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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I'm cautiously optimistic mainly because the amount of money that goes into a series invariably sees a production by committee and the sponsors have a heavy sway. I'd more excited about a new OVA series. Those tend to get more edge and sometimes a more provocative theme. We'll have to see what comes down the pipe I guess.
  2. Probably one of the best fan made CG models of the VF-27 so far...
  3. I like the idea
  4. Sounds like wishful thinking to me... If that were the motivation MF would have been a very different series. I don't hate M7, i just don't want to see a repeat of a long winded show about nothing but a rock band. There were interesting bits of new information about the PC and PD, but that should have been told in a series half as long.
  5. Japan and the Americas enjoy the same region code "A", Africa, Western Europe, Middle East and Australia are region code "B" and the rest of the world is region code "C". If Bandai Visual has region coded the discs they will not play on a Region "B" player unless you change your region...
  6. Yes! Kawamori likened the Macross productions and literature like "War Movies" or stories. Like a war movie, the overall events are based in historical fact, while the details are open to dramatic interpretation. So you can have SDFM and DYRL existing at the same time in the production canon because they are different interpretations of the same historical event - the Great Space War. I agree with Cdr Fokker that ths recent position opens up the possibilities of many Macross stories. It also avoids the pitfalls the pre-Abrams Star Trek franchise faced. The problem where everything presented had to harmonize with the dozens of movies and series episodes that came before and it eventually painted the franchise into an uncomfortable corner. A corner that stifled innovative creativity for the franchise.
  7. Did you mean the red robot that flew into a battlefield fur ball a few dozen times, with an amature pilot at the controls and NEVER EVER suffered a single hit?? Just checking... What he said.... ​
  8. The issue remains with the producers of the series, not as much with the fans. UN Spacy or NUNS does not lend itself to Unified Forces or Unified Government, but "United Nations" ..., yet it appears over and over in production art, animation and CG texturing for the shows. Perhaps Japanese audiences no longer "see" these things, but foreign viewers do and feel they have relevance otherwise they wouldn't be there. However, MF seems to imply that an old school UN is reforming with each Emigration Fleet and colony world now being seen as an Autonomous state apart from the "Unified Government". Having access to the Galactic Network,with other allied worlds but not being bound to a centralized system of laws. President Glass did not need central government approval to launch reaction weaponry like Max and Milia did in M7. The further mankind expands into the Galaxy, the less centralized governance becomes. I've always reconciled the appearance of UN as United Nations as akin to the United States. Each "Nation" was / is a collective part of a whole. The "United Nations of Earth", I would consider as a single global nation.
  9. James Bond is the type of character you are describing. He acts and reacts according to his abilities, but remains constant as a character. The difference is that Bond often finds himself in real peril and his mortality is often tested, whereas Basara had very little of that. The only time we see any sort of drama from the Character was when he tried to wake Sivil and all the power of his arrogant song was impotent. I liked that, but it really was not very well explored. Even when he was apparently wounded, as a viewer, I got no sense he would die. The cast thought he would but by that point it was well established that he was some sort of superman and could not die...
  10. Correction: The YF-29 is a final prototype for testing, as indicated by the "Y" prefix. An "Experimental" aircraft would have an "X" prefix... Granted, in Kawamor's Macross the "X" seems to follow the VF designation (I have no idea why) as in VF-X, VFX-11, or SW-XAxx (Stealth Wing-X).
  11. Wow, I think you have been saving this up for a few months My biggest beefs with M7 are simply the recycled musical numbers instead of preparing a sufficient number of singles for the show (MF corrected that problem) and a main character that was more a plot device than a person. Basara was a force of nature to be reacted toward and should never have been made the focus of the show. Perhaps it was a grand experiment in story telling, but IMHO if that was the case, it failed. MF corrected many issues within the series formula structure, but had room to be greater. It appears that the best hope for old school Macross fans will be in Manga and OVAs, where formula is not stressed as much as is the case in a big budget TV series.
  12. Well M7 seemed to pull every crazy a$$ed idea Kawamori ever had and plugged them into a two season series. Though, what did the Patroids transform into? Cars..?? Oh wait, Sketchley answered that question...
  13. Is your logo made with Photoshop or illustrator? I'd love to get a vector or hires copy. I completely concur with Marchomatic, it is a very refreshing update on the UN Spacy kite insignia! UN Spacy is an abbreviated form of United (Unified) Nations Space Navy. To shorten it would be UNS, which is rather vague on its own. I also have concerns over the latest iteration on the Name, "NUNS" [New (neo) UN Spacy] in that, when is the organization no longer new or neo?
  14. Totally with you there Marchamatic! Macross was created with a vast universe of nearly endless possibilities. Why not a political drama, or a horror story in the Macross environment? We've had the bubblegum J-Pop series in M7 and the Top gun emulated Macross Plus, why not explore other genres and expand the scope of the property? Granted it is unlikely a TV series would get an experimental genre story like we are advocating, those stories are invariably relegated to OVA's and Manga.
  15. How is Macross the First explained then? Is it not a manga reboot of SDFM? A modernized, adaptation of a story that has become dated in its presentation of 90's life ( an 80's speculation of what 16 years in the future would be like). Then there is "Bubblegum Crisis 2040", "Sol Bianca: The Legacy", and the recently announced "MS Gundam: The Origin", all essentially, reboots of existing stories, updated and modernized for the contemporary market. Despite the cultural mandate, even Japan is not immune to reboots and hasn't been for some time now. I suspect that is one of Kawamori's motivations by his insistance that all Macross productions are mere theatrical presentations of historical events, like the World War II TV shows or movies. Stories with dramatic license which allow for some retcons and reboots in the Universe. A position I fully support and appreciate, My only disappointment has been with his determination to put DRYL as a movie within the universe, instead of a stand alone war movie about the Great Space War. In light of his current position, it never had to be relegated to what I would consider a second class status.
  16. Perhaps something like the Zentradi beam cannons or a variation on them. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/nupetiet-vergnitzs/zentradi-gunsandlaunchers.gif Considering this is still a restored SA Gunship, the technology could be similar. Unfortunately the anime never shows the weapons not already firing. So we don't see the "guts" of the cannons.
  17. The large cannons shown on the top of the center module of the SDF-1 http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120513144750/robotech/images/6/68/SDF_Macross_Launch_Ceremony_by_yutori_custom.jpg
  18. Very nice. Why do the "fins" between the cannons seem so uneven?
  19. Nah, making a series about the the PC is like Lucas turning the enigma of the Force into microscopic bugs... The PC need to remain the enigma they are. The Macross universe if vast and underdeveloped IMHO. There are so many aspects to it and even cross genres that could be explored. What about the UN Marines or the UN Air Force? What about the story of the Megaroad 13 mission? How about a political intrigue story? There are so many possibilities. Unfortunately a TV series will follow the typical love triangle, music idol formula established by SDFM since that is the only series the sponsors seem willing to fund. Serious dramas only appear in OVA series or Manga. In this age of "re-boots", I honestly wonder if they are not planning a re-animated SDFM? No need to envision and develop a new story, unless they plan to make it a two season series like M7, no new music to compose only update, From a business point of view, it is a quick way to get a Macross product to market and re-assert Big West's intellectual property and copyrights internationally. The long term goal could be to offer the property to a Hollywood studio for live action movie development after they reclaim their international trademarks.
  20. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    One word: "Copyright". A fan work is one thing, to profit from the work is another. I'd love to see 3D Brain get paid for his work, but that would only happen if Big West commissioned him or paid him for his work for their own publications. Both scenarios would be amazing IMO...
  21. It would be cool if they re-animated SDFM with current technologies based upon Mikimoto's Mac First series. Mac First updates the story without moving too far from the original. It also provides SK an opportunity to retcon the story to fit the current chronologies created by M0, M7 and MF as well as open the door to some new directions he wants to take the franchise in. It would finally give BW total ownership over an animated SDFM series and a basis to legally challenge any international trademark rights issues. I guess we'll see.
  22. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    Wow if you did both the single and two seat VF-11 versions that would turn out amazing!!
  23. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    OOOh, please say you'll do the VF-11D variant, please, please, please.... Seeing the non-"Sound Jammer" versions a few modellers did makes it one of my favorite two seater fighters in Macross. With a military paint scheme it looks pretty hot!
  24. I am sooo loving that Hasegawa is releasing these fighters!! I am sure the 25G is only a precursor to a future VF-25A release and the milking of the design for years to come with new paint schemes and decal sets...
  25. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    OH BABY!! I think I may need heart meds
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