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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Initially yes. The idea of calling any weapon nuclear or atomic was taboo in anime. Memories of Hiroshima and all that. Although it appears that Kawamori may be starting (though the translators can confirm this) to change their meaning from nuclear missiles to anti-matter weaponry. Which if true, would explain how only a few missiles could completely decimate a Zentradi cruiser several kms in length. Edit: Ah Goobs beat me to it...
  2. WOW!! Unfortunately I don't have a second processor to give, but if I did you'd definitely get it! What kind do you have anyway? Yep too soon. When the book goes out of print is when you can ask again...
  3. Well why "buy" it if it's up on the web for "FREE". It's a double edged sword you are playing with. You won't support the franchise as a consumer UNTIL you get what you want.... Sounds more like an excuse NOT to support the merchandise and by extension the franchise, since merch is what pays for the anime.... As I've already said you can't go to BW and say "I will buy IF you do what I want", but you can say "I've bought the Japanese version, please provide an English version" and if enough Western fans tell them this, they will see the market and do the manga. Scanlations privately shared between members with strict understandings about web publishing is one thing. To post it for all to grab because you need some sort of ego boo, is quite another. That is the risk the community's translators are trying to avoid.
  4. OK, if that's a Ranka doll, they are trying too hard to homage SDFM!
  5. The pilot only needs to be a sillouette, my friend. I don't think anyone really cares if they can see pilot detail, I know I don't. The beauty is in the rendered fighter, which looks kinda odd flying with an empty seat... A new model? Ooo are you planning different heads too? Thanks for all the work, I really look forward to your next set of renders... They are so much fun to work with. Thanks, the two I am most satisfied with are the Sunrise and this one. The perfect storm of elements came together on these. Starting with the outstanding renders of the VF-24... The Break Break wall was a lot of work and I'm still not entirely happy with it, but others like it so what do I know.
  6. Well I just hope he ends up with SOMEONE! The ambiguous ending for Mac 7 really didn't work that well, when you compare how satisfying it was to see Hikaru finally pick someone by the end of SDFM. Fans need closure otherwise you just annoy them...
  7. That was before he got rooked back into the franchise while trying to get funding for a script that has since become Macross Plus... Macross II was BigWest and Bandai's venture into a Macross production without him and it really didn't do that well (I blame the weak ass story myself...) However, I am still hopeful for some sort of anime based on Mikimoto's new SDF Macross manga. I am really liking how that story is being told.
  8. Same in the West. Eventhough anime is superior in just about every way (with a few notable exceptions) to western anime, it's still a cartoon after all and is given the same domestic respect as we do ours... Unless the film is Disney or Pixar, it either doesn't play in as many theaters or doesn't play very long...
  9. Yeah, May'n is still a doll, but not loving the new hairstyle. Doesn't suit her at all...
  10. Some one please ask him what he meant by the Macross 7 backlash.... Ever since he said it, I've been curious to know what he meant...
  11. Thank you I've got a request in with akt_m for a couple of more renders, but haven't heard back on them yet...
  12. Zinjo

    3D thread

    A little photoshop magic and viola it's a scene from Macross Zero....
  13. What's not done in a public forum is simply not seen.... Many things are done via PM here, which maintains the integrity of the public face of site...
  14. My sweet Lord!! That is epic! Dude you have to share some Hires renders with the group. I particularly love the gold tinted metallic texturing. Whether that's lighting or the actual texture it looks amazing. Wow!
  15. Yeah, Wing Commander was epic and sadly, with the notable exceptions of Freespace 1&2 and Starlancer, there hasn't been a decent space flight sim since... There was a Russian game with promise (essentially a freespace knock off) that came out about 5 years ago but it never left Russian soil...
  16. I respect your differing opinion, however having participated in a few mod projects, I'll tell you the amount of work needed to create a story based mod or game is a LOT! If a fan game is created, we must keep in mind that all the modellers, coders, map makers, testers, etc... have day jobs and can't work on this volunteer project for 16 hours a day, no matter how much they love it. Hence my suggestion for a sandbox approach. The scenarios "players" themselves can create are far more imaginative than a dev team in my experience. Especially if the server side tools allow for a large number of server side configurations. Server side adjustments could take the form of things like: 1. No gun pods 2. 200 round limits before reload is necessary 3. No GERWALK or Battriod modes 4. No Jet mode 5. City map with Battroid only limitations, no gunpods and only a knife (VF-17 would have an advantage, having built in guns). 6. Space battle map in an asteroid field ~ETC... The configurations could be endless and you can't beat a player's imagination to discover the best advantages on maps with built in limitations.
  17. Be that as it may, I'd strongly suggest you "trade" materials in the privacy of a PM or directly through e-mail. Many of us believe on occasion that Japanese fans and possibly even employees of Satellite or BW may peruse these boards to see what the Western fans are up to and we don't want to give the impression that this site is a clearing house for non-purchased Macross materials. We all care too much about supporting future Macross productions to take bread and butter out of the mouths of the franchise owners or their license holders. I tend to agree with you regarding making Blurays Western friendly, however if we ever wish to see such accomodation, we must have the moral authority to be able to ask as paying customers, not pirates.... Yar?
  18. Just a note to Lonewolf's original timeline posted by Azrael in post # 1. Based on my research, the battle over the "Macross" trademark BEGAN in 1999. No one held it outside of Japan yet. Over the course of 3 years both HG and BW would apply for the TM, the other side would file a claim and the matter would end up being abandoned. It wasn't until the Japanese ruling in late 2002 and the subsequent uncontested awarding of the "Macross" name to HG in the US in Feb, 2003 (I believe) that things changed on that front. [based on actual searches in the US trademarks website]. Perhaps BW assumed that the international TM would automatically fall to them after winning in Japanese court, which is clearly not the case. It only gives them strong grounds to reclaim their property internationally. In the US it would take a court case to recover the TM, but in Canada BW just has to prove IP ownership to a Tribunal to recover the "Macross" name and any name associated with the franchise. I wouldn't be surprised if the same were true in the UK, however I don't presently know. Whether Big West is aware of this or cares is another matter.
  19. Is that the re-edit of TSC into a newly dubbed "original animation from HG"? Just asking
  20. Yep! Justify it how ever you might like, but around here most take supporting the franchise merchandise very seriously. It's one thing to publish scans of material that is no longer in print, but another to release scans of actively published Macross materials. It is not a popular thing around here.... Just so you know...
  21. The real challenge is to create a hybrid of the two - incorporating all three modes of Valkyrie! IMHO the best scenario is to have online "sandbox" maps that players could join and battle each other (e.g. Battlefield franchise) with various valks and even (if the fanbase wants) Varuata and Zentradi mecha. Space maps, air maps, land / air maps. etc... are easier to develop in that environment, since there is no need to create a story or have event triggers and all that stuff. Unless a team is willing to spend hours and hours developing a story for the game, it is better to just provide the "tools" for the players to make their own fun and concentrate on tweaking the game balances. It will all depend on what game engine you use or if you create a custom engine for the game. Just my thoughts
  22. Yes and no. The Galaxy shot was from a greater distance than the close up of the Frontier gunship. There is no definitive way to tell from the available footage if the Galaxy's gunship uses the same primer. There have been a few sequences during the series that showed the Frontier gunship firing and as I said, the glowing pre-shot or primer always preceded the main cannon blast. Something M7 never had, but has now been included in Frontier. Mikimoto is retconning the Macross cannon blast in MTF by showing what has always been the twin charging poles of the cannon to be (in his manga) separate gun barrels.
  23. The GERWALK config looks pretty funky!
  24. Actually I believe it does fire all four barrels when firing the gunship, the "gun" below it appears to be some sort of priming charge. Frontier is the first time we see it. Mac7 didn't bother with that much detail when firing the gunship. I wonder if the idea is that the primer charge is a way of quickly igniting the SD cannon unlike how the Macross cannon had to build itself up to critical mass before the same blast would occur?
  25. Hell yeah, with the grand finale having the Vajra showing better aim than the damned Protodevlin did!!! "Listen to my..."*ZAP*!
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