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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. How is it that Agave can make even a fugly fighter like the VA-3A look good... Truly mad skills there!
  2. The one thing I love about this group is they make it their mission to take published variants and realize them in plastic. Truly an inspiring group of kit builders! It would be difficult to modify and VF-25 into a YF-24 without extensive modifications. The "spikes" at the wing roots on the 25 are not found on the 24. The 24 has notched leading edges on the delta shaped wings unlike the variable sweep wings on the 25.
  3. It is beautiful work and as much as I like the posts on the blog, bigger images would be appreciated. The details are really stunning!
  4. That's the "chase" one or secret one from the first series. It might look fugly, but it's not as common as the others.
  5. All I need now is an aftermarket Armored GERWALK conversion kit and I'm set!
  6. The VF-25 "Stampede"!!!
  7. I am totally there too!!
  8. Thank for sharing but I too would love to see some hires images uploaded in a zip file so we can fully appreciate the detail work you have done.
  9. SDF-2 Megalord finally getting some luvin... YAY!
  10. My money would be on a member of the "VF-1 Riders" model club if i were to hazard a guess. They do some phenomenal work...
  11. Her light brown hair came from a bottle If you spend most of your time in space you don't age like people on planets do, as you are not exposed to as much solar radiation as planetary folks. ST:TNG alluded to this with the captain being in his 60's yet looking about 10 years younger.
  12. You'd think they would do at least an OVA like Dynamite for the 20th...
  13. I don't recall either (I bought one disc, was appalled by the dub and never bought another), but the AE liner notes are the property of AE as they spent the money to translate them. Neither HG or ADV could claim something that was not in the original HG library..
  14. This is probably the very best place to start if you are not fluent in Japanese. You will find the resources here as well as the archives of previous discussions on this franchise to be rather remarkable. This truly is the best Macross fan forum for English speaking fans. From here you can find links to many many Macross related resources available on the web. Many of the owners of those very same resources frequent these boards.
  15. Also keep in mind that culturally the Japanese SDF are more a civilian body, not your traditional military as is found elsewhere in the world. So having a civilian leader of a military operation is not that foreign to the target audience.
  16. As a vehicle to sell custom model kits, it already succeeded. Animated series tend to sell music, toys and figures. It must also have the trademark macross love triangle. Sponsors and studio execs will insist on this formula because in their limited creative understanding, the "method" works...
  17. I agree that M7 does grow on you after some time, but it was simply too long for the story that needed to be told. After a while it was blatantly obvious the show was hi-jacked into being a weekly advertisement for the record company sponsoring it. Perhaps that is why MF had a smaller label as the music sponsor, a lot less leverage to have to fight through. Basara as a character was poorly portrayed. The closest pop culture character to him would be James Bond, in that both characters are immutable. They never change, but their circumstances do. The principal difference is that Bond regularly got injured, was in peril for his life, was tricked, beat up and even fallible. Basara came across as none of these, but more a "superman" and as a main character he became boring and predictable. Such a character makes a 49 episode series very, very long, when they get most of the screentime... JBO's assertion about Chiba is bang on IMHO. The "magic" aspect of the assertion climaxed when song energy withstood a Macross Cannon type of blast from Grabil. The incident snapped whatever suspension of disbelief I had left. For the most part, many of the new aspects introduced into the universe were pretty inventive. The PD, the ancient archive that could only be opened by a half breed, the emigration program and New emigration fleet of ships. Even the idea of anima spiritia, whereby a musician with sufficient passion can emotionally influence others is a strong theme. Giving substantive, "quantifiable energy" to an emotional activity, pushed things too far for my tastes. Remove the Chiba aspects and shrink the show down to 25 episodes and I could come to really really like this chapter of the universe.
  18. Stunning Work!! Thanks
  19. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    March of the Penguin said it best. Thank you very much!
  20. They are obviously based upon the VF-1 air frame, the question became what the differences were besides the obvious.
  21. I'm pretty sure that is fan art by someone very good at editing line art. I don't ever recall seeing such an animal in official publications.
  22. Zinjo

    YF-21 WIP

    That's too sexy for words!! Do you have a zipped version of the hi-res images? The forums always cap the size to 1024x768.
  23. OK, fair enough... No more discussion needed.
  24. How about some non-canon mods like the armor components from the Armored GERWALK?
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