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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. From a story point of view Mylene was a co-star at least, the star at best. She grew and changed the most. Basara got a lot of screen time, but so did the tornados in "Twister", that doesn't make them stars... Much of the story was told from Mylene's perspective, not Basara's (whatever that may have been...) The principle character is typically the one that grows the most. The one who's perspective and world view changes. Essentially if Mylene hadn't changed her selfish ways, there was no way Basara would have had enough power to affect the final battle. He was not strong enough alone. Together he and Mylene changed the course of the war. I can't with argue truth like that... The American idea is to tether future stories to previous ones, because "apparently" audience's are too stupid to follow along... Whereas Macross is brave enough to try to venture off with new characters telling a new story in the universe, with each production adding to the lore of the PC. The hollywood machine has become so corporate that innovation doesn't exist anymore. Indie films are the avante guard of cultural cinema and hollywood is nothing but ivory towers of copycats...
  2. I stand with Keith on this one...
  3. Seems like the Tornado pack becomes all the rage in the second movie. We get a quick flash of the VF-25G and VF-25S with their own.
  4. Nice Quick scanning tip, I picked up in my travels. Get some black paper to put behind the page you are scanning. Preferably between it and the pages behind. The black paper absorbs most of the bleed through of the text and images on the opposite side of the page. It works for line art as well as photographs, it doesn't matter. I've had nothing but success with nice clean scans ever since I started do it that way;)
  5. Can anyone post a pic of the "C" (don't have the book yet...) [spent my money on the hybrid False Diva BD...] The principle differences I gleaned between the "A" and the "F" is that aerodynamics were revisited in the "F" production line. The fuselage is far more streamlined in the production models.
  6. Macross isn't "officially" marketed outside of Japan, but that doesn't stop it from being popular in foreign markets. Asia has seen it and purchase Macross merchandise. So, essentially there isn't a need to provide an English dub with countries like Korea and China helping to fill Bandai's pockets. The Western market is pretty small comparatively speaking. If the release and "international" version with Chinese, Korean and English subtitle tracks (dubs if they wish) and price it in line with foreign home video pricing, they could make a killing in direct foreign exports of the show. They just have to understand that what the market will bear in Japan, is not the same worldwide... Hell even RT can barely make a profit on its franchise, so the fact remains that the Western market is small and not really as lucrative as it once was. What Big West needs to focus on is convincing sponsors to sell internationally through sites like Amazon.jp and Hobbylink Japan, with international pricing in mind. There is extra money to be made in foreign markets, they just have think creatively when it comes to logistics...
  7. Some "need" the canon, other's don't. I prefer to take the "macro" events of SDFM as canon history, but the details of exactly how and what happened to be open to interpretation. WW 1 and WW2 had thousands of "true" stories that happened, but historically both wars are broken down by notable dates and major battles. Thousands of films, books, TV shows, etc have been done about both wars, all with some sort of dramatic treatments. Yet we enjoy them nonetheless. Hence the origins of your comment... I recall, when asked about the aesthetic differences between SDFM and DYRL, Kawamori answered that DYRL was the preferred visual look of Macross, while SDF was the story. Over time the looks have melded. Mac 7 had a Millia in a VF-1A painted like her old VF-1J and she wore Hikaru's flight suit, not the one she was seen in SDFM. Mac F featured elements of both and the "story" of SDFM has become less rigidly "canon" over time... To which I say "thank God" when I look at the ideas introduced in Mac 7!
  8. Some new ones I kinda slapped together for the group... I took this fine Pixiv artist's (いぬい) work and wallpapered it up a bit (INUI - Romanized name): All of these are 1280x1024. I have a couple of more, but I'm saving those for the appropriate time... Now some Wallpapers based on the work of an outstanding Japanese CG artist known as "ringpull1080". These are 1280x1024 Now the 1600x1200 Wallpapers bsed on ringpull1080 cg art: Onemore for those with HD monitors. 1920x1080 File is on the large size... One I cobbled together from the False Diva poster: 1280x1024 I'll post more as I find them. I've been making them up as time permits and they are all over the place on my HDD....
  9. IT'S ALIVE!!!
  10. So is the web address of that forum correct? http://w.livedoor.jp/harmony-gold_japan That's a chilling thought...
  11. Perhaps it will be a venue for Kawamori san to try out new designs?
  12. And SHOUT HAVE BEEN DEAD! had it not been for the heavy influences of Hanna Barbara in the Macross 7 story...
  13. I'd suggest keeping the 1st beta "in the family" (MWF) for player feedback and "closed" (so to speak) testing. Once the beta has been polished and tweaked, I'd suggest posting the "general release" candidate up on torrents as well as certain donated file sharing sites for general consumption. Though I'd suggest ensuring that the mod plays on Win 7 or the general release will go sour quickly. Once its out there it will indeed take on a life unto itself!
  14. Pfft! Everyone knows the Megaroad found them in their galactic love nest near the galactic core...
  15. Any way to get a hires version of the textless eggplane version?? ME LUVS eggplanes!!!
  16. The bible belt comment was more sarcasm than sincere inquiry...
  17. Are these guys from the bible belt? Are they so sexually repressed that anything will set them off? Such a thing hadn't ocurred to me until it was brought up... The mind boggles.... Though, I guess if you were forced to compare Mikimoto's work to Tommy Yune's work on the same subject matter, I'd be jealous too...
  18. I aint waiting until retirement for that nonsense to finally get green lit... Everyone wants a Macross movie and no one but Big West and WB can make that happen... HG has to be cut out of the equation or it just won't happen.
  19. Actually they are his conforming fuel tanks strapped to her legs, but I get the sentiment...
  20. I agree with sketchley. Did the Germans blitzkrieg the farmhouses and factories on their way through Poland? No! They attacked the military threats. It's conceivable that had the Zentradi won the war, that the orbital facilities would have been left alone, if they didn't attack. Humanity was not the enemy of the Zentradi until Bodolza ordered it so. Had the Zentradi successfully wiped out the orbital fleet and the Macross, I would suspect they'd have gone on their merry way, looking for more SA ships to attack.
  21. EXACTLY! Can you say "Midichlorians"? As soon as you show or explain a mystic power, myth or legend, they loose their power and relevance. Happy Days gave us "Jumping the Shark" and Lucas gave us "Midichlorians" (he also gave us "nuking the fridge", but it really hasn't caught on...). So to tell the story of the Megaroad 01 would kill its legend and make it irrelevant. The same goes for showing any surviving Protoculture. To reveal them directly would destroy their enigma and the power of their legacy. Agreed that a reboot would clear the animation from the dark forces of HG, however if your going to paint the Mona Lisa with modern paints, you don't add what wasn't there already! What can be expected at the galactic core? Well if one were to follow logical extrapolations, then the fleets would find more evidence of the Protoculture civilization, in the form of ruins and such. The core will have star systems much closer together and if the PC were a race that started out in that vicinity of the galaxy, they'd have plenty of planets to colonize before venturing out into the rim systems like Zola. Earth was a speed bump on a survey fleet's travels back in the day. There would also be a lot more graphic evidence of the Civil and Protodevlin wars in that area, not to mention a likely higher concentration of Zentradi and possibly Supervision Army forces there. As for the Zentradi being "belligerent" toward humanity, that really wasn't the case until the Macross attacked the Zentradi fleet. Then when it became clear that humanity possessed the long lost "Reaction" weaponry, then they Zentradi went on the hunt to capture the ship. It wasn't until Bodolza ordered Earth destroyed that the attitude toward the race changed. Essentially we were flies to the Zentradi, and we needed to be swatted as pests.
  22. The keys to a successful, faithful reboot are (IMO): 1. The cost of the series is spread out equally among the sponsors. Bandai and Victor have both called too many shots on the series and not really to the franchise's benefit. 2. Get as many of the original writing team back as possible to adapt Mikimoto's manga for the small screen. 3. Allow for an updated VF-1 design 4. Ms.Kanno can update the music (she's already done so on a couple of the songs) 5. Plan a two season budget. Macross ran 36 eps which is a season and a half. I"m sure there is enough material in Kawamori and Mikimoto's heads to flesh out the remaining 12 eps (a better build up to the Max and Millia meeting would be one that comes to my mind). 6. Naturally, hiring Satellite to anime the series. 7. Don't be afraid to let the story get serious and dark. Talking down to the audience never works. Taking a few cues from Korean dramas wouldn't hurt any. 8. Bring back the old design team and a few new ones to update and flesh out the mecha and environments. Just a few thoughts on the subject. It can be done, and done faithfully. The challenge is keep untrained and untalented hands off the thing until its finished.
  23. Wow parts of that sounded dangerously close to RT there bud... The SMS was founded by Briler a Zentradi, so that couldn't be your company. However, I've said it many times before that the Macross universe is so vast that dozens of side stories could be produced and the general continuity wouldn't be affected...
  24. Is the Mother ship aspect of the Homeworld game going to abandoned or postponed until a later release?
  25. Oh Gawd, we'll never see a Beta now!!! SC2 alone is addictive enough!!
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