments, including ones that would be illegal on Federation (aka NUNS) ships and simply commissioned a basic NMC that they could modify however they liked. From a production standpoint, if you have a completely different Macross type battleship for the Galaxy fleet then the show would have another new Macross ship that would distract from the hero ship "Macross Quarter". That depends on if the Macross 13 was refitted or not. The Mac 7 appears to be a very basic carrier, whereas the Mac 13 has quite a few battleship armaments on it. We see this again in the Mac 25. Was there a re-design for the 13 which was then carried into subsequent Battle Carriers or was the 13 simply a re-fitted NMC that had completed its colony mission and then pressed back into general fleet service?
  25. The "Wings" could simply be solar collectors... Using natural energy would take some of the power burden off the reactors for daily energy requirements of the Island ships.
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