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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. True, there are definitely pragmatic reasons for using real aircraft, but cloaking capital ships in a hologram for a film seems excessive and expensive to me...
  2. I don't recall a back thruster, but that isn't to say it isn't there. I did notice the fighters "skated" in both battroid and especially in GERWALK and the thrust came from vents in the calves of the legs.
  3. Macross consistent? I suspect you have a greater degree of respect for such things compared to the franchise creator... Sounds an awful lot like justifying a outdated explanation by proxy. In the 90's when DYRL became an in universe movie, questions arose and answers were given (based upon what technical knowledge was available at the time). It is now very dated and I see no reason to keep that as the official explanation considering so much has be retconned already. It is particularly relevant when one considers holographic technology had advanced substantially by the 2030's. So it is not a stretch to expect CGI advancements to be that much more realistic in the film industry by that time as well. Hell, 2009 saw substantial projection advancements already.
  4. Blame the fans who won't accept anything Macross unless Kawamori is attached to it. I'm sure that is a source of ire for him.
  5. What's worse is that all the pilots were wearing them in their cockpits! OK, you are speculating based upon what the prisoners were told by a guy with a very poor honesty record... think about that.
  6. OK, I'll give M7 props for having interesting "supporting" characters, even in the early cours...
  7. Oh gawd!! The first viewing of M7 I couldn't finish. I had to wait a year and be prompted by an argument with Keith to watch the whole damn thing. I suspect this show will end the same with either Walkurie or Mikumo alone, singing the galaxy to safety like Basara did in M7... How about we agree to disagree about M7... The VF-22 with the NUNS insignia was definitely a sponsor moment. Now all the toymakers with VF-22 molds can repaint and add new insignia and sell them as Delta VF-22's...
  8. Why couldn't the holosuits provide "actual" camoflage? If it can give them new clothes, why not allow them to blend into the environment?
  9. I like the retro hand weapons, personally. It adds a sense of realism and if you think about it, most modern day rifles and sidearms are really just tweaked out versions from their original designs. Having a "futuristic" hand weapon was really cool back in the 80's, but now we've become more pragmatic. So the idea of using weapons based on established design principles, but with better materials and perhaps several enhancements to make them more effective is not such a bad thing IMHO. I guess our pragmatism probably stems from not actually getting a flying car in every garage before the year 2000. I dunno, why go to all the trouble and expense of using holograms and actual space flight craft, when it can all be done post production?? Sure you want all authentic gear for the live action shots, but the space battles and the like can be done with SPFX at a fraction of the cost of using actual military assets. Maybe back in the 80's and 90's the use of real military vehicles was a reasonable explanation, but in the actual 21st century, photorealistic CGI SPFX is more common than sliced bread... Am I the only one seeing this? I am smelling a retcon about this comming sooner or later...
  10. One would think waking up in make up would have been enough to realise it was time to cut the ole mop...
  11. As for M7, i had no idea what to expect, then I started watching it and gave up (on my first attempt) before the good stuff started. I muscled through the first two cours to find the 3rd and 4th to be something I could enjoy. It still sits at the bottom of the lists of Macross faves but at least it is on the list now...
  12. I always thought it was ridiculous to to "say" you are swearing off Kabuki, but never cut your hair! If you want to visually show how serious he was with a break with his past, a hair cut would do it.
  13. Then it wouldn't be anime... Besides writers are considered ditch diggers of any visual medium. Mainly because any goof in a corner office fancies himself a great writer, having never penned a page in their lives. Animators are even less regarded despite the fact that anime and animation in general can't be produced without them.
  14. I won't argue against characterization and content, they are holy grails to me. Many a classic TV show and Movie are such for those very reasons. It is very true that a solid story and characters will make a production more popular and give sponsors a lot of investment returns, however try convincing business school graduates how an artistic watershed story will provide a return on their investment? As for Venture Bros., the US TV animation industry has been starving the beast for a long time now and the bar is set pretty low for visuals. Anime has to have strong visuals to be seriously considered.
  15. In Mac Zero, I figured it was the PC insignia (which it may well be), Frontier established the markings originated with the Vajra. Don't mistake establishing a context with patronizing.
  16. Keep in mind that Mac Plus was not as popular (at the time) as M7 was to the Japanese market. Though I would agree that Mac Plus is by far the best internationally received Macross production conceived and directed by Kawamori. Ironically it was never intended to be a Macross story in the beginning, but rather a test pilot competition story inspired by Top Gun. Additionally Kawamori was doing both Mac Plus and M7 at the same time and one could argue he phoned in the first couple of cour's of M7 as well. So it is possible his new project was taking up his time during the production of the second cour of Delta and thus he delegated the final cut supervising directoral responsibilities to Yasuda Kenji. Personally, based on his history with the franchise, it wouldn't be surprised if he is looking for a way out of it. Being the president of Satellite has given him the opportunity to produce other anime and now with his new relationship to Chinese financing, he can do stories he may have been sitting on that Japanese sponsors won't consider. It may also, if successful, provide an outlet for other Anime icons to find funding for projects that would not otherwise be produced domestically. I am hopeful his new project does well, because when he is on his game, he can spin a very good yarn. I think of the episode he wrote for Cowboy Bebop, the segment he did for Genius Party as well as Mac Plus that have really impressed me over the years. Something we should definitely keep our eyes on. If he does find a way out, it will be interesting to see where the franchise goes, if anywhere since he has never tried to mentor any successors to develop new stories. He'd likely always be willing to design new valks because he does enjoy designing aircraft after all.
  17. Girls are not the only demographic, if that were so, there would be little to no mecha as well as Bandai and Hasegawa would not be sponsors of this show. So the target audience is teenagers, male and female. Boys have little interest in seeing long suffering girls pine after a numb skulled heros, but there it is... I expect the music appeals to both. I did project the common complaint of members on these forums, my bad. As per the speculation, I read this in your post. This does not come across as "making up stuff about sponsorship...", not at all. It comes across as questioning the validity of what is stated in the published notes, there is a big difference. Based upon what was written, I responded to it. Granted I ran with an erroneous assumption after that.
  18. Ummm, which market are you referring? The Western or Japanese market? You can read the discussion starting here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=44085&page=2#entry1299377 Personally I tend to trust Seto's translations since he's been doing it for many years now and the other members who read Japanese have yet to correct him. They certainly ain't shy about such things. As for the story, it is weak and so is the premise. Welcome to pop culture TV anime. However, as I've said before, if you want to see a hard drama pray for a Macross OVA. TV Series are too expensive to do anything other that what the current market trends demand. The current market trend is NOT toward thoughtful space opera mecha shows right now. That being said, there is nothing stopping you from writing your own hard hitting Macross drama, that shows them how it's done. There is a fan fiction section on these boards...
  19. Well when you plan for a 13 episode series with a movie climax and your money men ask you to change to a 26 episode show, it really screws up everything. Thus you get episodes that are completely out of place and pointless, just to fill the time you never wrote for. Azreal put it best earlier in this thread. This would be the sponsor's biggest goof! Stay on schedule and then do a follow up movie to the climax film and milk the franchise a bit more. Frontier had two movies retelling the story of the series. With Delta being a spiritual successor to M7, they could easily have followed up the movie climax to the series with a second movie about an unrelated situation, similar to M7: Dynamite. It is better to go out with a bang, than mess with success and diminish the popularity of a series in the end.
  20. That is not how she was made according to what has been revealed. She was cloned with fold quartz imbedded within her cells. That may well be how a Star Singer was created, but there is no evidence she was cloned from a PC.
  21. Exactly. When you look at SDFM, every episode after 27 (the original end of the series) was paced out and with the exception of the two "spacer" episodes the story flowed well. Then the additional 9 episodes ordered by the sponsors that were tacked on at the end seemed out of place and forced. The irony is that those 9 episodes formed the foundation of what Macross has become today... Delta had it's production schedule up-ended at episode 4 (The question is when did this happen, in pre-production or during airing?), so the plan had to be hastily re-worked and to do any re-writes on the fly is never a good thing. Very few writers or writing teams are capable of producing a coherent story this way. I wonder if the whole provocative "connection" between the Elysion and the City ship was a metaphor as to how Kawamori felt about the change in the production schedule? I'm sure as studio president he had a few projects lined up for after this show and this change affected his schedule and possibly some potential bookings. In essence Delta feels like an inverted M7. Where the story started in 7 after the halfway point, with the music taking up most of the first season.
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