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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Looks more like they're going to develop the Alto / Ranka triangle more and possibly create an attraction between Brera and Sheryl. As for the Green VF-27, the 1/250 scale box art describes it at the VF-27 Beta...
  2. I suspect it may be referring to "Zentradi" style beam cannons.
  3. I believe that possibility does indeed exist. The PC must have numbered in the trillions considering how many years they survived, the extent of their republic and that what? 85% were wiped out by the PD war and subsequent Zentradi and SA battles. The chronology describes a breakdown of the cohesiveness of the republic when the PC galaxy network collapsed. Now when you consider that trillions may have lived and 15% survived, that is still a very large number. I would disagree with any propogation of the notion that the race is completely extinct. What they are doing now is all conjecture, however there are many reasons why we would not have seen them thus far. In universe, they still have to face the marauding Zentradi and SA threats, they are scattared to the four winds with no apparent way of contacting one another anymore (thus giving such elements the idea that they are the last) and some may be preoccupied with simply preserving their heritage and culture and have taken an isolationist view of the galaxy. In the franchise, they are the enigma that keeps the mythos alive, very much like the fate of the Megaroad 01. To reveal them in all their splendor would be like explaining the "Force" is a bunch of microscopic bugs and not the mystery it once was in Star Wars. It would diminish the power of the mythos. Feeding us clues and crumbs about who and what they were/are is much more effective. The possibility does exist, very much like the possibility existed that more than one Macross class warship could exist, over a year ago... We have no proof either way and that doesn't support either assumption as we've learned...
  4. I would disagree. With what little we know of the PC, humanity has "just" learned of the uses of fold quartz, whereas the old Zentradi fleets apparently didn't have a problem with fold faults. Humanity has just begun to tamper in genetics and not near to the level the PC did. Who, at the height of their technology, married genetics and SD technologies (Protodevlin). They had seeded sub-species of sentient beings and created an army of clones to fight their wars. Technologically, humanity is still an infant compared to the PC. However, in terms of hubrus humanity, having the memory of near annhilliation in their past, has a head start on the PC. Whether that will allow it to surpass their progenitors in terms of sociological development has yet to be seen. The PC conqured the galaxy, then turned their empire into a republic. However that republic split into civil war that raged until one side's ultimate weapons turned against them all. The PD war essentially destroyed the PC republic and nearly wiped out the species. The PC and human histories are quite different, almost inverted. Whereas humanity is moving toward super weapons, the PC already had them, thus their wars were much more devastating than humanity's. Frontier has already shown that factionization is forming within the UNG Federation. I'm sure Galaxy is not the only rogue state out there in 2059. Thus the historical inversion continues... At the moment, for all we know, the remnant PC may have grown past their petty differences and lust for power and become some sort of unseen benevolent observer race in the galaxy. Since they remain an enigma we just don't know a the moment.
  5. German, what magazine is that?
  6. I have to admit, I am still a huge fan of the VF-400...
  7. Minmay was always bustier that Mylene...
  9. Well its Seto's passion, so if there is some obscure book or reference to Mac II, he'll either have it or know about it...
  10. Well I can understand you wanting to hear her sing the Macross songs, but you have to realize that she is an artist with a new album out. Naturally she's going to promote it at every opportunity. Keep in mind she doesn't live there anymore, so she doesn't get the exposure the others do. I agree Mari should have been given more time, but the reality is that Fire Bomber had what? Four or Five albums AFTER the series ended! I suspect only May'n and Megumi are getting as much new material as they had. I doubt her motives were narcissistic, but rather marketing movitated. The "squeaking" of her old Minmay songs are no surprise either. I doubt your voice is the same pitch as it was when you were 19, I know mine isn't. She could sing in the same pitch she did back then and risk injuring her voice. Not something singers are interested in doing anywhere. The reality is that the soulful songstress mantel has been passed to May'n and that is the way it should be. Frontier is the Macross for the next generation and their "Minmay" is going to be Sheryl...
  11. Has to be. I have issue 10 and those pics are not in it...
  12. Pictures don't show up bud...
  13. Maybe. Maybe it's a Galaxy version of the VB-6? We'll have to wait and see I guess...
  14. Yeah, why would Kawamori design a "Strike Pack" capable of flying in space AND an atmosphere, that would just be stupid...
  15. "Macross: The Phantom Menace"
  16. I'm not so sure. I'm pretty sure the batteries have always been there. They recolored it to the Gundam 00 pallet though...
  17. I don't think the Tornado Pack will be used on the Messiah. I suspect we'll finally get to see a VF-24 with this pack mounted on it. However, if they plan for the VF-24 to be a surprise, they very well can't publish it in a magazine a month before the movie comes out. The VF-24 and VF-25 are essentially the same fighter fuselage with the exceptions of the cockpit canopy and the wings. The only other thing that comes to mind is the possibility that this is an atmospheric Fast Pack. Much more aerodynamic, with a large wing area to create lift for such a heavy fighter...
  18. Beautiful pics, too bad the models weren't dusted before the shots were taken...
  19. Looks to me like its the strike pack for a VF-24 as is designed to fit over delta wings, not the variable swing wings that the VF-25 has... I like the use of the Zentradi style beam guns... I am of the opinion that the Tornado pack is either going to be an SMS test unit for the VF-24 or we'll see the Tornado mounted on a VF-24 in the movie. If you want to surprise the audience with a new fighter (which was rumored way back shortly after the movie was announced) then you don't want to give away the secret until you are ready. The Tornado Pack definitely looks like it belongs on the VF-24, not the VF-25, IMO. Keep in mind the VF-24 and VF-25 are nearly identical with the exception of the wings and cockpit.
  20. WOW, I love the pics from the '97 calendar. Some rare art there!!
  21. Zinjo

    Macross Books

    That's an understatement!!! Wow, would love to get hires scans of those beauties for my collection!
  22. Zinjo

    Macross Books

    My second copy of the book has a yellowed cover, particularly the spine. That's called sun bleaching. As you've seen in the posted pick the original book was orange...
  23. Could it be? Did Miyatake drop by and re-design the Quarter? Maybe he saw the show and figured he had a better design to offer? That would be totally cool! I never really bought the design of the TV Quarter, just didn't have the same aesthetic of the other cap ships. Struck me as far too flimsy to be a viable carrier, transformable or not. I guess we'll just have to wait and see... I can't say I'm surprised by the changes, as they just offer more opportunities for Bandai to cash in on the show...
  24. Possibly. Maybe it was utilized on Zentradi fighters. With the abiguity Kawamori keeps in his back pocket anything is possible.
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