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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well HW2 does allow you to create squadrons from your fighter groups so that's already built into the game engine. As for variants I suspect it all comes down to "Can a player tell the difference?" and "Is the time necessary to make all the variants worth it?" Once the mod is released, they might be willing to make variants of the same class of fighters available to build, but I think they are concentrating on first getting a stable release out. They can add more ships, fighters maps and scenarios in future updates, like many other mod teams do. I'd suggest they concentrate on getting out their first release based on a specific theme, like DYRL battles and then work on Mac Plus, Mac 7, etc... for future updates. That's how we did it in the mods I was involved in. They didn't try to do everything all at once, they released "piece meal" balanced versions of the mod until they had a complete campaign and then went on to another campaign for the next release. Eventually we had a full blown total converson, complete with scenarios, maps and models all balanced and playable by the fans. Each future update was as add-on to the last. The sweet part about this mod is that when they release the next "theme" they don't have to balance the weaponry to the previous generation releases (SW1 vs Mac Plus), since it would be a new generation of gear...
  2. Yeah Cataclysm was a great game for Capital ship combat. You could actually move your base ship at a reasonable speed to bring it closer the action, however HW2 had better updates to the game and the game engine. Catalyst was an inhouse mod using the original HW engine.
  3. That's true, however, it was never done in film before! Hell "Babylon 5" took heavily from the children's show "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors" which Stracinsky also wrote. Then there's Tarantino. Here's a guy who boldly rips off other genres and old films (good and bad), re-writes them, re-packages them, then feeds them to us and we love him for it... Like I've already said, it's doubtful that Kawamori will be able to make any Macross series without the "forumula" because the money simply won't be there for it. So he uses OVAs and games to tell the meatier, darker stories of the universe because sponsor pressure is much less. Unfortunately, getting talent like Kanno to write your music is much more difficult due to budgetary constraints, when on a smaller production. It's probably a good thing Kawamori has a good relationship with her...
  4. Actually there are a couple of Hentai titles that have mecha in them. Cheesy CG mecha, but mecha nonetheless....
  5. I do so love the custom kits featured in these mags!!! The Klan armored Messiah is too sweet!
  6. If that were a scene from the RT movie, BigWest would be George Lucasing WB a$$...
  7. True beauties, unfortunately beyond my wallet's capabilities at the moment...
  8. I'd expect the YF-25 first to capitalize on what I suspect will be it's appearance in the movie (speculation), then possibly the VF-27 since they've already finished the cad work for the upcoming VF-27 kit. I'm not sure if these pics are of a resin garage kit or an official bandai mock up...
  9. Yeah this one is definitely going beside my Monster Girl Ranka! There are a couple of "anatomically corrected" fan customs on Yahoo Japan that pop up from time to time. I think a Japanese fan buys the figure, "adjusts" them and then resells them for 10000+ Yen on Yahoo Japan. I have yet to not see one sell... He's done both the Monster Girl Ranka and the first Sheryl figures. No doubt he'll keep doing them until they stop releasing them... He's gotta be making great money on them.
  10. Nah, just avoid direct competition with the Wave 1/100 VF-1 series that will be coming out soon. The fact that the VF-19Kai has a metallic finish is the only way Bandai could get my money for that valk!!! The BASTARDS did it so now I'm stuck....
  11. Screw the Family Mart version, gimme some Itashi Deculture customs and then we're talking!!!
  12. I first saw it on TV and wondered what it was all about. They were showing each episode weekly and then for some strange reason the scheduling got all screwed up and I never got to see the last 2 episodes. So I was on the hunt after that! It took a few months, but a local comic shop was renting anime tapes and they got in Macross Plus. I rented them all and devoured them... It was and still is quite an awesome series.
  13. Yeah I saw this on the web somewhere. It's a "GOTTA GET"!!! It will go well with my Monster Girl Ranka figure. Though the price will be as painful...
  14. Zinjo

    VF Girls

    AGREED! Give props to the actual artist, they deserve the credit for their work...
  15. Wow! Talk about sabotaging your own distribution chain....
  16. The armors are pretty popular so a sale may not come for them. It's worth the cash. Just shop around for the best price, including shipping.
  17. Non-transformable special paint limited editions. I contacted one of the toyblog owners who was willing to pick them up for his readers but he wanted almost double the retail price + shipping!! I'm a collector, and they are truly purdy, but I can't justify spending 15000 Yen on both + undisclosed shipping, so I had to decline... Particularly because I want to pick up another VF-25G and paint it into a cannon fodder VF-25A(?)... I also want to find a good decal maker to print off some resized deculture decals so I can get a couple more to do customs...
  18. Worth the wait!!
  19. Ren why do I get the impression you do this for a living? I have yet to see an amature put together such complex renders as you do in such a short period of time. I suspect you are a pro 3D artist in RL or have a passion for the medium I haven't encountered before... Either way, WOW!!!
  20. That and to maintain the international flavor of the series. The crew of the Macross were from all over the world...
  21. Are those fighters or squadrons?
  22. No really Graham, tell how you REALLY feel....
  24. Nice! 640x480??? Is that the biggest resolution you have?
  25. That is so sexy I want to buy it dinner.... WOW!!! I'm so impressed I'll say it again backwards...WOW!
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