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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It sounds like you had some colliding thoughts going on here.
  2. Macross won't be a part of any RT movie so long as HG owns any part of Macross. BW won't allow it and so Sony is stuck with the Agrama familty and it's minions until they are bought out. I suspect this will be just another studio option that will evaporate in a few years when Sony realizes that they can't do Macross without Big West and Big West won't have anything to do with HG. The only way Sony can do that is to buy all the HG owned Macross properties and you can bet Agrama will want a fortune for it.
  3. Zinjo

    SDFM sketch

    Be careful or Tommy Yune might be knocking on your door..
  4. Zinjo

    VF-3S Hustler

    Until the next production where Kawamori Retcons something else...
  5. Macross 7...
  6. HG "trademarked" the name, they can't copyright it. Their trademarks are weak at best as they have no IP judgements in their favor like BW does. This will only be news if the words "Green Lit" is reported. The biggest draw to the RT franchise is Macross.. It is the only series that all the RT fans can agree on and HG does not have any rights to produce any new media outside comic books and novels. That Intellectual Property is exclusively owned by Big West. At this point, the article tells me that WB did not renew their "Option" with HG and Sony picked it up. Without BW on board, the Macross property cannot be used and the only way for Sony to get access to it, is to buy out HG's interest in the property wholesale. Then they would be free to negotiate with BW on the use of the Macross property. Until that happens anything with RT on it will be based upon Southern Cross or Mospeada. The only viable property between the two available shows is Mospeada, IF it is done right....
  7. Zinjo

    VF-3S Hustler

    I suspect this is were the "It ain't canon unless you can prove it", attitude was born.
  8. What?! If the US has Blackhawk helicopters for the Army and Seahawk helos for the navy, why can't UNSpacy have a Sea Monster color scheme?? hmmmm....?
  9. Startling with Sketchley's translation site would be a good start. He may not have every item you want already translated, but this is an excellent repository of English translated media to work with. http://www.mtranslation.host-ed.me/
  10. This is going to be a sweet looking kit when it's finished!
  11. Love your work sir, remember your amazing projects from Samurai Monkey.
  12. Are these vector art or just a scan of the decals?
  13. I like it. Perhaps set it up as a private server for members to contribute and share their works (many artists are not too keen on having their work freely available to the masses, have them used without permission or worse, capitalized on by scumbag web users). Private members are easier to keep track of and the models can be better protected. Being a composite artist, but not a 3D rendering artist, having access to quality models to pose and light for artwork would be huge! Any art contributions resulting from the models and renders can be offered free to the public as Western Marketing for the Macross franchise. Just a thought
  14. So is this the "Sea Monster" color scheme...
  15. Which is ironic because it seems a fan favorite in terms of actions scenes. M7, M Zero, MF
  16. My dividing line is that out of print titles are fair game. BW has made their profits and only re-sellers are making money on the items now. It is not very common that BW will re-issue the same media, i recall only the re-release of the Gold Book on digital format a few years ago. That being said, items like the Frontier releases with subs and the Mac Plus releases in English dub and subbed are off limits, IMHO. BW was gracious enough to recognize Western fans and I for one don't want to discourage that.
  17. Still holding out for the armored GERWALK garage kit conversion....
  18. Wow! I love the chromed parts. They give the plane a true racer feel. A fitting follow up to that amazing VF-2 Max Special!! Thank you for sharing. Though, who do I have to kill to get some hires images of both amazing projects?
  19. Zinjo

    Kit's Power

    I remember when this was still in WIP at the old Samurai Monkey forums. I miss that site... Oops, sorry for resurrecting an old thread, my bad...
  20. Have you considered doing what BigWest does (how well it works is debatable), in that all official products have a permanent metalic or holographic seal, letting buyers know the product is an officially licensed product. I wonder if putting a "Scale Solutions" seal would be effective in identifying your products to purchasing fans?
  21. 3DBrainX, he's on the boards form time to time. His latest is a YF-21 still in WIP.
  22. Dude I love your franken-figures, but this is amazing too! The colors look like the 2059 NUNS blue and white scheme. What else can you do?
  23. Amazing! The Zentradi cap ships never get enough luv...
  24. Maybe so, but the static renders are amazing! I am hopeful you will post tons of hires images and link them here (images size limits here prevent anything more than 1200x800 or something along those lines)
  25. Bump for the new kids
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