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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Well the bar has been lowering in productions across the globe. Japan is no exception.
  2. Looking amazing! Please post hires pics of this project when she if finished. It is coming along beautifully
  3. "Grand Cannon". 6 were built prior to the Great Space War. 5 on Earth and 1 on the moon.
  4. Has there ever been a release of the "Beam" (width) and "Air Draft" (height) in addition to the "Length Over All" of the capital ships? Those would be nice stats to have on capital ships. I am particularly interested in the Varauta Fleet Carrier
  5. Hmm, makes one wonder if that wasn't the original intent. That some dissatisfied fan would photoshop out the index fingers to be able express their rage... Yeah, I never thought I'd feel this way, but I do. Excuse me, I need to curl up and cry now...
  6. I would suspect because the US Navy is the most recognizable being the largest. However, I would like to see squadrons from other nations also memorialized in UNS or NUNS squadron names as a return to the international nature SDFM was supposed to be. Though not many nations have flashy squadron names like the US. The French name their De Gaulle squadrions alpha numerically, which is not nearly has fun or flashy as the US Navy.
  7. One of the key abilities of Ultra Capacitors is their ability to transfer large amounts of energy. They are not batteries as they are not capable of storing said energy for very long before it has to be transferred. Unlike batteries which are designed for energy storage..
  8. Anime "magic" which proliferated that show.... If there were a reasonable way to exploit an "actual" projectile that could perform such stunts, it would have appeared again as an actual weapons system. As you say, its tactical applications would be fairly devastating in combat. The ISC system likely uses a set of Ultra Capacitor tuned to Super Dimension space to achieve this effect.
  9. "They who shall not be named" have no say in the matter anyone who suggests otherwise is grossly uninformed about the legal status of Macross.
  10. So then Kawamori phoned in the story, showed up for the first cour and then bugged out to develop his series with the Chinese... At first I was going to comment on my ambivalence as to whether Kawamori went all Lucas/Roddenberry or the sponsors interfered, but this revelation changed all that. In a perfect world, we'd get something like that or at least a battle between the Federal NUNS and a faction supported by Epsilon and their new generation of weaponry enhanced by the Sigur Valens data. The establishment that Epsilon makes a variable fighter with an SV designator also keeps the idea of valk on valk battles alive in the universe. It also allows a deviation in the conventional designs of valks as an SV fighter will not necessarily follow VF design specs.
  11. Yeah, along with the ability to carry more DEW (directed energy weaponry) and defensive equipment. They could run all 4 engines at reduced thrust giving them the same speed as a 2 engine model at full thrust and have the power available for DEW. 2 extra engines provide redundancy and the rotating engine nacelles provide greater agility in both space and atmosphere environments. Keith used his Lil Drakens to evade Messer when the Knights were bugging out at one point as an example. Where the SV's have incorporated an innovation is turning their Lil Drakens into attached FAST packs that double as ghost UCAV's.
  12. Keep in mind that episode 13 was supposed to be he cliff hanger ending to the TV series, followed up by a movie climax to the story. I was hoping that Ai Oboeteimasuka was indeed the antidote to the mind control, as stated, a fail safe measure. What bothers me is all the universe building, but no insights as to what the hell the Segur Valens and the Star Singer were intended to be. Why the Windies were created and of course the insulting bait and switch regarding the Lady M question... Were the Valens, Star Singer and Windies a weapon system that sparked the PC Civil War or at least a game changing weapon? It has come up twice now. The idea was first introduced in Frontier and the Vajra hive mind, where Grace and Galaxy tried to co opt that mind for their own nefarious ends. Now we have Delta, which exploits the Var Syndrome or perhaps an inherent gene, that seems to have been around for far longer than the exit of the Vajra, into a mind control system. If that is indeed the case then perhaps the reason why the Windermier were found so far from the galactic core along with the Sigur Valens and the Star Singer is that they were at a base of operations or weapons development test site on the opposing side in the Civil War. One side was creating the Evil Series weapons and the other was creating the Windermere and the Star Singer to weaponize song. If this is an inherent gene in all PC creations, it would undermine the loyalty of even the Zentradi with their handlers. A project ultimately abandoned when the PD became a galactic threat. It may also start to explain the way in which the PD were able to control the soldiers of the SA and subsequently the Varuata forces. That would be very interesting if it is true!
  13. I always suspected that of the first two cours of M7, but several fanboys on this site were adamant it couldn't have been... I have no issue with exploring the PC mythos, but I have to agree that the weaponizing of song in this series may have jumped the shark from scifi to fantasy with mecha. However, I will cede that at least they tried to explain it far more than Macross 7 ever did. Considering I see this series as the direct sequel to M7 in tone and subject matter, I am not really surprised by the product we got. I won't comment on the "formula" since every studio has one, regardless of what country they hail from. Business graduates who run studios (sponsor groups) LOVE formulas since it doesn't rely or require creative skill. Sony's "Flow Machine" software is trying to do that for music... OVA's and stand alone films seem to get the most freedom since the sponsor pools are smaller, but the ROI may also be smaller compared to a weekly running series.
  14. Well a 26 episode show about flying valks duking it out without any purpose is equally irrelevant... Now if you described much of what you said as incomplete or dangling story threads, I'd have to agree. Some aspects would have to be abandoned in the interests of limited time and that isn't always a bad thing.
  15. I would suspect they are fairly even. The trouble with M7 is they had only 3 songs for the first cour and were repeated at nausium. Good songs it turned out, but familiarity bred contempt for me.
  16. My question is, how much are the fighters controlled by AI now? If Messer's flight data makes Hayate's refurbed fighter "better" then one wonders how much flying skill is actually him or the fighter?
  17. Well that's better. Finally saw the subs and can have an informed opinion that includes the dialogue. After seeing the episode, I suspect had they stuck to the original plan, the show would have been as popular as Frontier, but for different reasons. Still a tassel of loose ends though: Why was the Sigur Valens built and who did it? Why was the Star Singer created and who did it? Why were the Windies created to run it and who did it? Why did Immelman senior drop the bomb on a population center? Where the hell were Johnson's tactics for 25 episodes?? The Elysion could nearly take out a fleet of Windy cap ships on her own, but never tried? Why introduce Lady M if we never learn who she is <checkov's gun>? Why bring up the Megaroad 01 if it had no impact on the overall story <checkov's gun>? What will happen with Mikumo now that NUNS knows the extent of her power? ________________________________________________________________________________ Back to my review of the episode and series as a whole: Now, it was nice to see the resolution to the love triangle in a way we haven't seen since SDFM. Mirage lost, but consoles herself at least with flying. Though Minmay's love of singing trumped her love of Hikaru. Roid turned out to be a good villain, but we only get this at the very end? Very disappointing. He saw the galactic mind control more than just a conquest, but as a means to immortality. He intermixed the morality of his actions as being for the greater good of his people and for the evolution of the children of the PC, like a demagogue who saw himself as the answer to galactic peace. I like the nuances even though we were treated to this at the end the show. Grace's take was more as a Corporate operative on a mission for an amoral company. Bogue stayed true to his character by saving Reina and Makina, but with a caveat that it was a one time thing. The whole ensarement of the mind control tendrils was long and killed the initial momentum of the episode. Yes it added a sense of peril, but was belabored far too long. The SV's turning white were visual indicators of mind controlled pilots, not actual color changes. The aircraft are not vajra who could have conceivably changed color in Frontier. The Sigur Valens survived, although very damaged. We never learned why the war of independence actually happened. A better plot point would be that the NUNS wanted to confiscate the SV as a PC artifact and the Windies wouldn't give it up as it was considered a sacred item to them. So the NUNG chose to destroy it. A heavy handed act for the Feds, but provocative enough to start a war like that. A side note- I always felt the Valens should have broken through the mountain top instead of having a ridiculously large doorway. This would have implied it was buried and that the Windies excavated it within the mountain as it lay. Why were the Windies allowed to leave Ragna with the SV as damaged as she was? It was still a threat to the region, even hobbled as it became. As far as I'm aware the original projector is still on board. This is not a toy the Windies should be able to take back home! Heinz holds on to the futile plan to take out the NUNG. His aces in the hole are gone, Roid and the Star Singer projector are destroyed and the Valens is heavily damaged. They do not seem to have the tech savvy or the life span to fix it any time soon. Epsilon Corp seems to have abandoned them and the sector is going to have a serious hate on for Windermere now. I'm sure the terms of any peace treaty will be to hand over the Sigur Valens to the NUNG (assuming Epsilon will not try to destroy it before NUNS can get a closer look at it). Epsilon itself is more of a threat now that Windermere. They have all the data they collected from the Sigur Valens and they will be able to incorporate their research into new more powerful weapons that will likely rival or surpass that of the Federal NUNS. Reina and Makina are a heavily implied couple now. Keith and Roid seemed to be unconsumated lovers who died together. The universe building in this series was considerable, but not nearly complete. I get SK may have wanted to build up the mystery, but you have to have an equal number of answers to the new questions. There is definitely a set up for a follow up movie, but who knows if that will happen. Check out the last two anyway, just so you can say you did...
  18. Take a look at where some parts begin and where they end up. The rest is really not that difficult.
  19. My biggest complaint about it is the afterthought transformation process that would be lethal in a hairy dogfight situation. It simply not an efficient method IMO and would expose the pilot to unusual peril every time they transformed. As a fighter it is gorgeous.
  20. Damn the VF-31 should have had these installed. It would have saved them a lot of trouble... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_VAR_compensator
  21. Well I am curious if and how Mikimoto would update the characters. As for "that fight", all the IP belongs to Big West, that is settled. If Big West wants the international franchise back, they can simply sue to get the copyrights and trademarks that HG eroneously registered taken away. There is nothing they can do about the animation and merch rights to SDFM, that is already settled. Well you might in your mouth considering it's battroid mode is FUGLY! Design aesthetics aside, each group of aircraft have their flaws. I have no interest in getting into a pissing contest as to who's compensator is better than who's.
  22. 3) He phoned in the second cour because he was working on his new series already.
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