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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. So if the Pinpoint Barrier was discovered as a result of the disappearance of the fold system on the SDF-1 and that the fold system was powered by the Super Dimension reactor(s), would it not be reasonable to assume that any fighter with a barrier shield would have a small Super Dimension Reactor aboard? Now I may have missed the "official" explanation to this in the compendium, but it seems reasonable to me that the "shield" would require a SD reactor to function. If this is indeed true, then by the 2040's Spacy was not very far off of being able to build a fighter capable of space folds without the assistance of a fold booster. Anyone wish to chime in on this one?
  2. The more I see the more I can't wait for the release! Are you guys going to have a multi-player component in the game so we can duke it out with each other online?
  3. Yes that's the one I'm after. Though I have put the wallpaper on my PC
  4. Yeah I saw that. There are also a bunch of silouettes of different VF's & Zentreadi mecha that run in the background of the opening montage. Unfortunately I haven't seen any clear ones anywhere. 404522[/snapback] so does the image meet your requirements? 404542[/snapback] Yes and no. I love the wallpaper! However I was looking for ones like my Avatar with the outline and box. If you have any scans of those I'd appreciate those as well. As you can see I have a nice hires battroid, but am looking for the Gerwalk as well as the fighter.... Is the Gerwalk in the PS2 game guide as well?
  5. Cool! Thank you.
  6. Is that some sort of insult or something?
  7. Look like Resume glossys which means that voice acting is probably a temporary gig until they get a bigger job in hollywould... They are damn fine though...
  8. Yeah I saw that. There are also a bunch of silouettes of different VF's & Zentreadi mecha that run in the background of the opening montage. Unfortunately I haven't seen any clear ones anywhere.
  9. I have no one to blame for this but me! I once got a rare die cast Corgi Batmobile for my birthday, with "red" wheels! Well at the time I turned my nose up at it as it had "stupid" red wheels (though I didn't tell my mom...). Well I decided to bury it DEEP in my sandbox (we are talking digging up the yard deep and create a gravel pit like my uncle worked in. Well I decided to fill it in at one point and remembered AFTER that I had left several toy cars buried at the bottom. I tried a few times to recover the cars, but alas they were in their graves permanently as I couldn't find them. Now, when I see how truly rare that toy car is, I kick myself everytime...
  10. Apparently they are making both 2 & 3 simulateously (the new fad in hellywood these days), which explains why it isn't scheduled for release until 2007. http://www.movieweb.com/news/48/6148.php There is also a plan for a TV series as well for an autumn premier date, but not much has been said about that.
  11. Woo produces not directs.... I liked the movie, eventhough the first animated OVAs were much closer to the Manga. The 3DCG is essentially a motion capture process down to facial expression captures, using computer animation to "skin" the performances. So if there is any "weakness" it is either in the actor's performance or the animator's failing to create a realistic mechanical animation... Though as with anything the more you do something, the more it improves/ Compare Shrek to Shrek II or Toy Story to Toy Story 2 and you'll see substantial improvements over the the first animations. So I am looking forward to the next one!
  12. The sad part is that the poor Japanese fan is going to honestly think (in his ignorance) that Macross translates into "Robotech" in English...
  13. I can almost decipher the second quote. I think he is saying Misa's mother became a drunk because her father was never there (career soldier and all that) and she died of liver disease of some type. The first quote is jibberish in english, though I have no doubt in Japanese it makes perfect sense. Since the syntax of both languages are very different.
  14. So THAT's the reason for it! Mighty nice idea! I just may take you up on that....
  15. I do but I wont be home til monday. 402947[/snapback] I'm patient. Thank you very much!
  16. I love this shot!! You get real sense of comparative size for each generation of Variable Fighter (with the exception of the Legioss).
  17. None of us are experts. There are a few outstanding builders around here, but they are the exception. Excellent work, very clean. The shine does take away from the illusion of scale. Very nice!
  18. I think they know, they are just too arrogant or stupid to learn... The sad part is that even RT pronounces the name "Macross" correctly...
  19. Thanks guys, here comes the real thing ... DOWNLOAD...DOWNLOAD 401833[/snapback] Amazing work! Might I suggest maybe some gun pod fire from the Zero in this wallpaper (tired to find reference screen caps, but no luck yet)? Also, you might want to consider uploading some of your work to this site: http://www.animepaper.net/home/ There is a real lack of decent Mac Zero walls. like yours there...
  20. Then why would SK publish it's name? There are very few VF's if any, other than the VF-1, that carry the name "Valkyrie". All the VF fighters after the VF-1 were given different names by SK. Thus the argument that Star Mirage is what SK actually does refer to the VF-5000 as. Merchandisers tended to use the name "Valkyrie" like a brand name to denote the type of kit, toy, etc... as a Macross variable fighter instead of the name it was actually given. This changed later on however, but not in every case. So I disagree that "Star Mirage" is just a nick name for the fighter. If you mean it's the aircrafts name similar to how the F-16 has the name "Falcon", or the F-14 is the "Tomcat", then in that respect I'd agree. These names may not be "official" designations, but the military does recognize the names for these particular aircraft. Along your vein of thought, even the name "Valkyrie" would not be the VF-1's "official" designation...
  21. Well now that Takara owns Tatsunoko, it will be interesting to see how things develop. Takara may sell the rights back to Big West or partner with them in this matter to gain access to the other Macross titles to exploit. With Takara and Tomy merging, it is clear that Takara is sticking with what it knows best, toy making, so making peace with Big West is in it's best interest. Thus, if Takara sells or offers BW administrative control over international distribution of SDF Macross then HG will be forced to deal with BW and come to some sort of agreement. Either the two would move forward or HG would risk it's future, with regards to the "Macross Saga" component of their RT series.
  22. VF-3000 Crusader http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/macross/un_spacy..._vf_3000s_2.gif http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/advvalk/...000-fighter.jpg VF-5000 Star Mirage http://www.chipster.mistral.co.uk/mac7vf50.jpg http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/Images/vf5000.gif
  23. Nice!! It would look sweet with some vapor trails coming out of the engines and off the wing tips! A couple of suggestions though. Reduce the size of your signature and offer your Wallpapers with and without the logo... I am all for signing one's work, but it is taking away from the amazing composition of the wallpaper. Maybe a small signature in the bottom corner, big enough to be seen, but not so much that it takes attention away from the subject of the wallpaper. Just a couple of suggestions to consider.
  24. I always thought the VF-3000 and the VF-5000 were the VF-3 & VF-5's respectively...? Especially since the VF-5000 has similar design aesthetics distinctive to the VF-11 & VF-19 series.
  25. I suspect the biggest impediment to a "darker, more adult" Macross series is the whole Tatusunoko lawsuit. Once it is definitively determined who holds the international copyright to Macross, Big West and Nue can then tap into North American financing options to produce such a show and recover their costs. North American & European audiences are more inclined to support a mature themed Macross series than our Japanese counterparts. Thus Big West's return on investment is much more likely. Until the Japanese courts clear up the whole international rights issue, HG has a foggy legal leg to stand on in North America. It may also be the reason why HG has allowed the English dub (such as it is ) of SDF Macross. It may be an act of good faith toward Big West, who they may need to re-negotiate with to retain their SDF Macross license.
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