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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Amazing work, again! I wonder if that is a rendition of the F-14E Super Tomcat 21? The proposed next version of the F-14 before the US Navy switched to the F-18. Thank you for sharing.
  2. Ooooh, the SV-51, one of the most under appreciated and rare valks in terms in CG modelling. I have yet to find a fan made CG model that does the fighter justice.
  3. Whoa... slow down there Tex. There is a list of Valks we want him to do first...
  4. Maybe it is vented out the back?
  5. Very nice work!! Why did you choose the AUN logo to put on the vertical stabilizers? Had them lying around? As for the paint, you could have gone with the NUNS blue as it would appear that Federal fighters are now blue in the 2060's as per Mac F.
  6. I like your style!
  7. You too !!?
  8. He's a busy guy, but I'm sure he'll get back to it soon.
  9. Nice sketches
  10. Oh my, that Yammy is looking yummy!!
  11. Perhaps you were speaking to the wrong people...
  12. OH my, this looks purty!
  13. Wow! I'm so impressed I'll say it backward -- WOW!
  14. Thank you, I've been itching lately to fire up HW and plug in some mods.
  15. It was in the one between 1 and 36...
  16. No no don't ruin the illusion of it's current good looks...
  17. The green one is seen in the background in the series and vintage box art has it in green. I suspect the green is to display the Army variant.
  18. NICE!
  19. Lovely as ever boss. Will you be adding a zip file of the full resolution images of the RVF-25 and VF-171? The site shrinks the resolution down to a fixed size.
  20. Was the Minmay Guard a chase? I have one and didn't even know it...
  21. I didn't have the Minmay Guard one. I'll dig through my files and see if I have any you do not....
  22. Perhaps someone felt that there should be consequences to the loss of the Megaroad 1 in the Macross universe and thus the UNG of the day shortened the distances those fleets would be allowed to travel. Maybe the implication is that the UNG came to loose confidence in the Megaroad Class being able to do a super long range voyage... This could also explain the need for a new Long Range Emigration vessel like the City Ship.
  23. Well technically, ALL VF's are VTOL capable...
  24. The second one looks like Guld's wet dream.... Nice work!
  25. Drool*
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