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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Mods please move my posts to the appropriate threads. My bad...
  2. Macross Fighter Collection 3: ***Found on ngeekhiong.blogspot.com** All 15 + 4 Deculture! + 2 secret types. 12 items per set. March release, 6,300 Yen per set (inclusive of tax).
  3. MARCH 2010 Macross Lottery prizes: ** Found on Toysdaily*** 劇場版マクロスF 一番賞 ■発売日:2010年3月発売予定 ■価格:1回800円(税込) ■D賞 娘娘中華皿【レンゲ付】 密かな人気アイテムだったどんぶりに続き、今回はお皿が登場! 単独でチャーハンなどを盛っても良し、ラーメンどんぶりの受け皿にもぴったり。 これは複数ゲットしたい♪ ■全1種 ■サイズ:お皿/ヨコ約20cm、レンゲ/タテ約13cm ■E賞 でふぉめか 劇場版マクロスF メカニクス ●VF-25F トルネードメサイアバルキリー 上下の厚みが魅力的な機体はデフォルメされて情報密度がさらにアップ。実は『らき☆すた』の痛バルキリーと機体サイズが共通なので、一緒に飾れます(笑)。 ●VF-25S メサイアバルキリーアーマード装備 多数のパーツが集まって生まれる密度を見よ! 前回のアルト機と並べたいですね。 ●VB-6 ケーニッヒモンスター とにかくデカイ重い! パーソナルマークは劇場版とは違い、今回はテレビでおなじみのランカ仕様なのです。 今回3種と少なめですが超絶ディテールとツボを突いた機体チョイスで、メカファン注目のラインナップ。もはやリアルメカといっても通じる凄まじい仕上がりです。 ※写真は塗装見本品です。 原型製作:仁平哲也 ■全3種 ■サイズ:全高約7cm ■G賞 きゅんキャラ 劇場版マクロスF キャラクターズ ●シェリル・ノーム 黒うさぎVer. 女王様なゴージャス衣装は、デフォルメされてもインパクト十分。 細かく塗り分けられた衣装のゴールドが利いていますね。 ●シェリル・ノーム 白うさぎVer. 清楚な白いコスチュームは、モコモコしたスカートがキュート。 頬のハートや衣装のマークもしっかりペイント。 ●ランカ・リー バルキリー少女Ver. バリキリーの被り物もアホ毛と差し替えて着脱OK。軸は共通なので、他のフィギュアと交換して遊べるんです★ ●シェリル・ノーム ラブスリンガーVer. 鮮やかな配色でとってもカラフルになったシェリル。後ろから分かる素肌の太ももが良いアクセント! ●ランカ・リー 開拓重機Ver. ボディラインがデフォルメなのに色っぽい♪ ヘルメットはアホ毛と交換することで着脱可能です。 ●ランカ・リー ダルマゼミナールVer. こちらも初お披露目で、デフォルメされて一層可愛いく♪ ダルマの一部パーツを外すことで着せることが出来ます。 ※写真は塗装見本品です。 原型製作:トイテックDTC ■全6種+シークレット2種 ■サイズ:全高約10cm [ 本帖最後由 Devil_Fudou 於 26-11-2009 02:50 AM 編輯 ] I am loving the SD mecha!!!
  4. True, Mac Plus was originally a movie about competing test pilots that was adapted into a Macross story so Kawamori could get funding for the project.
  5. Only if BW is willing to release it as a movie without the "Macross" name on it. Though "Frontier" would work as a lone title...
  6. Scarry thought...
  7. The destroids and Monster, I'd buy! They've been neglected far too long!
  8. Not likely. Toynami has a better price point than Tamashii's latest. I fear that the price will kill this line too...
  9. You mean this baby? The Cheyenne II Compliments of Mr.March's Macross Mecha Manual The Cheyenne II is an updated version of the original Cheyenne from Macross Zero. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=cheyenne
  10. If these aren't costumes from the movie, then I think Bandai is trying to recreate the Rei & Asuka figure craze like Evangelion has.
  11. I wonder if this is the same guy who regularly builds valks and then sells them on Yahoo auctions?
  12. You plan to turn that "G" into an "A" version? Essentially all you really need is a gunpod and brown paint...
  13. I understand that. It's kind of like eventually they'll be one of the few to have a pristine unbuilt vintage kit...
  14. I am loving them!! Any chance of the logos facing the camera? I am hoping for one of the SMS and the Skull logo in hires... Dude, don't stop. Your work is amazing!!! Are you planing on doing the NUNS logo too?
  15. True. The massive screw holes in the legs is usually a damning indicator of metal use...
  16. The HI-Metal line to me seems like a step backward. They've finally gotten to the point where they can produce superior quality valks in plastic and they step back in time to the 90's... I'll probably pass on that one too... Screw holes the scaled size of truck tires, just so the fuzzy thing can transform, is not my idea of a valk worth 7000 - 8000 yen!! With that kind of money I could buy two 1/72 kits and slap itashi decals on them!
  17. She had quite a few lines and I prefer they way they treated Roy's death in the movie as opposed to the series. Claudia came across as a good little soldier and never publically broke down over the news...
  18. WOW!! More, More!!! Hi Res please.
  19. Zinjo

    SCOOP thread!

    I just received the newsletter from "over-drive-inc.com" and it had an interesting announcement regarding the Q-Rhea from Macross Frontier. The Robot Spirits (Robot Damashii) line is releasing the grey Q-Rhea from the Pixie Squad. It appears to me that they are exploiting the existing molds with this welcome release! Bandai Webshop Exclusive Pre-orders started on November 6, 2009 with and expected release date of October 2010.
  20. Since I consider tranforming static model kits to be an oxymoron, I won't comment on them (however based on builder feedback on these forums I tend to think the the pain doesn't justify the impressive results). The VF100 series was (is?) a failure due to the an instance of "going once too many times to the same well". Bandai's fixation with making transforming Macross mecha of all sizes is its achilles heel. When you have three competing lines and two of them are competing at the same price point, one of them is destined to be doomed. The skeptics were correct that a part swapping transforming toy/model would not go over well. Why get a 1/100 scale VF-25 when you can get a 1/72 scale snap together model out of the box for the same price. Add the itashi decals and the model kit gets the advantage. I got the Tamashii limited edition VF-25's and they are truly stunning! The fighters don't transform and they were sold for less than a regular transforming VF100 as well as came in much smaller packaging. Now you couple that with a non-transforming battroid with the same outstanding sculpt quality and you are hitting the two major markets in Macross fandom, just ask Hasegawa! The new VF-19Kai "model" is priced as high as the Armored VF-25F. At that price point the sales numbers will not recover Bandai's engineering investment in the thing. IMHO, Bandai should continue to release this line as a Collector's display model line with both Fighter and Battroid versions for the collectors of all the initially promised valks. They should take some pointers from the HCM Pro team and release the models with and without decals and release the existing itashi decals in 1/100 scale. A lot less engineering goes into sculpting static and/or posable pieces as opposed to transfoming ones. A GERWALK kit could be sold separately for those who want it and then Bandai would be fully exploiting it's molds (particularly for the VF-25 valks!). This will at least fulfill the collector's market at a price point that makes them appealing and non-competitive to the other "transforming" lines. Bandai needs to make its investment back on this line and repeating the same poor marketing plan and expecting a different result is insane...
  21. I like how Mikimoto his doing Minmay. She was always a tease and a flirt, now she is much more overt about it...
  22. I dunno. I'm not entirely convinced the Kai has any die cast parts. From all I've seen they seem all plastic. The "Hi Metal" appears to be referring to the metallic paint. The Gundam SP versions were metallic paint hence the "SP" meaning special paint. Ironically the only thing that would have induced me to fork out for a Kai was the metallic paint job which makes the model look stunning! The problem is that all the extra engineering that went into its transformation has pushed it's price point beyond my acceptable threshold for such a figure... No doubt the Gashpon fighters are nice, but the lack of detail afforded by the size just isn't enough for me. However, I do like the second series of 1/250 scale fighters. All the ones I really want are in that set. The VF-27B, the VF-25A, etc...
  23. With the DX and variable kits in the market it just seems redundant to make a transformable 1/100 scale. Especially if you can't produce it for less than a model kit... There is simply no incentive for buyers to get one outside of collectors. Spend about double the price and get a durable transforming toy or spend a little less and get a fully customizable model kit... As a collectible single mode display piece it has a different value. Hell they could sell both modes separately and still cash in on the quality of the sculpts alone!
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