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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Yep that's the way I understood it. Infosys, take a look at this thread. Mr Bickell, spent a lot of time working on the placement of the "guts" of the fighter during his 3D build. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34651&page=1 Hopefully he is working again and we'll see him here soon...
  2. We are on the same page with that one. I too have seen some of my stuff show up in the most interesting places. Only once was my tag cropped off, but I didn't see any evidence of that person claiming the work as their own. You are referring to the "exif" information embedded in jpeg files. That is the best place to ID your work as most "scumbags" as it were are not aware of this information and only certain software is capable of editing it.
  3. Very nice, However might I suggest you move your tag to the bottom of the image so as not to obscure your work?
  4. I've been to both camp's forums and I have to say the trash talking comes predominately from the RT camp... Macross fans get "annoyed" when RT supporters spout the HG corporate mis-information regarding rights and what can and cannot be done with the RT property. Though this group in South America has real talent!
  5. I've seen the work from this team before and it certainly is studio quality. It is sad that this will only ever be a fan film. Big West will never consent to an RT film using their Macross property or any of its elements. HG can continue to produce toys and comic books using Macross elements as that falls under "merchandizing", but they know they can't produce animation or live action films using Macross elements as that Intellectual property is exclusively owned by Big West. These South American guys truly have a future in film, their skills are remarkable!!!
  6. True, that was the name of the F-14D that flew up until 2006, but since yours will be the "E" you could call it what the next upgrade to the F-14 was going to be before the F-18 was named its successor. The "Attack Super Tomcat - 21st Century" aka AST-21 ( http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-history-f14x.htm ). At least that way there would be some historical verity to the name. Something to consider I look forward to the read.
  7. Actually it makes perfect sense to me. All these "Bio-Domes" will make up the initial colony when they find a suitable planet or if they need to land on a planet that requires some terra forming. The domes are not for space and could indeed be closed until arrival if necessary, but clear domes are to let sunlight in when the ships finally land. Keep in mind they would be landing on an uninhabited world with all sorts of unknown dangers and the population may have to spend months or even years inside the domes until the world is sufficiently mapped and the wildlife and ecosystem determined safe for outside settlement. I have to agree that the exclusion of the cemetary ship was a smart one. Even teeny boppers would wonder why build a ship to bury bodies when they can be buried at space? I think the Quarter would be much harder to dock than many might assume. The aft section really isn't designed to dock with anything, like the other carrier ships do. I don't see it as part of it's design specifications. At best it would require a specialized collar to mate with a larger ship like the M7 escort ships.
  8. You and me both brother...
  9. Zinjo

    VF-9 Cutlass

    Let's agree to disagree..
  10. Interesting idea, however I'd suggest changing the name of the F-14E "Mega" Tomcat to the "Super" Tomcat. That seems to be a popular way the navy distinguishes an early version of the same aircraft to the upgrade, i.e. Hornet vs "Super" Hornet; very different aircraft, but essentially the same air frame.
  11. You can also find his work here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36686
  12. That sucks! It is also one of the biggest reasons why I don't do any remote archiving. I bought a BD burner and make physical archives of my files. Storage site admins and owners have this facist notion that they can rummage through users accounts and delete whatever they like without restriction. I don't buy into that notion. I stopped using "Imageshack" for that very reason! I didn't like going to (what I believed was) my personal account and find my files deleted without notice or explanation.
  13. The only weapons escalation was the development of the Ehvil series that were envisioned to basically have the firepower of a (Zentraadi) battleship in a Zentraadi.That's still a pretty powerful weapons set.. Also the Reaction bombs are essentially anti-matter bombs, where as the Dimension Eater bomb is a fold device coupled with an omni-barrier capable of folding all or part of a target into Super Dimension space. If positioned well, it can have devastating results. That just never seemed realistic to me. The PC were not supermen to be sure, but if you study the Vajra long enough to pattern your fighters after them and advance your bio-weaponry research to create and emulated weapon system like the EVIL series, then is it so far fetched to expect that they would also learn of fold quartz and its properties???
  14. Actually Keith is a the most canonically pure fanboy of Macross 7 ... As for the SA, the galaxy is a very big place and if they are less in number than their Zentradi nemesis, then it is possible they are fighting a guerilla war of survival. I find it hard to imagine that if Basara a single Anima Spiritia capable individual could redeem so many Varuata soldiers, a larger force could not do the same for mind controlled SA. Thus, we have an army on the wrong side of the war suddenly fighting a relentless enemy. I postulate that the Zentradi are on a Search and Destroy mission to commit Genocide against the SA forces and all those who dare aid them. It is rather remarkable that it only took the Zentradi 10 years to find the Macross without ever having a clue where she folded off to in the first place. When one considers the truly vast size of our galaxy, the odds are rather astounding unless the giants had become adept at finding escaping SA craft in the galaxy over the eons...
  15. Wasn't there multiple Macross 13 fleets out there? I thought I heard it was a catch all name for spec ops fleets within the Spacy organization. How they were distinguished among themselves wasn't specified...
  16. I so want some CG models of those HM Missles!! Love the conversion!
  17. Well the RT crowd will need to change their shorts after seeing this build (y'all can fill in the blanks) ... I am truly looking forward to the beauty shots of this amazing work. Bravo!!!
  18. Yes it is awesome!!
  19. Considering the Lobsters has buster cannons on their back and the hammerheads had lethal tails, I would be inclined to still give the Vajra a large edge...
  20. As much as we want to we can't wish these things away...
  21. I disagree. For the Anima Spiritia forces to get close to the PD, they had waves of SA forces to get through first. How does one do that? Disable them like Basara did to the Varuata pilots in M7. If the mind control could not be broken then Basara would not have been able to do it either. He was the first to be found to possess the Anima Spritia ability in over half a million years. If he could do it, it is not so far fetched to extrapolate that it was done before and perhaps on a larger scale, since we know that there were Anima Spiritia soldiers (= plural). From a purely tactical point of view, if a PC general discovers their AS soldier have the ability to break the PD mind control, of course they will exploit that. How better to get close enough to capture and imprison the PD than to have their own army turn against them? How much more impossible would it be to try to segregate the PD from their forces to imprison them if the mind control was unbreakable? Your statement would suppose that the PD somehow forgot how to permanently control the minds of their subjects. The Galaxy is a very big place and humanity is coming from "the outskirts" as it were. It is possible that the Megaroad 01 encountered the SA or an SA, Zentradi battle. There has never been a reason to include the SA in a Macross story so where they are and what they are doing other than fighting Zentradi somewhere in the galaxy is all we've been given so far.
  22. The SA initially were the Defense Fleet of the Development Project producing the EVIL series of bio weapons. They were the first to be taken and every fleet they encountered were absorbed like the ST Borg. When it became clear to the PC what was happening, it was too late. The PD's SA had massed into a formidable fighting force who had a clear advantage over the PC Zentradi because of the micron personnel who fought alongside the giant Zentradi. This forced the Stellar Republic to revoke the directive that preserved the micron population and that would ultimately come back to wipe out most of that same population later. At last look at the history http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Category:Chronology the PC are "nearly annhilliated" which the old compendium actually gave a percentage of dead vs the remainder who went into hiding at the fringes of the galaxy. The core world were decimated by collateral damage between the SA and The Zentradi. Nowhere is it stated the Zentradi targeted PC worlds, but it is reasonable to assume that if an SA ship landed on one or was in the system, the Zents could "sanitize" the system. IMO there is even less reason to believe the SA were still under the PD mind control long after the PD were sealed. We saw how easily Basara was able to break that control and it is reasonable to expect the PC used similar methods to break the original control. However with the PC Commanders not able to re-institute the "Do Not Interfere" directive, all recovered PC and Zentradi in SA fleets would remain targets of the out of control Zentradi fleets which numbered in the millions. I tend to believe the SA are former PD forces fighting for their lives against a numerically superior and relentless foe. It is possible they possess superior tech and tactics but they also risk being overrun if they get involved in a stand up fight with the Zentradi. It is also possible that much of the collateral destruction of the PC may have been a result of PC forces/ systems defending repatriated brethren against a single minded enemy. Whatever SA forces do exist are very likely in hiding or move about as quietly as possible. The core worlds which most likely made up the bulk of the Stellar Republic are either destroyed or abandoned, while marauding fleets "patrol" the known space lanes for SA forces. I don't believe the SA are extinct, just fighting to survive as best they can against a foe with superior numbers. Imagine waking up from a bad dream to find someone sitting on top of you punching your head for reasons you are not really clear about. That may have been what it was like to wake up from PD mind control as a PC commander or Zentradi soldier in a Supervision Army fleet. Under attack by those who were once your comrades.
  23. Pretty easy, but you will need to use the full reply (more reply options) to get the upload buttons for pictures.
  24. Adding the Koenig was a nice touch...
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