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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Romain's involvement explains the unique castle and urban environments we saw. Maybe the world population is actually indigenous. A "found" culture seeded by the PC's in ages past who have little interest in associating with humanity. They are apparently located in a remote area of the galaxy, very much like the location of Earth when compared to the galactic core. The mystery deepens...
  2. There is an article with the President of Satellite about their business model floating around. They are one of the few Anime houses who do not license existing manga properties and create original works so they can maximize their revenue streams. If a studio does license a manga or book property a fair portion of that studio's revenue goes to the "author" of the original work. Their business plan is very smart.
  3. LOL, they've been trying since Mac Zero and have seen epic failures due to smart tactics from BW. Subbing the Frontier BD's in English was a very good idea that I truly hope they continue. Westerners can import Japanese videos without any interference from HG. It's the law!
  4. Yep he's broken tradition. If only he would break from the forward swept wings for a time, it would be nice.
  5. The trouble with Directed Energy Weapons is they are not as efficient as projectile weapons. DEW's require significant energy to produce and they do dissipate over long distances. In space, projectile weapons retain most of their velocity, whereas DEW's will eventually dissipate. Once I understood that fun fact, I came to love projectiles gun pods... Hey, I like that "Crazy Idea"! Sounds like a very cool angle. The question is, where does the virus fit in?
  6. Didn't they do that with the NUNS insignia? They stopped using the UNS Kite for Frontier. If they want to release it to the West they simply have to change the name to something like "Protoculture Legacy" or something. It sidesteps the trademark HG has on Macross. Granted they'll have to stop referring to the Macross ships by that name also.
  7. Hmmm, good point. Hadn't occurred to me until you mentioned it. That would be interesting too. Perhaps the Zentradi forces are there to guard a PC bio-weapons lab and the colonists inadvertently release the virus into the wild?
  8. I am basing my opinion on his collected works over the past 30 years, not just one show. Perhaps he's had a change of heart after all this time writing other types of fiction, or perhaps he was indeed promoting a show his studio was producing. We all know THAT never happens, all show directors never promote shows they are working on for the sake of the product. Either way it is not a story genre he typically writes outside of Macross, which is my initial point.
  9. Hmmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that. It could be a mortgage payment show, every film maker does them. It would be his first in 30 years of anime. So i will not accept he likes anime idols until I see a second non-Macross show like it from him.
  10. I wondered if they are not some sort of civilian stunt team, that have a music group on the side and are drafted into service by a Chiba like character,,,, That in itself is worrisome... <mantra> keep an open mind, keep an open mind...
  11. Outside of Macross, how many Kawamori stories / series have you seen featuring idol groups? I don't recall any. Idols are a marketing and merchandizing tool. They sell music and figures to the fanbase, while the fighters sell toys and model kits. These things pay for the show.
  12. I think the sponsors overruled Kawamori on a lot. There are quite a bit of current anime trend lines in this series it would appear. I suspect the same was the case with M7, let's hope it isn't another single season crammed into two!!
  13. It definitely looks smaller than a VF-25 and the YF-30
  14. Looks more like a fold quartz pendant to me. Minmay was lost to the stars, so unlikely her kid. Not sure what to make of the preview synopsis, but it sure seems like a double down on the Jamming Birds idea. Nervous, but hoping it is better conceived than M7's idea of magic song beams. The Var virus is a different take. Hard to say where that could be going... I am hopeful the Protoculture reference will give us another insight into the enigma of that civilization that is well thought out and compelling. It would appear to be in the vicinity of the Vajra home world where the new Frontier colony exists. A "kingdom" colony, is definitely following current anime trend lines.
  15. After seeing the trailer, I have a few points. 1. That green haired woman might be a 20 something Ranka to tie the series' together, since it takes place 8 years after frontier. 2. The new Regults have pelvic guns (?) rather suggestive for a kids show! 3. The new hero battleship looks like it is either a 2nd generation Quarter or perhaps a 3rd generation Macross Class Warship (hoping for the latter). 4. The setting looks like a colony that may have been settled by a culturally German emigration group, which might explain the penchant for castles and such. 5, The SV series fighters leaves me with the impression this might be a cold war or colonial secession story. The SV series of fighters are synonymous with the AUA or at the very least a government / military not associated with the NUN. 6. The VF-31 appears to me to be smaller than the VF-25 or the cockpit canopy is larger. 7. The character designs seem more refined than the Frontier ones, but not otherwise remarkable. 8. Not grooving on an idol group showdown possibility, but we'll have to wait and see. 9. Not grooving on the VF civilian color schemes. Great for selling toys, I get that, but a departure from Frontier. 10. Was hoping to see next gen destroids other than the Cheyenne's. It's on a planet, they should have more different destroids than that IMO. 11. Hopefully we'll see fighters with "UN Air Force" on them since this is a planet, not outer space, but we'll have to wait and see. 12. Loving the atmospheric battles, Kawamori did some great work with that in Zero!
  16. Well the SV series gives us an indication as to the nemesis. Perhaps we'll see the Macross cold war we were speculating about before.
  17. OK naming a fighter after German mythology? This is new...
  18. Well we gotta a delta wing, sort of.... forward swept wing tips.
  19. Preaching to the choir over here bud... If it is indeed ANOTHER forward swept wing, someone needs to read the principle of "Diminishing Returns" to our dear friend Kawamori san.
  20. The unfortunate reality of this activity is that is encourages Chinese knock offs on a grand scale...HG cannot block Japanese imports and so blocking Western consumers from their products doesn't help their revenue potential on this series. HG has no legal standing to stop consumers from buying Macross products purchased directly from Japan.
  21. Zinjo

    VF-1S Head

    There you are!!! You've been missed
  22. The Dragon II has always been an ode to the F-15, the flashy new jet of the early 80's that everyone was enamored with. I never really cared for it that much, but then I was always a Tomcat guy...
  23. Oh yeah, let's play a cruel joke on the RT fanbase and tell them it is leaked storyboards from the RT movie. Well, probably some keener RT fan will do that anyway...
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