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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    Sexy as ever dude!!! Thanks for sharing...
  2. Don't expect to see them back. Had a pm discussion with Justiciar and he's rather litigation phobic regarding copyright issues. Though ithat doesn't explain his initial post at all l! No amount of argument would sway him. I pointed to deviantart and pixiv forums and he was not to be moved. He kept referring back to Lucasfilm and Paramount's Star Trek under Bergman's reign... Why post images of something you are so concerned of being sued over in the first place???? Just another mystery I guess.
  3. That would explain how they could be a contemporaries to the VF-17, but not part of its development competition. As escort fighters, based on established airframes, it explains the appearance of the aircraft and the era they would have seen service (non-canon of course). Thanks Seto.
  4. I always imagined, if it were to be shoehorned back into the Nue continuity, Mac 2 would be as a lost emigration fleet that fell into a system at the heart of a briar patch fold fault. Stuck and left to fend for itself for decades. Zentradi ships would be fitted with fold quarts by the protoculture and could navigate through faults without notice. Humanity would have "upgraded" or "repaired" their own Zentradi fleets and remove the quartz as having no useful value as they understood it. Thus undoing the already solved fold fault problem and creating a new one for themselves. This in turn strands the emigration fleet. Cut off from the Galaxy Network they would have to develop their own next gen variable fighters and mecha.
  5. To be specific, the reason why they wanted to capture the Macross was because she carried Reaction weaponry. A form of weapon lost to the Zentradi over the ages. True and they no longer have a centralized command like the did under the Protoculture to keep tabs on everyone. Perhaps only they only have regional commanders like Bodolza. A missing fleet might be considered a casualty of the ongoing war with the SA.
  6. The SU-47 Berkut was also a forward swept wing configuration test aircraft. It is true that this configuration gave it more stability in certain situations as you assert, however, it's triplane configuration (three lifting surfaces) made it unstable in flight, as well as gave it its superior maneuverablity. The principal problem it had was that with its wingtips being at the leading edge, the wings tended to twist under load. Special composites were used to counter this twisting. The Russian PAK T-50 fighter is based upon the Berkut, but the forward swep wings were not incorporated into that design. The forward swept wings were not used in the PAK T-50, likely due to considerations regarding its stealth requirements. Perhaps Kawamori learned of this wing twist issue, because the VF-19F and S models (space optimized) were configured with thicker non variable wings, whereas the A,C, Kai and P models kept the variable wing systems. I speculate this was to allow them to be used as air superiority fighters in atmospheric situations (not only because the A&C fighters were favored by fans ). So the SW-XA2 would also have that atmospheric maneuvarabilty as well. The VF-19A&C models also have "switch blade" type of variable wings apparently borrowed from Northrop's Switchblade fighter bomber project, where the wings could swing up to the forward sides of the fuselage. The Northrop Switchblade was the successor project to the X-29 fighter, but never left the drawing board.
  7. He was "another universe" Hikaru, according to Kawaori now ... So no need. I would rather their fates remain a mystery. Otherwise you risk "mitichlorians" like Star Wars. Allude to them, but never reveal their fate... If THAT is what you want then it is an OVA series you would be looking for. TV series are aimed at the younger demographic every time.
  8. LOL, invert that and we may have something...
  9. I can be "bold" based upon the discussions I've participated in and witnessed on these very boards. Some folks absolutely will not accept change of any kind. I can accept the VF-0 seeming more advanced, and find the explanation for it to be sufficient. It carried all the technical bells and whistles the development team wanted to put in it as it function was as a technology test bed. It carried things that would be too expensive to make it into a production model fighter. Similarly the VF-19 didn't have as much gear as the YF-19 and the VF-22 didn't have all the tech found in the YF-21. I do see your point, however.
  10. I am not sure about the "stability" assertion, forward swept wings by their nature are very unstable making for a very maneuverable aircraft, but I do follow your logic.
  11. I am skeptical about referencing material (without footnotes) where the design was apparently a project to update both the VF-1 and YF-19 (or perhaps VF-9) fighter designs with Kawamori's design aesthetics of the day. They were experiments that needed to be be identified among the other canon fighters before publication it appears. No fan of the original VF-1 would accept the SW-XA as a redesign of the VF-1 (which it is seems it clearly is) or the SW-XA II as a re-design experiment to the YF-19 or VF-9. I also believe , iirc, prototype toys were developed from them as well. The LWF project had specific parameters that both sides had to meet. Both developers presented different takes on those requirements for the competition. The YF-17 was lighter than the F-14 and was deemed capable enough to particpate in the final competition stage, but ultimately lost. In the YF-16 competition the lighter weight YF-17 met the Navy's new requirements for CVN fighters and it's twin ending design made it ideal for US Naval Operations, but did not make it useful to the US Airforce. In a VF-17 competition stealth would be a primary requirement, which the SW-AX II does not seem to have unless it took an "Active Stealth" approach to the VF-17's "Passive Stealth". However, no documentation exists to support that guess. It is an interesting premise, I personally find it to be shoe horning the SW-XA II into a period it may not easily fit. Using an assertion from materials we have not yet established. I am not familiar with the assertion it was developed post VF-11 and would like to know where you are referencing that from? They are gorgeous designs and I am glad they were published. However, since they remain largely outside of accepted canon as only concept designs, I agree that we can have them exist where we wish them to fit as individual fans. In my fantasy it could just as easily be designated a VF-12 since no "known" VF-12 fighter exists in canon as of yet and a VF-10 seems too close to the VF-9 series....
  12. Wow! I'm so impressed I'll say it backwards WOW! We have some amazing 3D artists on these boards!!
  13. I am excited about this model!! I envisioned it as the VF-10 "Spitfire II" myself. The loser in the competition that saw the VF-11 Lightning III become the UN Spacy main fighter. In my fantasy history ( ) the fighter was adopted by the UN Marines as they favored forward swept wings that made it ideal for trans-atmospheric engagements. The wing design also gave it exceptional maneuverability in the atmosphere where the Marines would often be called upon to fight. It is unusual to have more than two fighters competing for a final procurement contract. IMHO to put it in the same competition with the VF-17 wouldn't work as the specs for that competition would be much different. The competition between the YF-19 and YF-21 was settled. So that left me with the competition that the VF-11 ultimately won. The idea comes from the F-16 competition where the Northrop YF-17 Cobra lost the competition to the GenD YF-16. The YF-17 was further developed into the MacD F-18 which the US Navy still uses today.
  14. SDFM was pretty fast and loose with the paint schemes and in subsequent shows, Kawamori toned the custom paint schemes down considerably. Starting in DYRL and continuing onward. In M7, only two military units really had custom schemes and they were uniform to the units themselves (Diamond and Emerald Forces). Mac Zero was able to have customized schemes to identify the different prototype units. The VF-0A had a different scheme to the "S", "B" and "D" types. The AUN had custom SV-51 colors for their aces, but the CF fighters were all Macross brown. Frontier's NUNS fighters were very uniform in scheme and only a paramilitary organization like the SMS could get away with customzed paint schemes for the pilots like we saw in SDFM.
  15. Some media has security software that won't allow playback on computers. Likely to curb piracy. Usually "AnyDVD" will cancel out any such security and allow you to watch it on your PC. I've noticed this restriction on some DVD's and BD discs in recent years.
  16. I would be inclined to say the GERWALK is the most "Underapreciated" mode of any valk. Frontier did a great job of highlighting the versatility of the mode since the 80's. The Armored VF-25 was the first time we saw a GERWALK with applied armor. There was an armored GERWALK concept done for SDFM but it never was animated (sadly).
  17. Nope, his stance has been that each production is a "Dramatic interpretation" of historical events. Now, every productions appears to be in a universe unto itself, further muddying the canonic waters... I can learn to live with it, but some people here might see their heads explode anytime now.... Perhaps the M2 haters who can no longer dismiss the show as the red headed step child of the universe. It would appear that all of the shows are that now...
  18. To take it one step further, suggesting a story line often immediately disqualifies it as there are copyright and IP issues involved with the person proposing the idea. The more general the better. That way if the suggestion is acted upon, little can be traced back to the suggestor in terms of copyright. A bit like a paradox but is often how it works.
  19. You mean THESE helmets?
  20. Very nice!! No side numbers on the nose? It looks totally Navy except the missing side numbers and maybe the tail codes.
  21. Wait, wait, wait, Now for something completely different.... Kawamori has very recently said that all productions are "Alternate Universes"... What kind of peyote is this man using??!!! All I know is, that he needs to stop before he hurts himself....
  22. I love it. I only wish someone would redo that logo. It wasn't well conceived in 1982 and it doesn't hold up today
  23. Glad to see more SV-51 lovin' I could never believe they wouid go to such effort to only produce one squadron. Then there's the enigmatic SV-52 with Nuclear engines we still haven't seen. I'd personally wouldn't mind a variable fighter inspired by the YAK-130...
  24. I still think it needs a gunpod!
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