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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It looks like something you'd hide in an asteroid field. Very nice!
  2. Macross Zero was the first time I ever saw the head optics utilized strategically. Ivanov's use of the SV-51's telescoping head in particular...
  3. So then is "War" violence or conflict? This needs to be defined for the argument to move forward. A "war" of words deosn't necessarily end in violence and a war with bombs doesn't always end with words....
  4. Do you make any comments NOT peppered with your own assumptions? My quote is from an online dictionary. You are aware that wikipedia quotes online dictionaries too, right? I wonder if "Straw Man" is your latest "new" term, you use it an awful lot. It strikes me that the "Straw Man" assertion you claim everyone else has of your opinions is more a judgement based on your own personal example. Wow, I suspect you love to hear yourself talk and write for that matter... All opinions are equivalent since they are generally subjective and the same can be asserted regarding "aesthetic appreciation" as that is inherently subjective. As for garnering YOUR respect, you are making yet another assumption that we care about it. This is the internet, there is little way of proving you are who you claim to be as it would be to prove you are not a well read twelve year old typing in his bedroom... No thanks, I went to college to learn, not hear some self absorbed post-grad assistant pontificate on what THEY consider important in the world. There are enough soap boxes around, I can hear those messages anywhere- for FREE! Oh NO! What will I do now? My life is now meaningless!! I have just been dissed on the interweb, how will I go on...... <Smell that? That's sarcasm >
  5. Thanks for the clarification
  6. Does it have boobie packs? Mein Got!!
  7. Subteranean caves are a good place, be they natural or man made. Satellites however useful can be and have been fooled before. Then there is the need for "evidence" to conduct attacks on autonomous nations harboring the AUNA without compelling evidence. If you are wrong there will be hell to pay. Keep in mind the UNG is still very young and the political pressures to keep it together are huge. The last thing they can afford is a military attack of any kind that would jeopardize the peace. The evidence would have to be incredibly compelling and an imminent threat proven. The latter would require proof of "intent", not an easy thing. As for the SV-51 needing jet fuel, acquiring that through sympathetic governments would not be difficult. The difficulty is evading satellites once they are finished their attack. I've always thought the Auerstädt was not very well thought out design and often wondered if a better one was ever developed. The AUN didn't master technologies independent of the UNG or OTEC. We get a pretty clear message that they had spies and sympathizers at OTEC to get the technology they needed. The SV-52 Oryol used nuclear engines and it was developed in parallel to the Valkyrie to combat the giant aliens according to the compendium. It is not really known if the Oryol was deployed in combat against the Valkyrie, all we know was that most didn't survive SW1.
  8. I was wondering if the surfing scene was a nod to Kawamori's work on "Eureka 7" or if Kawamorisan is really such a surfing enthusiast? I found it rather infantile and perhaps that was the target audience for that particular scene, infants? I agree that the writing team found their legs on this production. They defined characters and events much more than "False Diva". I am glad they did two films, because "Fasle Diva" without "Goodbye" would have been an unfortunate note to end the series on, since it came across as too disjointed.
  9. The screenshots are from an HD source, 1920x1080. If all you want is the images there they are. If you want additonal text and the like then that will take some time, kinda busy with RL and all . The picture you show, I have in HD, I'll track it down and post it.
  10. Nothing "Macross" afaik but then again Frontier wasn't announced until spring of 2008 and the first episode was aired in December. Technically Frontier was the 25th anniversary show even though actually started airing in August of 2009...
  11. Yes, which is one of the concerns with the F-35 Lightning II's. They have a singe engine and if it goes, you could not only loose the plane, but the highly skilled pilot as well. Considering the fighter is pushing the $100m mark that will get expensive! Anyway, on to my own question. Have the specifications of the Island "pill" ships from Frontier been released? They seem to be around the 5000m x 1000m size, but it is hard to say. Anyone know?
  12. It's builds like this, wmchens and others that make me truly wish we had a Macross museum to properly display these works of art...
  13. YOU are so on a "Watch List"....
  14. Condescension? Was I not paying attention at that undefined moment? Morals do not automatically mean Morality, oops did someone just learn something banal, mediocre and new... I weep for the next generation with the current education system Choosing to "deride and disdain banal opinions" is the purest form of empty arrogance in people today. It is the evidence that one has become willfully ignorant of anything beyond their own opinions and that is quite sad. However, each is entitled to be what they are. Attacking others because they disagree with your opinions is unfortunate. I could make comments that could start a flame war, but I like it here too much to go there... I agree that much of what comes out of the Hollywood movie mills is definitely formulaic and trite, but M7 did not buck that convention, instead, just as so many other self professed "avante guarde" film makers do, they forced the audience to endure a supporting character thrust into the role of lead. Mainly because they didn't understand the basic principles of story construction. It isn't genius or "new" it is bad writing, plain and simple. What was mundane and banal was watching a main character do the same things over and over and over again for nearly 49 episodes. Oh wait, after we got to the point where we nearly hated the song he was repeating, we would get a new one to listen to over and over again... Transposing one's love of Basara's music into some sort of evidence that the series was NOT poorly structured berays a basic lack of understanding of how story and tales are told.
  15. Then by all means let us enjoy Basara's reciprocal journey together. At least that is a story worthy of a main character. Basara has already made that journey without us and thus no longer merits the position of main protagonist. What is more interesting, the finished room or watching someone trying paint it? Deriding your detractors because they don't subscribe to your position only weakens your point. An unconventional perspective has merits, but if it distracts from the "actual" drama of a story then it has no place or use in a tale. Every GOOD story is crafted with deliberate purpose to an ultimate moral end (whatever the moral the author has in mind). Basara as a catalyst supporting character is much more palatable than one that is in your face episode after episode for no worthwhile reason other than to sing a song repeatedly and shoot potentially lethal speaker pods at you (thanks JBO... )...
  16. I dunno. I agree with Kawamorisan. Partly to thumb my nose at the canon-heads and partly because I appreciate his attittude toward the idea of not being shoe horned into a continuity that tends to quickly take over and suck the life and joy out of any universe... The only time I would disagree with that premise is when Macross 7 is concerned. There is a difference between flipping the bird at convention and writing under the influence of mushrooms! I'm all for creative limitation, but sometimes it gets wayyy out of hand... *cough*startrek*cough*
  17. I would be more likely to speculate that Hasegawa is limiting the runs to keep from loosing any profits they gain with such a dodgy economic environment right now...
  18. Can you really say that? Considering we aren't even sure what is historical canon and what isn't by the universe's own creator, can we really be "Trekkie Sure" of anything anymore...
  19. That is one of them. In the Macross universe, a "Macross 13" feet is a codename for a clandestine Socom fleet used by the UNG. Apparently there are multiple "Macross 13" fleets deployed in the known galaxy.
  20. I'm thinking they are MacQ's that have a similar shape to the Guantanimos. That's the only explanation I can come up with. Then again there is a scene in Movie#2 were the Galaxy frigates are firing weapons similar to the mini-cannons we saw on the Macross Quarter in Movie# 1... Edit: Nope you are right, they ARE ARMD carriers firing buster cannons!!!??? Did "AnimeFriend" work on this film???
  21. I like to subscribe to the theory that Macross II is a "lost' colony world from the early days of exploration forced by their system's fold fault to develop their own next gen mecha. Hence the VF-2 derivatives as opposed to the VF-4 in the general Nue continuity. If I were to bring it into the Nue continuity that is how I'd do it. It allows the series to maintain its identity and integrity with minimal "adjustments" and yet folds it into the Nue continuity with a reasonable explanation for the differences in mecha and story. The military's control over civilian life is a result of extended martial law. The Mardook are an offshoot of the Supervision Army, etc...
  22. OK, you are confusing equipment and objectives for the reason they were fighting in the first place... They could have been fighting for any of the following reasons or combination thereof: - Different ideological uses for the ASS technology - Different beliefs in how the Earth should be mobilized for defence against an alien threat - Maintaining the status quo on energy production and or the power that monopoly wields - Controlling the "new" energy & technology - Political and power aspirations of certain people or nations All objectives and equipment. The AUN-A had the capability of building capital ships as well as deploying mecha and advanced variable fighters under the nose of the UNG. That did not disappear with the loss of the Mayan Island battle. They also had an effective spy network capable of "acquiring" technology and information from UNG and OTEC sources. You are confusing a geneticist with a PC scientist. We have no idea how many scientists and engineers were working for or sympathetic to the AUN cause. The infrastructure to secretly build a submersible carrier, mecha and variable fighters is rather huge and would not just suddenly disappear or be abandoned as a result of "one" lost battle. The loss of objectives and equipment is not at all "enough to halt hostilities", history has proven that over and over. A myopic view of world history and current events would assume such and it would also be unfortunately ill informed. The arrival of the Zentradi certainly ended any debate over what was in humanities best interest, but there was a period of 6 months were hostilities were still active and eventually simmering until the alien attack.
  23. He retired? Where is that from (curious)? Damn, you take a nap for a minute and all hell breaks loose... I must say I do enjoy the Trekisms around here some days... "VF-24?" True there is no "official" discussion about such a fighter, however we've already established that the YF-24 was the chassis upon which the Vf-25/27 were developed. We also know colony fleets are not given bleeding edge NUNS technology. Hence a reasonable extrapolation that a VF-24 may well exist or be in final development in NUNS federal fleets. This falls into the same type of reasonable extrapolation that postulated many Macross class battleships were built after the original,which was vehemently railed against by members on these very forums until we saw the Global on Galia IV. Is there a VF-24 in the Macross universe? Unconfirmed, but it is possible...
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