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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. I've always been an advocate of digitizing rare books and releasing them to the community! Particluarly with regard to Macross literature. As time goes on, some books will disappear form site completely... So thank you and please release more scans...
  2. Nice! Where did you find the industrial textures or did you make them yourself?
  3. nevermind, question already answered...
  4. It's okay. He's awesome enough to punch through and become the Napolean conquerer type of french. 348329[/snapback] It isn't actually revealed by Kawamori, but I suspect Max is probably French, in keeping with the international character theme of Macross. The French have very good relations with Japan as opposed to the US. There are many shows that have featured French characters...
  5. No,sorry - I'm not accepting commissions for this kit because I can't guarantee safety transport - I'm sure she will break during transport 362694[/snapback] Hey Ryuji how about a few suggestions for the next masterpiece: http://www.yellowlightman.com/mfc/albums/u...full%20body.jpg or maybe her mom: http://www.yellowlightman.com/mfc/albums/u...002/Millia1.jpg
  6. Gorgeous work dude!!!
  7. WOW!! Gorgeous!! Nice work...
  8. This is what an SU-35 looks like.
  9. I like the green-and-yellow scheme best. How about that one, but with two tones of green in a splinter-camouflage pattern instead of just the olive green? Keeping the yellow details, of course. 358921[/snapback] Is this what you are talking about? 358955[/snapback] So what would the Max and Millia types look like?
  10. Or so we all thought, until Yamato released the 1/48 Miria Fallyna Jenius VF-1J... Then the debate raged all over again... 361839[/snapback] I prefer Mil F. Jenius. 361844[/snapback] Especially considering the bathing suit scene where she tired out for the Jamming Birds in Macross 7!
  11. Or so we all thought, until Yamato released the 1/48 Miria Fallyna Jenius VF-1J... Then the debate raged all over again... 361839[/snapback] Check out the Hasegawa decal. Pay particular attention to the heart with Max and his wife's name... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...has_vir_dec.jpg And the debate continues....
  12. I was hoping for more pictures... I'm pretty sure this one is completed. 359504[/snapback]
  13. Well I think all Macross fans have had enough of North American studios "interpreting" the show! Were this many liberties taken with Evangelion?? My God, the show has had a loyal worldwide fanbase for over 20 years, it might occur to someone on this side of the ocean that MAYBE IT CAN STAND WELL ENOUGH ON IT'S OWN, without any "Help" or "interpretations"!
  14. Try this... http://www.nona.dti.ne.jp/~hzn/model/vf-1a.html
  15. However, that being said, I still maintain that the point is that for 20 years, on both sides of the Pond, and notwithstanding Asian naming conventions, Lynn Minmay's name has been...well..."Lynn Minmay." To say "Minmay Lynn," while obviously more correct, would sound wrong, even to we few, we happy few, we band of nitpickers here on MW. Sometimes the error in a name sticks better than reality. Take a look at General and President of the US, Ulysses S. Grant. His real name was not Ulysses Samson Grant, but Hyram Ulysses Grant. But a clerical error during his time at West Point created the name that everyone knows him by. The same thing here. Someone in the dim mists of history forgot to take Asian naming conventions into account when they romanized Minmay's name. Everyoen and their uncle calls her "Lynn Minmay." 359414[/snapback] Ahhh. I get it. Accuracy is all important unless someone tries to "move your cheese"... The "accuracy" being, the correct romanized/anglicized name for Japanese characters. Interesting.... The reason why "Everyoen and their uncle" calls her Lynn Minmay in North America is because of Harmony Gold's RT where they first heard her name. That is where the majority of Mac fans started from. They learned of Macross through RT and then discovered the real show afterward. I for one am not interested in perpetuating any part of HG's interpretation of the show in this dub. I stand by my point. The majority aren't always right <place your own political comment here..>.
  16. Yes and if you listen to the subs, when Hikaru is formally introduced he is introduced as Ichijo Hikaru, which is proper in Asian culture. His first name is "Hikaru", not "Ichijo". The way she signs her name in the show is correct for Asia. Just because it has never been romanized any other way isn't an argument against my point. Her first name is not "Lynn" it is "Minmay". Thus a correct romanization would be Minmay Lynn. A current example would be Ziyi Zhang. She switched her names around to properly reflect her first name, as most western interviewers were referring to her by her last name, not her first.
  17. 1. The mis-pronounciation of "Macross"! It is pronounced like lacrosse, not how it should be, MACross. 2. The listed title as "Super Dimension Fortress". It is a Super DIMENSIONAL Fortress which describes it's ability to space fold and the enery systems which power that ability. Which is described as Super Dimensional energy. 3. They anglicised all the names except Minmay. She is still referred to in RT speak as Lynn Minmay, but it should be Minmay Lynn if it were anglicised correctly. 4. Fokker doesn't sound like it's pronounced correctly, but others who know better could correct me on that. 5. I miss the vocal echo the Zentreadi had in the original and even in RT. It's missing in this one. 6. I think the director should have worked a bit longer with Mari to get her english dialogue better. There are points where her accent is very thick. But as already stated, she's probably putting more effort into this than any other voice actor and the fact that she is pronouncing the names correctly makes any accent forgivable. 7. The audio engineer needs to watch that the sound effects don't drown out the dialogue, as in a few instances it did. .
  18. Post your opinions on the Macross dub. I'm hoping for concise well expressed, specific crticisms of the dub as compared to the subbed version. Have they deviated too far from the original script? Is the show in the "Spirit" of the original series? Specific issues that are distracting, intolerable, etc... Please keep on topic, I'm very curious to hear from the vets and their specific opinions. BTW, feel free to express your opinions to ADV directly... http://www.advfilms.com/FILMScontact.asp I tend to send any comments to the producers through sales, since they are more interested in customer feedback and how it may affect sales.
  19. You could do an all over black or Navy Blue with grey cammo scheme. The Elint Seeker is a space based AWAC craft and thus it would stand to reason that it would have visual cammo to allow it blend in with space and any asteroids it may be near. As cool as the paint scheme is on the box, I really didn't care for how it made the craft stand out so much. just a few suggestions...
  20. The only question I have about the VF-0 Max Custom is why is the stripe behind the cockpit black instead of blue? It is a Max Custom after all... BTW, damn fine work on all the schemes!
  21. LOL, you beat me to it! A Master Grade Valkyrie would be like a Hasegawa produced transforming Valk. A Perfect Grade would be a 1/48 scale, transforming, totally posable and articulating EVERYTHING Valk! Though a 1/32 Perfect grade Valk would be AMAZING. Imagine what Chen would do with that puppy! As for RT newbs finding the true Macross? We'll take 'em all... They'll learn the proper terms for things and it only serves to weaken HG's hold on the mind's of brainwashed Macross fans...
  22. More if you buy the collector's case, which will include disc 1 and a case for about $40.00
  23. FIRST, I LIKE DUB, AND DON'T MIND SUB EITHER..WOULD AVOID IT IF I CAN. HIKURO, SAW YOUR FANWORK...NICE, ... THING THAT BUGGED ME WAS THE MOUTH MATCHING THE SILLABLES.. ALMOST LIKE WATCHING OLD KUNG FU MOVIES, IF YOU TIGHTEN THAT UP A BIT, MAN, I SAY YOUR CLIP WILL ROCK. TO ADD ABOUT THE VOICES, I GUES SI AM SO USED TO THE ROBOTECH VOICE ACTORS, IT'S HARD FOR ME TO JUST SWITCH TO ADV'S VERSION. 352960[/snapback] MEMO1DOMINION dude, your caps lock is on! I like both and enjoy both. I watch the subs for the original story as it was (even that can be dodgy depending on who translates a show) and I like dubs to enjoy the visual experience of the show. Some are purists and that's fine, but I don't feel any compulsion to join the ranks of either camp. It's unfortunate that you are stuck on the RT voices. I agree a few of them did a fine job, but the ADV actors on the project are very good and I expect them to do the show justice with the quality of their work. So long as the script writer is discouraged from "trying" to make the dialoque more "contemporary" with modern slang the show will turn out fine. Too often when those little "jewels" are dropped into the dialogue, it changes the mood of any given scene and that can be distracting.
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