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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I think we've all debated the merits of the story of Mac Zero to death on these boards. Clearly more time was spent on the stunning CG sequences and less on polishing the script into a coherent story..*cough* Skycrawlers *cough*
  2. Well it isn't Tinkerbell, where we clap really loud and chant, "I believe in Macross" and it will happen. A full blown series requires a major sponsor like Bandai, who tend to insist on exclusive merch rights to the mecha. That would require either redesigns of the mecha OR a revocation of all the existing licenses already out there. A very big gamble for Big West. Another scenario is for a consortium of small sponsors to pony up a large amount of cash for the series to keep their respective licenses. A third scenario (already mentioned) is a special 5 part OVA series condensing SDFM into 2.5 hours or ideally 5 hours which is still a significant investment for smaller sponsers given the costs associated with quality CG anime. If it will happen at all, I would expect either the first or last scenario to take place and it would have to be in the planning stages NOW! Macross Zero was a textbook case on how to loose the interest of your target audience with excessive production delays. Satellite had about a quarter of Frontier's total episodes in the pipeline before the show even aired.
  3. MW is blessed with some outstanding CG artists, these are two among many...
  4. Ding, ding, ding, ding, YOU win a pig!' Yes that is one of several Jason Lewis renders he shared with us here. I still consider his SDF-1 model legendary, unfortunately he never finished texturing it... He was quite good and yes I for one miss his contributions to the group. However, your renders are stopping just short of blowing everyone's minds.... Aka: Jay-Lew http://www.macrosswo...p?showuser=3050 http://www.macrosswo..._posts&mid=3050 Two unforgettable Threads: http://www.macrosswo...opic=16101&st=0 http://www.macrosswo...opic=19810&st=0
  5. I have a copy of the RT mod for FS2 somewhere in the piles on my desk. It wasn't bad...
  6. I'd be happy to upload the finished work to my Pixiv account, (with full credit to the artist of course). If they are going to see it anywhere it will be there...
  7. As long as they get credit for the coding, it's a good bet...
  8. Stunning Work! Can't wait to see more of Your progress!
  9. Wow, Kawamori finally got a VF-19MaxL into a story...
  10. It's brilliant marketing strategy by both Dengeki and Hasegawa. You commission a serialized story featuring Hasegawa kit customs and then publish it. Dengeki and Model Graphics love to publish custom Valks, so to base a story exclusively on them is a great marketing gimick.... I am waiting for the "contest" for the readers to submit the "next" racer valk...
  11. They've already sold out the pre-orders on CD Japan...
  12. OK here's another one: I hope to make a wallpaper for every render akt_m gave us... Enjoy VF-24 Horizon Skipping HD 1280 x 1024
  13. Yeah definitely a merchandizing design. Nearly all the basic elements are already in the VF-25. Converting toy molds over to this will be cheap and easy for Bandai!
  14. Yeah, logically the pilot would dump the super packs with that much damage, since they'd be useless...
  15. Nice renders. I'm loving the cockpit!!
  16. Its a trend. All the "9" series VFs are forward swept fighters with sword names. I'm sure at some point he'll break out of this trend just "because"...
  17. The color scheme is more an extension of what was started in Mac Zero and DYRL. At first I thought the number on the top of the fuselage was a bit jarring, but in context with the battroid mode it makes sense. However the angle of it is more artistic than military... Although I am not grooving on the extra red paint on in front of the cockpit. That should remain all black as typical of military aircraft. However that is a personal preference.
  18. He did extensive poster art for the Chronicle, so here's hoping all that art shows up in this book... Well if he includes the art from every poster he did in the Chronicle, that's another 50 pages..
  19. OMFG!!! I have been waiting for another Valkyries book for like ever!! Yatah!!
  20. I am loving the character designs. Best ones since SDFM...
  21. The only request I would make of Akt_m's stunning work is for him to put some sort of sillouette of a pilot figure inside the cockpits. No need for detail, just a recognizable visored helmet and body all in shadow or black. It would make doing close up type shots easier than trying to create a chrome or mirrored effect on the cockpit glass. I wouldn't mind a few renders of your VF-25 too bud...
  22. As Per suggestion the same images with some additional noise to diffuse the cg as well as mesh better with the grain of the background image. HD Version: 1280x1024 Version:
  23. There is some motion blur on all the planes except one. However I think akt_m is right that if I add some noise that'll help the sharpness and add a bit more realism...
  24. Zinjo

    VF Girls

    Did you find the Klan VF girl yet?
  25. Yeah I was thinking about that...
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