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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I am hoping you are on to something there. I don't want another rehash of rainbow song energy stopping Macross Cannon blasts, like 7. They could be prototype combat suits that have all the bleeding edge tech UNS has been developing for UN Marines and ground forces. Couple that with a state of the art interface between the suits and the boomerang drones and you have a formidable system.
  2. It seems by 2067 micro-gravity control devices are commercially available everywhere. The drone seeking out our heroine used the same tech. So it seems like common tech available to everyone by this point. The Walkurie drones are clearly militarized with the ability to generate barrier shields upon command.
  3. Well if Kawamori can successfully change tones between episodes it would be easier to take than doing so in mid-episode.
  4. I get the sense that Hyate is a deserter. He mentions that he's been around a lot, tried many things, but he has quite the skill with a mecha loader. So I wonder if perhaps he is hiding out on a backwater world. Just my impression. i also believe this is the first time we've seen 3 dimensional maneuvering in space. The Aerial Knights used in space combat when they first attack. I finally see how the mounted gun pods will be used Very much like the Q-Rau/Rhea's. I'm not so skeptical now.
  5. Saw the raw, listened to the podcast, I think I am up to speed enough to comment. Will have more to say when I see the fansub.
  6. Watch the Raw and then listen to the podcast. You won't get the dialogue but you will get the gist of what is going on....
  7. That seems a bit thin to me. HG can accuse BW of whatever they want. The reality is, that they have to provide "proof" of such an intention like advertisements to English fans on English speaking sites like MW or ANN and demonstrate how these intentions, which won't exist, are in violation of their "trademarks". The MF movies had no such marketing and they contained subtitltes, hence no grounds for HG to launch any suit. BW can simply counter any legal challenge with the explanation "it is for the benefit of Japanese fans or English speaking fans living in Japan or both". A reasonable counter argument that a judge would accept and subsequently dismiss the lawsuit. It may not even get that far as it is a suit that would have to be launched in Japan as that is where the products originate from. Listing subs as part of the specs of a release cannot be proven as marketing to Western fans, it is factual information about the product. Western Fans have every legal right to import these products directly from Japan without fear of legal action.
  8. Those Regult and Glaug upgrades are gonna make RT fanboys fill their shorts!! Love the images of the container ships and the dock. It may not be very relevant to the overall plot, but it sets up the environment of a colony world very well.
  9. Depends on if TV Frontier or Wings of Goodbye is considered the established continuity. in one he dies, the other he lives.
  10. Interesting aft section of the SV-262. If the nozzels are any indication, this baby is gonna have VF-17 sized feet if not bigger!!
  11. The seeding of other sentient races was pretty much implied in M7-Dynamite with the Zolan. The only question was "how many" worlds were seeded in the millenia that the Stellar Republic existed.
  12. Did you read the character description? He was raised by his "sisters".... 'nuff said.
  13. If Shoji Kawamori truly wishes his Macross work is seen world wide, he needs to do two things. 1. Convince Big West and Bandai Visual to add English, Spanish and French Subtitles (at least) to the video releases. 2. Ensure the Bluray releases are not region coded, so they will play on all disc players across the world. There are no laws prohibiting consumers from importing Macross products directly from Japan, we do it all the time. Until Big West takes back it's international IP rights and trademarks, thus enabling them to ship to Western Markets, it is the best solution. Fans on this site will gladly purchase subtitled blurays if they are made, but so far only the Frontier movies were released this way.
  14. Prolly the same restraints on his discussion of Robotech would be the reasons why he may never be contacted by the HG RT movie, if it ever leaves the script writing stage. I don't think Sony fully realized that they cannot use the most popular aspect of the RT series, "Macross", without first getting BW's approval and that may never happen. The Tatsunoko / BW court battle left both sides somewhat bitter toward the other and it may be a matter of honor now. Since, IIRC HG and Tatsunoko co-own the international distribution rights to the SDFM animation and merchandizing, for BW to sign on to the project would mean they are indirectly working with Tatsunoko.
  15. They had jets skimming the water in WW2 movies??!! A good lawyer and the will to recover their IP worldwide. BW hasn't done anything to protect it's SDFM IP rights since 2003 when they stopped blocking HG's attempts to trademark Big West / Studio Nue properties like the name Macross, the Kite insignia, the title logo for SDFM, etc... After that they gave up on all the potential revenue their work could generate in the West. As the article rightly pointed out, SDFM is more widely known here than Gundam. Hopefully that executive at BW who chose not to protect BW properties as since been fired!
  16. Now this is a premise for bringing an idol group into combat I can get behind!! I hope the source of the syndrome is equally well conceived. So far I am hopeful and intrigued...
  17. I like the weathering. Too often builders weather their projects "out of scale" to the kit.
  18. Best to start with a forum search for any tech threads on the subject of Macross, i'm sure you'll find many for each series.
  19. I am liking that price for the zero bd's...
  20. Don't fret. everything is shiny cap'n... This happened when Frontier was announced. This speculative discussion will go into overdrive when the first episode is released in December...
  21. In layman's terms,space folding is essentially generating a wormhole in space time between two points creating a fold in space time to shorten the distance. So the current effect suits me better than the original. The idea that to get from point a to point b requires some conventional thrust to make the transition between the two points possible. The SD space effect seems more like conventional hyper space effects common to SF movies. Perhaps there would be some time spent in SD space but one has to come up with parameters so there can be story and universal continuity between productions.
  22. Valk on valk action in cgi will act like a balm...
  23. You realize we'd have to watch that too, right? Why punish the fans?
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