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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. You make some valid points, but I think M7 had far less character growth than it could have and a disproportionate focus on music which makes it the pariah of choice for me. Delta, was entertaining and it is true that the current market trends are driving the content, the first episode sometimes went over the top, but we'll be able to better judge our perceptions after we've seen several more episodes.
  2. Funny and rather revealing how similar many Japanese fans are to Western fans in their Macross expectations. Time will tell i guess...
  3. It may not only be to gauge interest from potential customers.... Though any alternative interest would be completely pointless considering the discs originate from Japan.
  4. That could be an interesting idea. The negative side to Anima Spiritia first introduced in M7. Well it "was" dark and gritty compared to it's contemporaries of the day, excluding Gundam. Not as dark as say OVA's of the era, but for a TV series it more grounded in reality than most, particularly with respect to how mecha was designed and treated.
  5. Well put. I am not sure how "mainstream" Macross is becoming, but if it is a TV series, it most definitely will be following the mainstream trends than not. Series are expensive and, very much like big tent pole movies, are often developed by committee with all the sponsor stake holders wanting a solid return on their investments. OVA's tend to have more freedom and latitude to explore more serious topics since they are less expensive to produce and require fewer sponsors. The trouble is they don't get the same level of attention that series' do and therefore may not be as well known to the casual fan base.
  6. Zero came after M7 and I agree that no direct correlation to "song energy" is made, though "Anima Spiritia" was less a quantifiable phenomena than it was a descriptor for those who possessed the natural ability to harness what I can only "now" consider might be "fold song" or super dimensional communication. In M0 most of the phenomena appeared to be directly related to the presence of the AFOS and the technology it possessed. Now if the AFOS is of the same generation of bio-weaponry tech that created the EVIL series, it possessed very advanced abilities and tech tha to the human eye would certainly appear very much like magic...
  7. Maybe I'm missing something regarding M0. You have gravity controlled rocks which seemed to be controlled by the AFOS head when Sarah sang. A flying totem (this one I concede) What else?
  8. So far, only this disc will have the subs, BUT I suspect if enough are purchased it may prompt BW to release the whole series with subs. If there is no interest, why bother....
  9. I always found this assertion as ridiculous! IMO, there were far more instances of magic in M7 than Zero.
  10. When one is from the pedigree of the Jenius family, the pressure to be a great pilot is likely immense! So for Mirage to be a "very good" pilot instead of "great" would be frustrating.
  11. Considering the VF-171EX was built as a specific task force fighter against the Vajra, the need to upgrade other units would be pointless with the VF-31 air frame becoming available to the network's militaries, not to mention its only been a few years since the VF-25 & 29's were developed which also uses the system. Though it is doubtful these 25 and 29 models are being mass produced in the quantities the earlier valk generations were. The colony fleets and worlds have grown in number, which allows various jurisdictions to pick and choose which fighters best suit their needs. These valks are becoming like cars. Pretty soon a government will be able to outfit their defense forces with various models of valks depending on what models they want to use... At some point we may get a series where a defense force utliizes various fighter models in their battles, similar to what we saw in the M7 series.
  12. Well the completed episode certainly grows on you! It was fun and entertaining. A sweeping space war opera it is not, but it looks like it could be fun. The whole dancing VF-171 reminded me of the old westerns where the bad guy forces someone to dance by shooting at his feet... . I did notice not many fatalities among the giants too. Most attacks were aimed at disabling the mecha than destruction. I get the whole "naked joy" moments mentioned in the podcast and was glad I listened to it before seeing this so I had some context going in. Hayate discovers his joy of flying a valk and Freyja simply reacting to the joy of singing with the Walkyre. The crystals in their hair are called Runes, so that will no doubt be significant. I expect they are a naturally occurring crystal similar to the Vajra's fold quartz, or perhaps they are given to them at a certain age of maturity as a symbolic rite of passage. We'll see. The Windarians are clearly a known people to humanity at this point. Though how much is known about them may be little. The songstress who started the whole outbreak most definitely reminded me of an emulator from M2, with the seat at the top of a pedestal staircase, only she had some sort of energy vortex behind her. I suspect that is how she transmits her song. I still think the var virus is more an activated aggressiveness gene rather than a virus. Something triggered by fold music, perhaps a way of "encouraging" Zentradi to fight back in the days of the PC. Those affected could be Zentradi, pure blood or intermixed blood with a certain proclivity to the condition. I guess we'll have to see as the story develops. The voice actress for Freyja is definitely playing up the cutsie aspect of the character and in some ways it really works. I am reminded how Mari made Minmay her own during SDFM to the point where I can't imagine anyone else voicing the character now. So far I am glad I kept an open mind on this one.
  13. Hmm, BW and BV seem to be testing the waters and gauging interest from the Western market. Quick everyone, pre-order it and show them we want more releases with subs!!!
  14. Amazing work as always Brain-man! Love the use of your older Valks in the scene. Thank you!!
  15. You know, some regular members get banned for month over such behavior...
  16. Or the other possibility is a sense of shame associated with her father's name and not wanting to be tainted by it.
  17. Why are some people prone to being absolutists?? This or that, you are or your are not.... I don't care for most of the music in M7, am I automatically "NOT" a fan? Hardly. Each Macross iteration has its own theme and attracts some fans more than others. It is the nature of entertainment.
  18. It wasn't just "someone".... Back on topic: This series is going to be an interesting hybrid that SK is experimenting with and I am very curious about that fact. I suspect it will be tricky to pull off successfully. Knowing when to stay dark and moody and when to go JPop...
  19. It seems that all we've ever seen of them were in garrisons. On Galia 4, the boredom was driving the marine units a bit nuts, to the point of insurrection against their commanders.
  20. I don't advocate dogmatic adherence to creative limitation, but abandoning it all together gives us just as many problems. The most frequent in hollywood are the "vanity projects" by producers and directors... You could make that point, but it could also be counter argued that it is an extension of the ghost AI drones seen since Mac Plus. I prefer to view them as a M2 nod, regardless of the official explanation...
  21. I can respect it, but there are benefits to creative limitation as well. It forces the writer to come up with creative ways to solve continuity problems, often in exciting ways.
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