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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. MMMMM, yummy Lee Hyroi !!! For Roy it's always Suntory time... - Suntory Royal whisky
  2. I could be wrong, but I dont' recall any dialogue to that specific affect.... It's in there. Bodolzaa only came over because his underlings were all contaminated by culture. That's also why Britai, Lap'lamiz, and Kamjin(maybe) joined forces with us to defeat Bodolzaa. He was going to kill them all anyways, so they had nothing to lose. But their original interest at the beginning of the show that kept them from the Macross to smitherens and getting on with life was that we had reaction weaponry. They wanted them for themselves, so capturing the Macross seemed like a good idea. So our weapons DID gain their attention, but it was to capture, not destroy. Except the Grand Cannon was activated AFTER the orbital bombardment, and took them by complete surprise. They didn't know it was there when they opened fire. 396189[/snapback] Damn, now I have to re-watch the series to bone up on my facts...
  3. I could be wrong, but I dont' recall any dialogue to that specific affect.... The resulting destruction of the planetary civilization was the collateral damage of the bombardment. If they were being fired upon by the moon cannon, would they have fired on the Earth first? I think not...
  4. SDF Macross is the only Big West title in dispute. All other Macross titles are clearly owned by Big West. This could also be why Big West hasn't sold any other Mac rights to HG or even it's associates, which may not bode well should ADV have any wish to market Macross Zero in North America, if my suspicion turns out to be true.
  5. Ryuji, I so envy your talent!
  6. LOL, well then I guess we should welcome Japan into the 21st Century of industrialized nations...
  7. LOL. no really Seto don't hold back, tell us what you really think.... Who's gripes? SK's? As far as I know he hasn't seen Mac II yet, therefore he doesn't have to comment on it.... Well I love the Valk II & the AGA-1JF, but the rest of the fighters don't really impress me that much. I like the concept of the MS, but the design doesn't do anything for me. I liked the holographic cockpit, personally. Considering holo technology had advanced quite a bit even during the 1 year war, it isnt' such a stretch to see it used to give fighter pilots a 360 degree view of their surroundings. I gotta agree there. The risk of Gundamization is very high. As a collaborator with Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noboru Ishiguro, Sukehiro Tomita (the original SDF Macross writing team), I'm sure something a bit more credible and less fantasy would result.
  8. Actually, Kawamori takes approximately 3 years of pre-production on any of his Macross projects. However, I agree that he is running out of credible stories to tell. Now Mac Zero was a refreshing departure from the dross of Mac 7....
  9. Well one could assume that the Protoculture Republic consisted of several thousand different races (similar to the Galactic Republic of SW lore). So the Zents' initial enemies were those worlds who resisted the will of the initial Protoculture Empire. Most likely the races conquered may have been more technologically advanced than the PC Empire, but when faced with an Armada of giants bred for war in your star system, it would be pretty difficult to hold them off indefinitely. We are led to believe the PC empire stretched Galaxy wide, so the logistics of conquering such a vast empire would be rather mind blowing. It would explain the massive build up fleets and armies. However after the fall of the PC Republic the logistical support for the aramadas on both sides would falter as no new facilities would be built to support the massive war machines.
  10. Wrong. It's not part of canon Macross continuity at all. period. 395291[/snapback] According to SK's vision of the show... According to Big West and the Tatsunoko writer who supervised the Macross II story (one of the orignial "writers" of SDF Macross), it is part of "a" Macross continuity, just not Kawamori's. Keep in mind Shoji Kawamori DID NOT WRITE SDF Macross... He was never credited as a writer and has never claimed to have written the show. He created the Universe concept, the Valks, the story boards and directed the Valk animation, but that is as far as it went. He is a talented man, but let's give him proper credit for what he has "actually" done on the original show, not what he is speculated to have done. To be blunt, if Macross II had enjoyed stronger success, there would be two very different visions of the Macross Universe actively produced or at some point the visions would be harmonized into one.
  11. I don't think SDF: Macross needs 50 eps. Mac 7 didn't, so why would the original. 40 Eps maybe. I agree that there are story threads that are unfinished in SDF and I too would like to see several story elements from DYRL brought into the series proper. However, going back to the events between the crash and the opening episode is another series entirely (a sequel to Macross Zero maybe!). For a re-animation to be able to retain the "magic" of the original, the "key" people from Tatsunoko as well as Studio Nue need to collaborate again on it. To let SK have control of that project will only result in another Macross 7 and I for one don't want that! Let's not forget SK DID NOT write SDF Macross, he was the creator, Valk designer and valk animation director. That is all! The final produced show can be credited directly to director Noboru Ishiguro, with the story crafted by Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noboru Ishiguro & Sukehiro Tomita. Essentially if a person wants to know what the vision of the Mac universe was according to the original writing team's vision, see Macross II. If you want to see what the universe is according to Kawamori see Macross Plus, et al. Anyway, I would love to see what Satelight could do with the battles in SDF Macross! However, I would rather live without it, if that means bastardizing the saga that we've all come to love. ........................ On the topic of studio suits, it has been said by many of the "old guard" actors and directors that ever since corporations have taken over the studios, film making has lost it's inventiveness and artistry. It's all about methodology and demographics. There is no surprise that the biggest hits in entertainment are the indie / small productions, whether it be cable TV, films or music. THAT is where all the original ideas are coming from, because the suits who have degrees in commerce and business have no idea how to "produce" quality, innovative entertainment. They are consumers like the rest of us.
  12. Yeah well so is "It's a Wonderful Life"; "Casablanca", "Ghostbusters", "Star Wars IV", "Star Trek", "MASH",Babylon 5, etc... but funny how people just never get tired of those titles... If it's good it's good! I've seen some damn fine looking "recent" animation and frankly the story sucked and bored me to distraction! It isn't the "look" of a show that matters as much as what the show is about. If Evangelion had a run of the mill, boring story, it would never have been such a hit as it was, even with it's crisp, shiny new animation techniques. Would it hurt the franchise to re-animate SDF Macross with modern techniques, not at all, but the problem is that too often when a re-make is done, the directors seem to think that their "vision" could make a perfectly good show, "better" and they are too often self deluted and wrong! I have yet to see an anime re-make surpass the original. In this respect, the Japanese film industry suffers from the same delusion the North American industry does. The notion that a classic series could be made "better". This happens in only the rarest of cases and requires a vision that is unique and sophisticated for such a re-work to work. BSG under Ron Moore is a perfect example. Yet, how many times have we been subjected to sh*t that is supposed to pass itself off as a quality remake so the studios can try to bank on a well known franchise? I'd support a re-animation only in the event that Kawamori not be given control of the project. I'm not interested in seeing another Mac 7, thank you... Macross Zero, sure!
  13. Well Bodolza and his peers were most likely around to take orders directly from their Protoculture masters and were also part of the civil war that nearly wiped out the protoculture race. The armada commanders are the oldest surviving Zents that we know of. The Zents' main enemy is the Supervision Army; the force that the Proto Devlin apparently created. Thus any other Armada would most likely be engaged in battles with them across the galaxy. Thus as JBO has already posted, it is most likely he didn't bother to mention the nuisance battle with a Microne system since it really didn't affect any other Armadas. There is probably a fair bit of competition between the Fleet Commanders so to call for assistance for such a small matter would make Bodolza seem weak to his contemporaries. If anything, eventually the Zents would begin to look for Badolza's Armada. However, a More likely situation would be that the Earth would have to face down an armada of Supervision forces. You know, the forces Badolza's Armada would have been fighting in our corner of the galaxy... I agree that most likely it was Protoculture commanders who outranked the Zent Armada commanders so without any new orders both armies would be fighting a perpetual war that they'd eventually not know why. As for the Protodevlin getting their asses kicked, it was the other way around! The Mac 7 fleet faced very real annhilliation (recall the Mac 5 fleet?), but it was Grabil, Sivil and Firebomber combined that reached Glipnich, in a series of successive actions.
  14. I got the impression he was more of a stow away than some speculative black ops operative groomed by Ray with Max's consent. Though since Mac Plus, SK went a little "old anime school" with the whole giant space monsters bit. That's the main reason I prefer the premise of Macross II, as it follows closer to SDF Macross, DYRL, Mac Plus and even Macross Zero. In that is stays closer to the continuity and universe established in SDF Macross. Since SDF wasn't written by SK, some could argue Mac 7 was his attempt at creating "his" Macross story. There's a LOT of speculation in that statement. Well, in "true" military style, this "operative" of yours would have been stripped of his VF-19 and suspended from all military operations for refusing to follow orders... However, we are to blindly accept the fact that this guy is still allowed to fly this expensive military asset into warzones, disrupting squadron operations against these "giant" space monsters... As I've said I enjoy the characterizations, but the premise of the conflict is very weak IMO. Granted, I accept the fact that the execution of the story in Macross II was weak, but the premise was preferable to giant space monsters...
  15. Actually Valkyrie is sometimes used as an all encompassing word just like band aid and q-tip. 394619[/snapback] Good call, I've noticed that as well. It's even like that in Japanese merchandising. VF-19 Kai is often displayed as being the VF-19 Valkyrie Kai version or the VF-19 Exalibur is done the same way.
  16. That would require money, something HG doesn't have much of! They talk a good game and like to "scare" fandom about Macross products, but when pressed they fold like a cheap wallet and admit they only have the rights to SDF Macross and that's all. Manga is owned by Anchor Bay and AB has fairly deep pockets, so if you want a remastered edition of Macross Plus, I'd suggest banging on Anchor Bay's door...
  17. I don't recall straying too far off the topic, brother... I always came back to Mac II.
  18. I've had a couple of the transformables and at the time it was cool, since there weren't any toys to do the same thing. Now I prefer models be models and toys be toys. Kits can be modified in so many ways to "capture a moment", whereas toys are simply that, toys. They are designed to be transformed over and over without breaking, no model kit can do that. So as far as I'm concerned, Hasegawa can continue to make amazing Valk kits and Yamato can continue to make amazing Valk toys.... I won't be interested in either a Yamato model or a Haseqawa toy... Stick to what you do best and let the other guy have his market.
  19. Secretly he was working for the military, but choosing his own way to go about achieving what he set out to do. (he wasn't just a member of fire bomber remember. He was good enough to kick anyone's ass in a normal valk armed with weapons but was a kind of special branch max used, to see if there were a non-violent way to convert aliens to our side. He was a civilian but the way they let him do what he wanted, was as if max wanted him to succeed so they didn't need to use the nasty stuff to kill people) Basara's main focus was about "his" music, nothing else. When they encountered aliens he changed his focus. It wasn't until he tried to wake up Sivil that he truly stopped being selfish about it. Roy was secretly working for the Military, not Basara. Basara was given a state of the art, customized Valkyrie from Roy, no questions asked (which is stretching reality a bit). There wasn't any indication (from what I remember) that Basara was secretly working for anyone but himself. I dont' dispute that fact. SK bringing up the idea that the "passion" behind the music is where we find the real power, is not at issue. Well Anima Spiritua is not unique to Basara. Mac 7 already mentioned that they had a small army of AS people who helped imprision the PD. In fact, the show left the nature of the AS gifts conspicously undisclosed. This way we can conclude Anima Spiritua gifts are not exclusive to singing. The singing holograms of Mac II failed because of two things, the people of Earth, in the complacency began to believe it was the song, not the emotion that won the battles and most cases it was correct, as the "culture shock" attack had always succeeded to stun their enemies long enough for Spacy to get the upper hand in every battle. When faced with the "emulators" which could be argued, had Anima Spiritua gifts, the Terran assumption about music fell apart. As for Minmay, I suspect the reason her songs had such impact was the fact that she put so much passion into her songs, however she didn't have the same discipline Basara had. Well there was no "animated" energy previously, that doesn't mean it never existed before. Macross II didn't add to the existing lore, as much as it took a different point of view. A "what if" scenario that has been in people's minds, but never explored.
  20. The whole marketing point was to demonstrate that all anime has shameless commercialization in it. It is what pays the bills. I may not care for the VF-19 Kai or the VF-11MAXL, but that just means I don't buy the kits is all. I don't hold any particular series on some pedestel, I enjoy them for what they are, warts and all. I would love to sit down with some of the key production staff from Mac 2 and find out exactly what they had in mind for the show if they were given the necessary number of eps to tell the full story. It is entirely possible that Spacy was deliberately written to be similar to the Cold War Soviet state and the Marduk to be an architype for Nazi Germany. I want to know how the whole Nexx / Sylvie relationship was resolved; When did Ishtar fall for Hibiki; Was Feff actually demoted after the initial failure of his mission at the beginning of the show; What is the specific mythos of the Alus Ship; when did Hibiki realize he had feelings for Sylvie, etc....
  21. True, but with much less "collateral damage" to the civilian population centers. Personally speaking, I'd be hesitant to build a population center near anything emitting such high levels of energy in the first place. So moot point. My point was rather that any planetary based weapon of that magnitude would result in the same global bombardment the Zents inflicted on the Earth the first time. They didn't waste much time "looking" for the cannon, but rather opted to raze the planet's surface to wipe out the existing weapon and most likely to take out any others that could be preparing to fire.... ..................... Hmmm, with the Grand Cannon gravity based, it kind of gives one a glimpse into the nature of Super Dimensional technology...
  22. This project is TOO sexy for words!!
  23. True, but with much less "collateral damage" to the civilian population centers. Really? I always though it was fuelled by a Super Dimension reactor of some type. That is the only thing I was aware of that was capable of generating such a high energy output that came from a Macross type energy cannon. We also don't know how many orbiting capital ships were fitted with Macross Cannons. We know the colony ships had them, but little else is mentioned.
  24. I didn't miss them at all! Back in '83 they were cool, but since 1999 has come and gone, I preferred that SK not include those vehicles in Macross Zero. He chose to stick with what was "current" for the time period and the F-14 is still in use. I'd rather have the VF-0 and the SV-51's duking it out, than conventional aircraft, such as the Dragon II. The AUN Alliance (which can not continue to be described as a "terrorist group") is a viable threat and Mac Zero is taking place during the Unification War, so it is very reasonable that military advancements would be accelerated at this time and the roll out of the VF-0 series of fighters to counter the threat of the SV-51 series would be most likely. At least until the VF-1 series goes into full production. I agree that the Comanchero wouldn't be seen in the Pacific theater and the Sea Sargent could simply still be in development at the time. The Seahawk helicopters would still be in wide use at the time, so I don't see any issues there. So the lack of a nod to SDF Macross in terms of aircraft didn't bother me in the least.
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