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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. As the show currently stands, I agree. However, I don't believe that is how the show was meant to end. There were too many "set up" story threads that went unfulfilled. Considering the Script supervisor was Sukehiro Tomita who worked on the original series as a writer, I find it hard to believe he'd craft a story of the same caliber as a run of the mill Hollywood hack! I firmly believe the show was meant to be be substantially fleshed out and run longer than it did. Your points about the music in Mac 7 is something I understand as well, but if one is to go on about contrived comercialism, please explain how the VF-19 Kai, the VF-11 MAXL and the VF-17 from sound force is not comercialism in it's most shameless form? The thing that I found refreshing about Macross II's take on music was that it conveyed exactly what you mentioned about how the people of that era were missing the point of where the power in music comes from and that an "alien's song" could not affect the Marduk. It is required, that one of "Their Own" be the one to deliver the song(s) with the passion that would resonate in the hearts of the Marduk. One could argue that in that case, Anima Spiritia requires a "certain resonance or frequency" to affect certain peoples.
  2. Gotta agree about Feff's Gilgamesh. Damn fine and malevolent looking Mecha! Something a microne would expect to fly if you fought against Giants a lot. I still love the VF-2SS above all Spacy VF's in the show. I always felt the AAB's were under utilized considering they reminded me of the New Type Psycho Bits (can't recall what they were actually called) from the Char Aznable Era of Gundam, but most likely with the AI that the Ghost fighter used from Macross Plus. It may not have been such a radical departure from the original design as SK took, but it's a solid functional design that is simplistic as it is effective. Something you'd expect a military to crank out by the hundreds in short period of time. The Icarus just seemed too busy a design and I found it's scale unusually large compared it it's space based cousin. The Metal Siren was a cool concept, but IMO it could have been done better, or at least differently. I simply didn't think the nose extension was necessary for the Pinpoint Barrier lance. If it doubled as the Gun Pod as well as the lance, maybe. I got the distinct impression it was designed as a battroid first and then reverse engineered to a fighter without the benefit of the technical drafting training SK has. In that particular respect I think old SK would have done a better job on that fighter. I am a big fan of the Mac II destroids! They definitely show an evolution from the originals. However I prefer the Macross Plus and 7 capital ships over the Macross 2 versions (maybe it is because we never really got to see what the Heracles or the Gloria could really do in battle). I do find it amusing that most advocates against Mac II repeat the DYRL mantra over and over. I see the similarities to the movie as well, however I see the blatant differences too. If one were to watch the show from an objectively critical point of view they'd see what I see, that being of an incomplete story that jumps from story arc to story arc without a satisfactory conclusion to many story threads. This show was not complete and, unlike North American shows, would not have been abruptly cancelled. Most likely Big West told the producers after episode 3, that the ratings were low and the show would only be given enuf funds to wrap the story in 3 more episodes (as opposed to the originally proposed 9 or 12 eps?). Thus the production had to "wrap" up the story in a hurry and clearly it was not done as well as it could have been. In the same manner I could easily dismiss Macross 7 as juvenile tripe, with a outdated bland premise of fighting "giant space monsters", etc... To be fair to the show and to be truthful, I enjoyed the characterizations in the show and the dynamics between the Mylene and Basara characters, as well as the family dynamics of the Jenius'. The show had it's good points as well as it's bad, but I won't dismiss it out of hand, by echoing other's broad based assessments or making similar ones of my own. Back to my original theme, IMO it was damn nice not to see those pods again (have never been and never will be a fan of the Zent battle pods of SDF Macross)!
  3. Wow! Gotta give Berman credit for waiting ALMOST SIX MONTHS, before grinding out another Trek project. The co-writer director may be able to pull off what Nicholas Meyer has done with TOS movies.
  4. FOTSW is actually a lot of fun, a bit of tongue in cheek poking fun at SDF Macross... The other unrelease episode (can't remember the name off hand) is also another fun episode for the character fans...
  5. There was one functional Cannon. That was the Alaska Base one. There were 4 other cannons being built around Earth and on the Moon. http://macross.anime.net/story/atlas/index.html Search for Grand Cannon to find the specific locations of each one. 392266[/snapback] Well it would make sense for them to chose to build canons off planet to avoid a similar retaliatory strikes experienced during SW1. However after the series no mention is made of them again. As for the Valks and SV-51's, I'd suspect the AUN Alliance would likely consist of Many Eastern European countries, Russia, China, Middle Eastern nations, and Germany (mostly for the reason that the Germans are the only nation in that group with the technical expertise to be able to design and build a variable fighter in a short period of time).
  6. *raises hand* One please! I though V-E e-store was closed? 392319[/snapback] Do a member search to find his account then PM him.
  7. Az, maybe just pin this thread and leave it as a self perpetuating thread. There are always going to be newbs with ideas. This way they have a place to go instead of creating a new thread every time. .......................... Anyway back to the topic at hand. I'd like to see an OVA series focusing on the Unification War taking place shortly after Macross Zero, with Roy and Claudia as the principal characters. There is nothing more dramatic than mankind fighting each other.... I'd also like to see Space War 2 with the Earth facing the Supervision Army, utilizing story elements proposed by Macross 2, but taking into account the events of Macross 7 and possibly the return of the AFOS units from Macross Zero. I'd also like to know what happened to the Megaroad 1 mission, but used as a tie in to further explain the story of the Protoculture Republic.
  8. After checking the archive...nope, Egan hasn't changed much since then. He does list which armed forces branches use which VFs however, but not for the Destroids. 392030[/snapback] Any links? Curiosity...
  9. VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM The owner of the site hangs out here (using the same handle as above), so contact him via PM and he'll be able to hook you up...
  10. Would you have the same shot of just of the Macross on it's landing pads? If you could post it in 1200x1024 I'd really appreciate it. I have an "idea" for a wallpaper
  11. I realize in a few of the scenes we see the destroids are marked "Army", but in the truest naval sense, if the Valkyrie pilots aboard the Macross are naval aviators wouldn't the destroid pilots actually be "Marines"? Now this would specifically refer to the Monsters, Spartans and Tomahawks. The Phalanx and Defender could easily be argued as being piloted by naval gunners for the purpose of anti-aircraft defense.
  12. His mom dropped his grounding from the computer... I prefer rational debates myself and there are plenty of posters here who are capable of such... The rest just get ignored as children should be...
  13. I agree, if the drive is "still" supported by the manufacturer there should be a firmware update for it.
  14. Both are bootlegs. FX versions from the looks of it. Don't count on it. Sundevil uses the same graphic and the disc is a regular bootleg. ............................. There is a program called "AVI Sub Extractor" (I believe, I have it on my home system-currently at work) that rips subs "as they are" from embedded subs in AVI files. From that you will have to re-do the subs with a subtitling program using the same frame numbers. Hurin is the resident "expert" on such matters. Essentially you may have to redo the subs for your DVD and then encode it on to a DVD. It sounds complicated, but many programs out there make it relatively easy with some tutorials and practice. Better yet, just buy the Valkyrie Exchange's FX copy and use Hurin's subs to do the job, the quality is much better than what you would probably get on your own.
  15. You could tell the story was meant to be longer. Far too many story threads were truncated: 1. What happened to Silvie & Nexx? 2. What happened to soften Slyvie toward Hibiki? 3. When did Hibiki realize he cared for Sylvie? 4. When did Ishtar fall for Hibiki? 5. When did Sylvie become a rival to Ishtar? 6. What is so dangerous about the Ship of the Alus that Ingues would mobilize such a huge fleet to destroy it? etc..... Those are just a few questions that were not answered because the story was so trucated in the last episodes.
  16. JBO makes a good point regarding why there hasn't been a second full scale invasion of the Sol system by the Zents. The other things to consider are: 1. We don't know if Bodolza was the CNC of the Zent forces or just some regional general (it isn't made very clear -AFAIK). This would affect the Zentreadi forces either on an organizational or at least regional level. 2. The Zents primary enemy is the Supervision Army and thus it is reasonable to conclude the remaining forces are engaged in battle with SA fleets across the Galaxy. As far as SPACY "knew" there were no large fleets in our "corner" of the galaxy, one can reasonably assume. However what happens in Mac II is possible due to several factors: 1. The apparent lack of reconstruction of the Grand Canons on both the Earth and the Moon. 2. The Supervision Army (what the Marduk should have been) would have no reason to be reluctant about attacking this world , especially if they encounter Zentreadi capital ships in the system. 3. The Earth would not be expecting a Supervision Army fleet. 4. It would be possible that 35 years after Mac 7, the Earth could be complacent with their regular victories over stray Zent fleets that they'd be ill prepared to take on a large fleet in battle. 5. Since the Supervision Army did/does consist of former protoculture citizens, it is entirely possible that they would utilize Anima Spiritia singers to maintain control over their giants' mind control.
  17. I have one of those Zero copies and the Sundevil DYRL (which is NOT the "Perfect Edition" as they tend to claim on e-bay!). The problem with bootlegs is that they are translated by Chinese who have a basic english vocabulary, so often you'll find strangely structured sentences or odd terms used in the dialogue. The best bet is to find fansubs on the net and use a program like DVDSanta or ConvertXtoDVD to convert them to DVD for yourself. Fansubs have the best translations of non-licensed titles. The only exception is the Hurin re-sub of DYRL for the Region 2 Bandai and the Region 0 FX versions of Macross DYRL, which can be found on these forums.
  18. We don't know if the ship in Ishtar's dream was the actual ship or just an image she conjured up in her own imagination. After all it was a "Legend" and most legends don't come with pictures...
  19. And so now that they've been mashed together there is a big mess: a huge robotech fanbase that wants more, (aware of the originals stories that it spawned from but who genuinely like the RT story built up from all the novels and comics and stuff) while others have moved on and found out the real stories of the shows but because the shows are so old, there is now no continuation of them due to age. (so the newer generation of anime fans focus on newer mecha shows because they are embarassed by the crap animation of older anime. There was one example of a guy trying to get his friends to watch macross but because it was so old, people tended to not care even if it was good for its time) 390112[/snapback] I believe it was on these forums that someone pointed out that if HG had shown all the shows separately under a common "Robotech" banner it would have been better. From a business point of view it would have worked out better for them and the infant NA anime industry at the time. How many mecha shows could have been brought to North America under the "Robotech" banner and they could have still retained their original stories? Instead they opted to "try" to marry three unrelated shows together. Now I like RT, but the original series' it came from (except "Southern Cross") were more compelling. IMO so long as HG doesn't impede the exposure of anime fans to the Macross franchise, then they can have their piece of the market.
  20. "Wicked City" aka "Supernatural Beast City" Didn't have tentacle rape. The demons had tentacles but they were their weapons, not their "organs"... I've seen it. It really is nothing like the anime, very tame (which most live action adult titles are, in Japan).
  21. I noticed that too. In Japanese most tactical discussions were more matter of fact as though, "we've done all this before..." attitude was in play. I still think the RT actor who played Breetai was a closer voice match than this ADV actor.
  22. Please see Seto Kaiba's response...
  23. With the Exception of Valk Exchange's FX editions, the only other versions available in North America are the Region 2 Bandai editions here: http://www.animecornerstore.com/macmovdvd.html They aint cheap! I got one, but after the Hurin treatment, I have no regrets!
  24. Um which film?
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