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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. It is possible that the mainline fighter groups are being replaced by a YF-24 model variant in the core systems and with federal forces by 2067. However, much like how MD is trying to extend the production life of the F-18E by promoting them to other nations like Canada and Australia, a similar situation could be happening with General Galaxy and the VF-171. The aircraft is being promoted as an effective, low cost fighter to remote colonies to extend its production life for the company.
  2. We'll I've studied ancient Greek so I have a bit of experience with the language...
  3. I would be too. It costs a lot of money to engineer and create commercial molds like that. That being said, I'm sure Bandai will be able to use many parts from the old molds in the new design.
  4. WOW! With every project my fandom of your work is affirmed. Thanks for sharing this beautiful work!
  5. That is the spelling of Chaos in Greek, so I would suspect the erroneous Japanese spelling is due to unfamiliarity with the Greek language and an attempt to phonetically spell the word in Japanese. I keep thinking of how much of a challenge the Eureka 7's cast had with pronouncing "Eureka" (another Greek word). Only one voice actress pronounced it correctly in the entire series and her character appeared for only two episodes... I can only assume no one was able to make the connection between that name and the Japanese equivalent sounds of "Yuri-Ka"... Chaos, should be pronounced "Kay-Oss", so I guess we'll see.
  6. IIRC Tenjin mentioned during one of the Q&A's that Bandai was expecting a YF-30 based design with delta wings, but Kawamori changed it to FSW.
  7. I'd like to believe that, but I suspect it was Bandai complaining that they have VF-30 molds and no way to exploit them with the new VF-31's FSW.
  8. So what is the story behind the Tomytec's and the VF-171, VF-31 small fighters?
  9. The artificial fold quartz could be a source of the virus (like superman's kryptonite). It would also explain how original Zentradi ships seemed capable of effortless folds and then when humanity began building fold engines, they began to struggle with fold faults.
  10. This could be the beginning at a serious effort to bring Macross into a more mainstream franchise market to compete with Gundam. This is the fastest we've ever seen a new production come to screen and it is a series to boot! Typically a series has been followed by a movie then an OVA or two. Series' have been about a decade between productions.
  11. Well one could be bi-sexual, which would be a new twist on an old theme...
  12. Humanity was engineered with a virus? Humanity experienced birth defects after a while, but I am not sure the Zentradi did. The Zentradi were a purpose engineered race with many specific attributes for their particular role, so I am not sure if cloning had the same negative affect on that species. The PC's genome may well be too complex to efficiently clone individuals in mass numbers and perhaps due to that complexity extensive cloning was not a viable option?
  13. If M2 were part of the official continuity in some fashion, I would like to believe the Mardook would be a fleet of formerly mind controlled SA troops who built a religion around conquest.
  14. OK, we can go back to the incredulity of leaving a functioning shipyard and an abandoned battle carrier next to a prison with the most powerful bio-weapons the PC every created... The same beings who utilized fleet warfare to nearly decimate the PC civilization. It seems about as reasonable as building a prison next to a gun factory, what could possibly go wrong? I had considered the probability that existing ships could have been modified in a two year period, but still find it hard to believe that, so many ships could be built in two years with fighter compliments. It just seems that whoever fleshed out the details of the the Varauta fleet didn't take the time to work through the details logically. Clearly the fleet seemed necessary as a literary device, but not fully thought through otherwise.
  15. Well, NOW I have to get a copy!
  16. The question then remains, could they build 500 capital ships in 2 years with construction facilities available to them in the fleet, as well as "recondition"(?) a 5 KM square battle carrier? This area still seems fuzzy to me. Even if the 500 ships were built over the lifetime of the colony and were subsequently comandeered, that would be 25 capital ships per year or 2+ capital ships per month without a factory satellite! This doesn't take into account the 8600+ fighter craft.
  17. So exactly how logical would it be to imprison the most powerful bio-weapons in the galaxy on a planet with a fully functional starship yard?? Sounds more like a literary device to explain the existence of the Varauta fleet of ships than a reasonable tactical move.
  18. Possibly, though I'd be careful about referencing games as it is not a given that they get included as part of the official continuity.
  19. A rather good sign considering Macross is not considered a mainstream anime franchise.
  20. True, but the PD prompted abject fear in the Zentradi. However I am beginning to see your point. It takes some lucidity to build a bomb as opposed to just shooting up a place. A fact I had forgotten from the prologue of the preview episode.
  21. If I recall, the Varuata's fleet were created (not sure how) from the Megaroad 13 fleet. The composition of that fleet was not really known as per official media. The Megaroad 13 fleet was not necessarily a human fleet either, and the "V" ships could very well have been built upon Zentradi superstructures. There is no reason to conclude that the ships of the Varuata's fleet are original ships from the SA fleet as we have come to understand that the SA fleet had long since dispersed since the time of the PD war. Debates on this board also argued that any "recall" of such forces could have brought the attention of Zentradi fleets still hunting SA remnants, if such fleet were still under the PD mind control. It is not currently known if all the ships in the PD fleet in M7 were originally sourced from the Megaroad fleet or if more ships were comandeered from other task forces in the area such as the Varuata Research Fleet. This has not been fully explained,as far as I am aware.
  22. That is very true, the DYRL rights question is a spider web mess that no one has the stones or deep pockets to take on.
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