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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. The UNS would risk public exposure of the classified Ghost X9 program and the embarrassment that would bring too all involved if any disciplinary actions were taken. A free man can be expected to stay silent, a prisoner or dishonorably discharged pilot has little to lose by talking. I suspect it was played as a "training accident" and no other internal repercussions were expected so long as everyone kept quiet.
  2. Hmm, a little bit in your mouth for sure, but the rest is a subjective thing...
  3. Yeah, As much as it irks me to pay for a substandard effort, I also feel the need to support / reward good behavior on the part of Big West and Bandai Visual with their effort to put English subtitles on the BD's.
  4. OK, now this would be an epic fail! Kawamori has a bit of an excuse since he takes longer than Lucas to write a story, but he did have script staff. Welcome to the Macross 7 legacy! Although, I do admit M7 got better in the second half, despite my complete frustration with the Basara character and the rainbow moonbeam song barriers.
  5. Did I not mention Swiss cheese? It is entirely possible both could happen a this point or perhaps Ozma shows up with his team in the Quarter!
  6. The whole discussion regarding the VF armor strength is where this breaks down for me. If the damn valks are so strong, how is it that they can be damaged with mere projectiles and missiles at all? You have these uber strong aircraft almost super aircraft that somehow are able to be damaged. THAT is where the bad writing is as far as I am concerned. Where is the peril? Where is risk? Why should we care if there is little risk to our heroes? Frontier presented this risk so much better than Delta has with adversaries far superior to our heroes' equipment AND they were adaptive. I feel that is where one of the principal frustrations come from. When the Windies own Xaos it turns out they are better flyers and fighter pilots and the fact that the aircraft are uber, makes the dog fights a visual dance and not really a fight with consequences. I suspect they tried to present some peril by having the Windies being better pilots than the heroes, but the nullifying effect of uber aircraft muted the danger all together. To counter this, a "fold resonance" field has to be invented to create an artificial advantage. Cheyenne destroids "should" be a useful part of an arsenal. They aren't the hero units, but certainly should have some role in the combined assets of any force and more than mere AA. As already pointed out, the PC felt the Zentradi needed ground attack units, so then there must have been a reason. This penchant for making each generation of fighter superior beyond any reasonable margin is an escalation that cannot be sustained in any dramatic sense. This further supports Seto's comparison between Kawamori and Roddenberry.
  7. Yeah, Kawamori should have been less coy about Macross II and simply lifted it up as a different vision of the universe instead of denying he ever saw it. Sometimes hubris comes back to bite you in the ass! The franchise could have been far larger than it is with varying degrees of depth had other talented producers been allowed to tell their side stories through OVA's. Kawamori could have continued to design fighters, but been free to pursue his own projects in the meantime.
  8. Cool just got my Vol. 2 and my Valkyrie 3rd Sortie book. Can't wait to browse through both. Not a fan of the release method though. By the time we are done we will have spent 52200 yen to get the whole damn thing (assuming you don't buy the sets with the art case)! The MF Frontier Full Series release was only about 30000 yen...
  9. There could be something to that. You'll notice they do carry swords...
  10. The Spacy Marines have never been a featured corps in Macross media outside of the Zentradi (so far). I always took the Marine rivalry with Spacy to simply be an extension of the US Marine rivalry with the US Navy. They belong to the same service branch, but are distinct armed forces within it and that is how I personally see the Spacy Marines with respect to Spacy itself. It is common for the US Navy to ferry Marine forces on board their ships, that doesn't mean they get along. Their nicknames for each other give this away as they are not very flattering. Jarheads for Marines and Squids for Navy.
  11. The last F-14D's were delivered in 1991, the last Tomcat was retired in 2006. So any F-14's would have been on extended service in 2008 and if there was an expected threat from space, I am doubtful serviceable Tomcats would have been retired or used as mere "A" models. If they could have been retrofitted conventionally when OTEC was being researched it is strongly likely they would have been. Ugh, the F203 and MIM-31 were the fugliest throw away designs ever to come out of any Macross production...
  12. I don't recall the episode but I do remember Hayate receiving a communication from Arad from his finger nail computer.
  13. It is unfortunate Kawamori didn't do more research or perhaps it wasn't on the interweb back in 2001, but the next generation F-14 was going to be the "ST21" Super Tomcat F-14 http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-history-f14x.htm which ended up being supplanted by the adoption of the F-18 Hornet instead. The Super Tomcat had a redesigned fuselage to the original, updated avionics and much more. It could have been a contemporary to the F-18's in service in 2008 as the need for fighters would be a priority during the Unification wars. The Tomcats used in Mac Zero should have been, at best, F-14D's. Granted there were more F-14+'s deployed, but if the fighter saw extended service they would likely have been updated or retrofitted "D" model upgrades to Super Tomcats giving them similar capabilities to the F-18's. To be fair, perhaps the "++" is somehow a way to designate such an upgrade program. I'd rather he designated these units as fighters upgraded to the actual "D[R]" model rather than the way he did. The "D[R]" model refers to the 18 retrofitted "A" models to "D" specifications that finished out the 55 unit "D" model purchase by the US Navy in 1991 before the contract cancellation. Only 37 finished "D" models were delivered to the Navy, plus the 18 retrofits.
  14. Was he involved with the live action RT trailer? That was some great SPFX!!
  15. Wouldn't that be a neat twist! Windermere, you have been judged as wanting, prepare to die.... Oh, by the way. With respect to the valks appearing without an EX Suit. Hellooo, fingernail computers....McFly, Helloooo..*knock, *knock It would be a weak explanation, but hey we are used to weak from this show by now...
  16. Well that seems to be where the grey area is. The NUNS garrisons assigned to various fleets and colonies somehow report to both the local government and the Federal high command, but it isn't clear which has greater authority at this point. I am leaning toward the local government since most of the troops are locally grown. This may make the garrisons more like a "Reserve" force to the NUNS as a whole. They may get called up to participate in a larger conflict if needed, but their main priority is local defense.
  17. i am doubtful the VF-31A's are anything but monkey models on evaluation to the region's contracted Paramilitary force Xaos. I think the specs reveal that. The Feds would not be running aircraft with the VF-25 engines when they could use those developed for the YF-30 Chronos or better. I am also doubtful the Feds would use a firm like Xaos to evaluate their full tech models. I would expect that would be reserved for NUNS evaluation squadrons and / or thoroughly vetted contractors who would serve along side Federal task forces where they could be supervised. The VF-0 and the VF-1 were evaluated by the military not a PMC. We could expect most evaluations were done by UNS evaluation squadrons before the reformation of the UNG and the UNS. wWen everything decentralized and both organizations became the NUNG and the NUNS respectively, it appears that is when NUN tech sharing seemed to change.
  18. Amazing work. The VF-11D is one of my favorite valks!
  19. I am hopeful that the Macross universe begins to identify NUNS Federal force fighters with a even number designator. The YF-24 becomes the VF-24, the YF-30 becomes the VF-30, etc... That all derivative monkey models are allocated odd numbers to easily identify them. If this were to become the case then it would be easier for the fans to determine which fighters are Federal and therefore full NUN tech based equipment.
  20. This is true and usually every time they do, it fails. This isn't Sailor Moon we are watching...
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