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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. WOW very nice! I am particularly fond of the Mikimoto re-design of Minmay...
  2. Boss you gotta post hires pix when this darling is finished. It is coming along very very nicely....
  3. March and Sketchely could hook you up with that... I am so totally there! Those prints would be worth every penny!
  4. Actually it is one of the most popular (in universe) immediate successors to the VF-1 and the predecessor to the vF-11 so it comes by the distinction honestly...
  5. Question is, how high is the resolution?
  6. It's really nice, but not in hires, unfortunately.
  7. I like the defender, giving it hands adds a defensive capability it didn't originally have. I still think the Spartan should have a gun pod...
  8. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    It has to be one of the most effective GERWALK fighters ever designed. It can reach much higher speeds than oher fighters and transition into fighter almost immediately. I could see it as a very popular design for planet based air forces...
  9. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    Always a treat Brain-man
  10. SOOO TRUE!!
  11. Where would this "Office" be anyway? I suspect it is in the definition of the term. Restore: Return to it's original state, flawed as that may have been. DYRL - DVD release Re-Master: Rebuild to a pristine improved state. The implication is to correct flaws, fix color saturation, enhance picture clarity, change images, etc... DYRL BD release Perhaps we were expecting a "Restored-Master" and were given a "Re-Master" instead.
  12. AnimeEigo never did dubs only professional subs. As Azrael said, it expired and for some reason they were required to turn over all remaining inventory to HG. They had a "fire sale" before that happened, which is how I managed to get the full set for a fraction of the original retail price HG then repackaged the stock and sold it on their site for a time until it ran out. That is unclear. If they didn't, they would be within their rights to destroy all re-masted inventory they had in stock as well as the masters, but they didn't (well the inventory anyway). Instead they turned them over to HG (ripping the mastered video from the DVDs wouldn't be that hard). As it was, they didn't turn over the remastered audio files they created as that media was licensed directly from BIgWest / Studio Nue so it belonged to those companies. I have little doubt that the bottom feeder HG probably tried to get their hands on them anyway, but failed.
  13. Yet again, you prove your compositing talents. I am a fan! Nice Work!
  14. no kidding!
  15. I was under the impression Kawamori directed these as he was most familiar with their capabilities and such. I believe he was credited for that direction in the series as well, but I don't recall where I saw it.
  16. Looking forward to it
  17. MAX, he's gotten no love for running the show in the squadron while Hikaru was out hobnobing with giants...
  18. I just can't support the mutilation of any cinema product, it was released as it was and that version should be respected. I agree, that at the very least both should be made available! I am curious if Noboru Ishiguro had any say in this re-edit of his film (yes Kawamori directed the Valkyrie sequences, but Ishiguro was the senior man on the project) before his death? If they release both versions on BD, I will buy THAT. This "Special Edition" Lucas-type version of DYRL is not going to see any of my money and I've been pretty faithful in purchasing the releases as they came out (except M7, but that is a personal choice).
  19. No Dude, that is"old school"!! Using Elmers on clear parts goes back to my old days of kit building...
  20. I don't know about aluminum CNC milling, but I think his printing work would make incredible positives for resin casting!! Imaging computer precision in a resin kit!
  21. Until I get confirmaton on the edits, I ain't buying nuthin! I won't support a "Lucased" version of DYRL in ANY format. I'll stick with my inferior but intact re-mastered DVD release and IF the movie is intact as it was back in '84 or even the remaster release then I'll drop the money to get a copy of the new BD. @ Oihan, you express your displeasure by NOT buying the product. Speak to their wallets and most corporations will listen.
  22. FRACKING LUCAS!!! Ever since that clown openned Pandora's Box on RETRO Edits every pin head is now trying to do it!!!
  23. Well just because a group of torrent listers abreviate BDRip into BRip doesn't make abbreviated term correct...
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