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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. True enough. I've caught myself a few times wondering what my favorite movies would look like if they Lucased them with CG... Then I shake my head and appreciate them for what they are...
  2. Wow that sounds dangerously like a minion or toady to me... Why don't we just call it Robotech and be done with it? Then the fan-culture would be the same... Macross challenges many scif fi and social conventions, very well or poorly depending on your tastes. I appreciate Kawamori's "anti-canon nazi" stance on the universe. It can drive you batty from time to time, but he reserves the right to change placeholder ideas with mature well considered ones later on. He admits that the major events of the universe occured but the minutia that the productions are made out of are subjective and open to interpretation. Both MF movies attest to his continuing assertion that the TV shows, OVAs and Movies are interpretations of actual in universe events. Hence the differences. IMHO, he copped out when he made DYRL a "movie" within the universe. It is what it is and shouldn't be expected to be more or less...
  3. I think you are being kind... Never liked the MS, the boxiest variable fighter I've ever seen! I liked the concept, but the execution failed IMHO...
  4. I shutter to think of what Mr.Cheng would do with a 1/2000 scale SDF 1 !! But I'd pay to see it...
  5. Though, I appreciate your enthusiasm I fell asleep into the 3rd paragraph. Perhaps writing in point form might work better? _________________________________________ I would be keen on the idea of re-animating the show with existing VA, but unfortunately that would only bring in a modest amount of new fans. I have no issues with remaking the series and adding a few episodes to flesh out some parts, but my fear is the temptation to "Lucasize" the show! Yes Kawamori played with magic and fantasy in M7, but he's admitted that he's over that now. Personally, I would like to see "The First" given anime treatment or even a team of fresh writers given a crack at the original outlines that became Macross 30 years ago. It would also give Kawamori the opportunity to clean up some of the discrepancies between SDFM and the current universe. Things like the use of the VF-0 in flashbacks within SDFM as opposed to the necessity of making the fighter a dirty little "secret" of the UNG. Greater elaboration on how MIllia and Max fell for each other, <place you SDFM plot peeve here>. Though with any remake the danger always exists that egos believe they can fix what was never broken...
  6. I see nothing to be ashamed of. However, being a fellow pefectionist, I can understand when an artist isn't satisfied with the work. Personally I find the video stunning, but what do I know, I only do static composites...
  7. OMFG!! That IS as Epic as everyone says it is!!
  8. I am loving the composites. If you've seen my work you would understand how much. BRAVO! I particularly like how you used a photograph to simulate the city. From the top you can't tell - Brilliant!
  9. True, conforming fuel tanks would be as effective. However one could just as easily argue that in a combat situation that last thing you want is to be carrying fuel on your engines...
  10. In an atmosphere??!! I've always balked at the idea of FAST packs in an atmosphere... Just add a drag chute and you get the same aerodynamic result. The idea is further debunked by MF where Gilliam's dumped his FAST packs before flying into Island 1.
  11. Public torrent trackers, mediafire, filefactory, hotfile, http://www.top10bestwebsitehosting.com/?kw=file%2520hosting%2520sites&c=18944363988&t=search&p=&m=p&adpos=1t1&a=232&gclid=CPqszvbP3K4CFQ6EhwodejZpWA There are quite a few file hosts out there, just do some research to see which works best for the distribution. I am glad you decided to drop rapidshare, they were once the best and now one of the worst...
  12. - How does your Valkyrie art differ from the other projects you work on? - How challenging was doing the artwork for the chronicle considering your paintings were featured in nearly every issue? - Which is your favorite subject in the Macross franchise to work on, fighter, capital ship, other? - What is your favorite subject to work on in general? - How challenging was it to work on the CG textures for the Macross movie? - What has been the most difficult project you;ve worked on for the Macross franchise? - What has been the most difficult project you've worked on so far? - How long does it take to complete a project? - What is your inspiration on most projects?
  13. That cockpit is simply stunning!
  14. One thing you might like to know is the title of the show is "Super Dimension Fortress" RT changed the name to "Dimensional" since HG didn't know that "Super dimension" referred to what fold space was called in the original show. Thus the title is referring to the fact that the Macross can space fold, NOT that it was super huge...
  15. Why does the Vf-19 Blazer have wings or vertical stabilizers? Probably because it is space "optimzed" like the VF-2SS is supposed to be. However, I'd probably want to fly a Blazer than a VF-2SS in an atmosphere. The VF-2SS's atmospheric attributes seem more akin to providing hard points for missiles and an effective way to land the beast shouid it fall into an atmosphere. The VF-2JA is designed for atmospheric maneuvering more so than the VF-2SS. True, but it doesn't help any arguments for the VF-4 or VF-9 either... As fighters I love both of the Kawamori designs, but the wheels fell off when he tried to figure out how to transform them into battroids! I am so glad he plays with lego now!
  16. When one considers that the effects of the sun's radiation is a primary cause of aging and you have a race that spends most of its time in space (or a person for that matter) then it is easy to see why Millia as well as Max look so young in M7. Prolly because "Eternal Love Song" is set in the Mac II continuity not the Studio Nue continuity where the bulk of Macross productions reside.
  17. Damn that's tempting!!
  18. That is TOO SEXY for it's stand.... I love the fighter mode of the VF-4, it's when it transforms that it becomes fugly...
  19. Eventhough that is a valid point, one can argue that most of the film and TV industry worldwide is facing that reality and as of yet have not figured out how to work around it. I beg to differ. One of the successful aspects of the "Macross Formula" is how it caters to several demographics at once. Love Triangle caters to melodrama fans, Mecha to the gearhead fanboys and Music to the obvious demographic fanbase. However, unlike Bandai's flagship line, Macross doesn't see as many productions as Gundam does and doesn't have the market penetration MS Gundam has (for better or worse). IMHO, it is because Macross relys solely on Kawamori to produce the stories. Thus there is a production once every 3 - 5 years and that isn't enough to keep the property in the market often enough to regenerate the fan base. Perhaps that is the result of the poor reception of Macross II or other factors, but the show is too dependant on its creator, just like Star Wars is too dependant on Lucas. I couldn't agree more, for reasons I've already outlined. Kawamori needs to take more of a producer role in the franchise rather than it's only source of inspiration and story. He is somewhat there already, but the door needs to be openned further. The Macross universe is vast and there is so many tales that could be told in OVA format. With a steady diet of productions to keep the property in the market a new series evey 5 years would not have to spend so much time cultvating a new fanbase, but expand upon an existing like Gundam is able to. I would have to agree with this assessment. There are plenty of stories to be told in between now and then.
  20. IMHO, the show as classic is it is, could use a reboot for two principle reasons: 1. BW to re-claim sole ownership over all the SDFM property and cut loose the Tatsunoko legal mess. 2. Rework the story into a 2 season episode count to better flesh out story threads (Max and Millia love affair comes immediately to mind). The only way to do this is to get WB involved to buy out the international rights to the original in order to pave the way to a Live Action Macross project (which has the greatest hope of success of all the known RT properties), recover their investment from international distribution and to be the third party mediator between the Japanese license holders who will want to be part of the project. There is so much potential money to be made from a quality reboot the vendors will be killing each other to get their piece of the pie. As for the whole fold evolution, I don't see a lot of issues with the retcon. At first I was wondering how they could reconcile the original fold "bubble" with the new fold "tubes", but then just considered that the Macross in SDFM triggered what I call a "Barrier Fold". Essentially a fold from within am Omni-directional barrier, which resulted in them loosing their fold engine entirely. The Macross was an ancient SA gunship and for all we know such tactics may have been possible, if executed correctly.
  21. If the admins maintain this puzzling limit, that'll be the only option...
  22. Hmm, must have done something wonky when I converted them to JPGs... Nope just checked the originals, they are 1920x1080! So for some reasons the site is shrinking the files because there is a file size limit on image uploads!!? This is definitely going to be a problem in THIS thread!! Admins, any chance this is going to get changed?
  23. A few more with the YF-29 Durandal... Resolution 1920x1080.
  24. OK, I'm tired of hearing frothymug crying... Here's the requested wallpapers and some extras - Plain HD, no titles or text.
  25. Slap it up here, I'm sure a few of us would like to peruse his work...
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