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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. High praise coming from this guy...
  2. Wow, amazing skills, I look forward to seeing how it turns out!
  3. That is a good question for the Newbie Questions thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34315
  4. That is kind of like a Chicken or the Egg question. Did the Vajra have formidable bio weapons that the PC copied or did the Vajra copy the PC weapons? We can be sure of one thing, they were probably stronger or more resilient when they met humanity than when they first encountered the PC. It is conceivable that perhaps they didn't have "ship" type forms until after they met the PC... We do know that the encounter(s) with the Vajra gave the PC a very healthy respect for the species.
  5. Umm, isn't the pronunciation of Mikhail just the Japanese difficulty figuring out how to say Michael? Mikail is the Russian form of Michael and Michel is the French. With a name of Michael Blanc, I don't think the Japanese intended to muddy the waters with more foreign versions of the same name... If you look at the name phonetically it is difficult to figure out without outside help. The only foreign member of the production team was a Frenchman, so no help there... Similarly in Eureka 7, most of the cast pronounced the character's name as "Ererika" and only one actress (Akiko Yajima, who played Sakuya -I believe) knew how to pronounce the Italian word correctly.
  6. That's not my point. My point is that it is far too arrogant to "assume" that mankind would discover things about the Vajra that a clearly far more advanced race like the PC "couldn't". A Human compared to a Zentradi is like comparing a professor to a chimpanzee. Sure the chimp can do tasks that it is taught, but you won't see it writing an analysis paper on why it was doing that task... The PC compared to humanity "should" be the same way. Sure humanity can figure out the basics, but the PC would have forgotten more than humanity knows... You don't build a republic on a galactic scale without having abilities and capabilities far in advance of your distant progeny.
  7. It has always puzzled me why BW doesn't just add English subs to their BD releases? I own a copy of the international releases of the Macross Plus set where they went so far as to include an English Dub track as well. Release "International" versions with no region coding and let the world buy directly from Japan... Subs are relatively cheap, and they increase the international sales appeal as well as it totally bypasses the HG blockades, because imports from other countries cannot be stopped by Harmony Gold's legal tangle over their ill gotten Macross trademarks. Those only prevent domestic distribution of the Macross branded properties, not imported items...
  8. What he said... There is no definitive history of the Macross universe and probably won't be so long as Kawamori is in charge. I personally like that fact. Each story can expand upon an aspect of the over all universe. The idea that song energy might be related to fold waves makes the idea more palatable to me as opposed to some inexplicable magical force .
  9. That would definitely be a challenge!!! However, those who strive to create realism at scale would welcome the challenge...
  10. Welcome aboard. Being a Macross fansite, we don't often have RT art here, however, perhaps a member might have a good scan in their collection to share.
  11. An easy fix in photoshop...
  12. Just for reference to all the new people, EVERY macross cruiser is a "Stealth" cruiser, very much like EVERY enemy group in the Macross extended universe are "Terrorists"... To quote the immortal Fizzick, "...I do not think it means what you think it means"
  13. Never liked the idea that mankind "improved" upon a system developed by, arguably, the greatest civilization in the galaxy! After, what? A couple of months exposure to the Vajra, humanity was able to figure out Fold Quartz was the secret to the Vajra? I find that hard to swallow. At best, knowledge of folding and PC technologies would deteriorate and atrophy over the ages. Perhaps be re-discovered by humanity, but not necessarily surpass it. I always felt that the Zentradi cruisers and Macross had greater fold ranges and abilities than human built ships which succeeded them. Ships which might be missing key ingredients (like fold quartz) that made the other ships superior.
  14. Practice and study techniques and that will indeed happen...
  15. Beautiful! Makes me think of a "Generations" picture where there would be characters from each era progressing across the picture.
  16. About 10 years ago, Absolutely! Despite having relatively timeless looks, Ms. McGowan is no longer the teenage waif she once was...
  17. VF-27_driver was asking about trademarks. IIRC the last time I did such a search HG held the trademark in the UK, as part of it's blitz when BW didn't defend it with the US trademarks office in 2003. However Azrael's links have the latest information To challenge the trademark in the UK and Canada, as far as I am aware, is much easier than in the US.
  18. How wmuch for the the shirts? I'm loving that black Macross one...
  19. Any higher resolution scans or shots of this?
  20. Yes and no. As a live action TV series to be sure, a film series perhaps. Although I'm sure all Macross fans immediately made the connection when the Galactica performed a Daedalus attack in the finale...
  21. Me For the very reasons I described. Not to mention no one is interested in Adama 2.0...
  22. Very Cool. Though for Minmay I'd choose Charlene Choi, she can sing and can manage English (born a Canadian, but moved to HK at a young age), for pure looks Chilling Lin is a good choice. The same goes for Li Xiaolu as Millia, but considering she's an alien, ethnicity is not a factor ( ). I've always envisioned Roy played by Matthew Fox. The actor has the looks and the voice that would instantly imply a life of too much smoking and drinking... You get a sense of how Roy would be portrayed from his role as Racer-X in Speed Racer. EJ Olmos would like not be interested in the Global role simply because he's done that character already. Actually I'd like to see what Viggo could bring to that role... Claudia LaSalle would be Ya Ya Decosta. A stunning actress with the spirit Claudia needs Misa is one of those take your pick roles. A conflicted character who is a highly functioning emotional train wreck. An actor's dream role. Max is a tricky character. He has boyish good looks and a baritone voice! I recall an actor very much like that, but can't recall the name. Hikaru is a toss up since depending on who makes it, he's either Japanese or Caucasian.. Regardless of my casting preferences, I would love to see the reaction of this art on a site like Pixiv.com
  23. Maybe, unfortunately they really didn't spend a lot of time of the other aircraft markings so there is no way to be sure either way.
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