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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I'm not sure the F-22 and F-35 are out of sequence. I would suspect they are actual production models that made it past the official design phase. The US hasn't mass produced a new generation of fighter since the F-18 and they were first deployed in 1983. One could argue the F-18F Super Hornet is the last "new" production model built in the 90's, however the general design of the air frame is largely the same.
  2. Kawamori finally explained the purpose of the helmet's visor (other than it looked cool when they first designed it), Macross Zero, where the visor held the laser sensor that allowed the pilot to target lock incoming ordinance just by looking at it. They clearly re-thought the design by the 2040's and gave it clear windows. One could argue the the first generation design used during the Great Space War It is a logical derivative of the M0 and DYRL flight suites.
  3. Nice 2040's era suit and helmet, but what about all the other flight suits? There are at least 7 as far as I can recall...
  4. Island 1 did not crash, it landed, likely in some large body of water. All colony ships are capable of landing in the Macross universe.
  5. Yeah those guns are udderly rediculous...
  6. Gentlemen, I strongly recommend your discussion continue in PM's before the mods need to get involved.
  7. Oh man!! I totally forgot about this project... Very cool!
  8. Chthonic. Started out pretty good, then went south pretty fast after the initial trade.
  9. You'll probably always wonder, as it should be. Mysteries add weight to a franchise. Look what happened when Lucas revealed the force is all just a bunch of bugs floating around in everyone's bodies. Kinda gross and also diminished the force itself as an enigma...
  10. I'm sure they are wondering why they waited so long... If the toy sold out already, they'll be exploiting the mold again soon enough.
  11. Dude, your work never ceases to amaze me, but the lights sent me into orbit! Amazing work!!
  12. Trust me, his sharing has a very short time limit. I shared some capital ship models not long ago and when he got a new batch of Valk models of his own, all of a sudden he had some nebulous "copyright" concern and could no longer share. I see no benefit in exchanging anymore models with him...
  13. True, but the minimum system specs are for high end machines to get those renders to animate...
  14. Zinjo

    Hi-Metal R

    Always hated that damn club!!! Give it a GU-11 and let it kick some serious a**!
  15. Did anyone consider that there would be more than on gene pool for Stormtroopers over the years? After a while the Fett genes would degrade over enough generations. Adding to the pool would make sense. Another explanation is that the Storm Troopers were no longer clones, but empire conscripts.
  16. Filming CG enhanced miniatures was a Lucas thing. Abrams doesn't subscribe to that method of effects work. However, unlike Lucas, he doesn't subscribe to filming actors on totally green screen sets. He finds value in having physical sets for the actors to interact with. I do like the fighters skimming the water. Nice effect! Anyone else notice the the lightsabre having a rougher edge to it, almost like a flame? A visual departure from the classic sabre look.
  17. AS THE VILLAIN - BAM!! YAY!! Let's do that... Wait! that's a mighty high price to pay to erase Basara from history....hmmm
  18. Yeah, they can have the main villain as an incredibly annoying guy with a crazy hair fart style cut.... Kamjin with a guitar! I could totally get behind hating THAT kind of guy...
  19. You have seen Hasegawa products right? They have a minimum of a dozen iterations of the VF-1 kit in 1/72 scale. You change the color and the markings, perhaps a few details here and there and viola a new Valk! Bandai may not use all the molds from Frontier, but they could easily use most of the parts molds to make a VF-24, or Kawamori could design VF-27, YF-29, YF-30 derivative fighters that would utilize most of the Bandai parts molds with the need to only make a few new ones to produce the new versions. Keep in mind Bandai is still a major sponsor so they are going to have influence on how many completely new designs are shown. Couple that with the market hungry for idol shows and brand new mecha is not going to be as critically important to the production as in previous shows. The Hero and Villain fighters may be brand new, but I would suspect that will be it. We'll have to wait and see.
  20. What he said...
  21. Once upon a time, this was not so grasshoppa... Some of the debates Keith and I had over the show were like knife fights in a phone booth...
  22. Oh wait!! HG is going to the well AGAIN??!! Haven't they milked that cow dry yet?
  23. Zinjo

    3P SD VF-1S

    Looks very much like the original joke machine, but not as fun... The one thing I enjoyed about the original was how they switched from clear cockpit to shielded cockpit. A very simple thing but quite clever for the day.
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