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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I don't think they were looking to make the CG photo realistic. It looks like they mapped out May'n's dance moves for the song and then transferred them to a Shery CG model...
  2. That has always struck me as backward. It takes more energy to run servos and articulate the body of a Battroid or the hybrid flight and battroid arms of the GERWALK mode than to simply fly using inherent avionics designed into the fuselage. Yet, somehow it takes more energy to simply spin turbines to keep the fighter aloft on its aerodynamic wings and fuselage than to run a fully articulating robot WITH working head turret laser cannons.... Am I the only one who sees the flaws in that logic?
  3. I suspect Seto is right in terms of nose art, however it is possible that Destroids had squad logos much like modern army and marine units have. Essentially a quick way to distinguish one destroid's unit from another... As for models and toys, it is doubtful since the hero mecha in Macross has always been the variable fighter. Maybe at some point a garage kit maker released some custom decals, but I don't know of any...
  4. Any new renders Ren?
  5. Unfortunately since I don't have an HD resolution monitor (1920x1080) the motivation to make them is kinda slim, but that isn't going to stop me in future...
  6. A couple of HD (1920x1080) wallpapers of one of the posters for Macross Frontier: The Wings of Goodbye I'll try to make a standard def 1280x1024 version later, but I'm not expecting it to be as good as the full image... I did two versions with increased color saturation. The second has more red which tends to bring out the colors better IMHO... ENJOY
  7. I'd suspect its a new Version of the VB series, possibly a VB-6G or maybe even a "VB-7"!! It is definitely a VB Monster body. However, why not swap out missile launchers instead of the howizers? If it allows Bandai to sell a slightly modified version of an existing toy mold, expect it! Hence the Tornado packs for Micheal's VF-25G... DYRL set the standard for "going to the well twice" with existing toy molds...
  8. I wasn't trying to imply you were impolite. I was simply stating a personal fact... I may re-vist these later and make the VF-24's more "Frontier Blue" rather than the steel blue they currently are.
  9. I tend to avoid smartass statements unless I know my audience. I try to follow an ancient religion called "Netiquette" while posting. I do take screen grabs. I haven't done any of the movie yet, but that doesn't mean I wont... I've found that around here, if you ask politely, generally the membership will try to accommodate you. The keys are "Ask Politely" and "Give proper credit where it's due" ... (much like life).
  10. Yes truly a stunning work. I just wish he'd come back and show us more of this amazing work...
  11. You posted here? OK, the movie is about 2hrs long and thus has thousands of frames. You'll need to be more specific...
  12. I'd wait for that! I am really enjoying Mikimoto's version of SW1...
  13. Using Ren's flotilla render and Takm's VF-24, I created this wallpaper making the assumption that some fleets adopted the VF-24 Evolution as their mainline fighters. I only wish I could have had higher resolution images of both Ren's work and Takm's to work with. HD Wallpaper 1920x1080: 1280x1024 Wallpaper: Enjoy
  14. I tend to agree that we really only see the use of tactical long range missiles sparingly and usually against capital ship targets. As fleets get closer, fighter wing attacks and the typical Macross Cannon blasts then take over. It may not be realistic, but it is infinitely more dramatic, cinematically . I keep wondering if there was ever an age of high maneuverable "Torpedoes" in the Mac universe? Nothing official mind you, but it makes one wonder if the weaponry was ever used. One could describe them just as easily as long range missiles I suspect. As for the VF-19Cs, it's an interesting topic to discuss. IMO, I think it was a mistake to describe Project Super Nova to be the competition for the next gen main line fighter IF there was no serious attempt to show them as such in future productions. The story would have been just as well served by making it a competition to determine the next special operations fighter or better yet, "Interceptor" fighter, since both the YF-19 and YF-21 were astonishingly fast for the day.
  15. Zinjo

    VF Girls

    This thread never gets old!!
  16. I tend to wonder if the principal reason the VF-19C was so prolific was because it was bought by colony worlds as well. It could simply be a matter of timing. The VF-11 was the main naval fighter at the time and the VF-5000 was a popular colonial fighter, but after a while the colonies have to upgrade. So why not upgrade to the 19C which has all the avionic benefits of new technology and is optimized for atmospheric operations. Mac 7 showed us that not all emigration fleets were willing to switch over to the 19's as main line fighters, but tended to utilize them in a special forces role as well. Particularly the E -S series' where they were optimized for space operations. That may be so, but realism is often NOT dramatic...
  17. Actually it was most likely the International Release of Macross Plus, which was also dubbed into English (I believe using many of the same voice actors from the Manga Ent. release) ...
  18. OMFG!!! Those have to be 80 - 100mm rounds!! They could take out friggin figate!! WOW!
  19. I love the new animation they did for the Minmay concerts and the Macross. Nicely polished without moving very far from the original animation style... I so badly want the bottom glass from that pachislot game !!! That lit up relief sculpt of the Valkyrie with lights, OH MAN I'd love to frame it and hang it on my wall...
  20. With collections being released it stands to reason that the earlier issues would be discontinuted. However, another avenue to consider is to buy directly from Japan via Amazon.jp. They only ship books and videos internationally so games and toys are not an option. Amazon Japan Macross Books
  21. Well Minmay is one of Mikimoto's all time favorite characters to draw, so after SW1, Minmay doesn't have as large a role in the story as she did during the war, so he may well end it there...
  22. Keith likes to bait people with his pseudo-superior attitude, so just disregard it when he does that... I do recall Kawamori describing a "backlash" regarding Mac 7 and I simply have a hard time believing he was referring ONLY to Western fans... Mac 7 leans heavily into J-Pop and fantasy. As Seto has stated the story really doesn't get going until mid way through. I continue to assert that Mac 7 was a 1 season show, shoe horned into two seasons. IMO, Frontier did a much better job spacing out the J-pop and gave us a much greater song variety compared to the dozen or so songs from M7 that tended to get replayed at nauseum (too bad too, since they are quite good and it took me a long time after seeing the series to finally appreciate them)... In a nut shell, Macross is the "Legacy of the Protoculture". Over the years it has taken many forms, with many formulas, but that is what the franchise is about. OVAs tend to be darker and more serious, where as the TV series follow the formula of SDFM. Pop Divas, Mecha and alien battles. Yet the common thread (with the exception of Plus) is that each production gives us new kernal of information about the PC's that we didn't know before.
  23. This is a criticism I can swallow for Zero. It has outstanding elements that were either squandered or poorly capitalized on. Had Big West not stuck with OVA convention, a sixth episode could have tied up the story threads nicely, but no doubt they were getting tired of sinking money into Kawamori's CG experiment (amazing as it was) for another year. The irony of that last statement is that Zero laid the groundwork that would make Frontier such a visual treat 4 years later...
  24. I'd suggest it's much less a question of practicality and more of necessity. Macross provided a "reason" for a transforming jet and the GERWALK mode became an unanticipated side effect of the transformation process. The technology may someday be quite easily available, however without a compelling need for it, it won't happen. The most we might see are transforming RC aircraft...
  25. Is this a request?
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