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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. There will never be a YF-19 or any of the post SDF Macross VF fighters with the "RT" brand on it! HG owns half the international rights to SDF Macross TV animation ONLY! This has been a judgement handed down to Tatsunoko (the other owner of the rights) by the Japanese courts, that could easily be upheld in North America. Thus any infringement by HG would find an immediate court challenge by Big West itself, not to mention "Manga Ent.", who currently holds the North American license for Macross Plus and Macross II. Studio Nue and BW both own all character and mecha designs for the Macross franchise worldwide according to the Japanese courts. Thus if a legal challenge were to result from the RT Macross toy line, there would be room for BW to argue infringement. So it makes the most sense for RT to continue the RT story based on Mospeada designs rather than Macross. Mospeada is wholey owned by Tatsunoko Studios. This legal stuff is further discussed in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...153&hl=big+west
  2. Well back on topic. Well there is no way the AUN is merely a terrorist organization. It would have to be backed by national interests to afford the funds to develop and produce their own variable fighter as seen in Mac Zero. Thus this made them an even greater threat to the infant UNG. The fact that they could get into space and "steal" a space destroyer implies that they are a much bigger organization and better equipped than what was initially conceived for SDF Macross. SK clearly expanded their role for Mac Zero, which opens up greater possibilies for the series. The idea that the VF-0 was only a test bed for variable technology doesn't really explain why a "squadron" was built. That would allow one to suspect that Spacy "knew" about a threat of AUN variable fighters already and thus countered that threat with the VF-0 (as the VF-1 wasn't ready yet). The demise of the AUN as an organized force really isn't adequately explained either. They "just lost" the war, doesn't cut it in light of how organized and equipped they were as was revealed in Macross Zero.
  3. I knew a guy who did that..... but he's dead now......
  4. I'd like the SDF Macross dub more if there were "LESS EMBELISHMENT" by the script writers and "CORRECT PRONOUNCIATION" of the names. My Gawd they have a Japanese voice actress who worked on the original Japanese series and her proper pronounciation is totally ignored... How pathetic is that? It's little wonder why some Japanese studios, who care about their work, refuse to license their films to US distributors...
  5. Yes! Considering most off the shelf PC's run about $500.00 - $800.00 then the price is a bit more reasonable...
  6. 407921[/snapback] Hurin??? You here???
  7. Soooo, how do they plan to market this??? Sometimes specializing too much simply kills your market prospects and considering the average Joe won't even notice the difference anyway, they are taking a very large gamble that customers will fork out that kind of cash for a over the top console/DVD player... Not to mention most who watch the DVD market and are following this saga, suspect that the HD format wars will ultimately only result in the niche market of serious Cinephiles with deep pockets, not the average consumer... Time will tell.
  8. Well according to sketchley, Macross is still popular, just not mainstream popular, so I suspect we won't be seeing a HD transfer of DYRL or Mac Plus for a few years at least, considering all the other anime movie titles that would get the treatment first. So I suspect your HD efforts would be appreciated until then, even if it is to provide a psuedo HD experience for those of us with HD CRTs and screens.
  9. 1/35 scale is the PERFECT scale for dioramas!! There are tons of after market figures, accessories and vehicles that can be used to put together a kick ass scene. Not to mention modifying a 1/35 scale figure is much easier than a 1/72 scale... WOW! Would definitely be worth the money for a recast.
  10. I can't wait to see the finished project from our resident modelling gurus!!
  11. It's been a while since I saw V Gundam, but what I do recall is that it was one of the first Gundam series that steered away from the telepathic Newtype pilots. F91 from what I remember had no Newtypes in it. The F91 was geared to the main character's bio signs because it was developed by his mother. Though the Gundam Otaku will correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Well Animeigo digitally restored SDF Macross that ADV is currently using for it's dub, but not to any HD standards. Macross: DYRL wasn't really so much digitally restored as much as given the Animorphic Widescreen treatment , cleaned up and had it's audio re-mastered (I think, not completely sure about the audio). Unless someone spends the money to settle all the licensing issues related to DYRL, it is doubtful we'll even see a non-bootleg version hit North America, nevermind in HD. The other titles wont' be remastered in HD here unless they are done in Japan first. NA distributors are only licensers of the shows and don't generally spend tons of money cleaning up the show as they are still niche market suppliers and they have to make money, so to spend a ton of money on a title that may not give a good return on your investment is not likely. Now you have to remember that the Japanese have been using HD technology since 1980! So it's hard to say if or when they'd transfer any anime titles over to HD since the technology is still fairly new and no standard format has been agreed to yet. Only time will tell with respect to HD versions of our favorite anime shows.
  13. Really? I've not seen any article to that effect (not that one doesn't exist...). However, If I recall correctly Orguss was dropped due to similar licensing issues that DYRL now enjoys, as in, the agreements are so complex and convoluded that there was no way to determine clear international title to the work. Hence, why there hasn't been a North American release of the SDC Orguss series.
  14. It is most likely Tat is working in partnership with HG on the project. From what I've heard HG is trying to sell it in Japan as a sequel to Mospeada (ironically Megazone 23 was first envisioned as the original Mos sequel, but the story was changed) and probably have split the merchandising rights between them. If it is a hit in Japan, Takara and it's subsidiaries will most likely be making the bulk of the toys as they now "own" Tat studios.
  15. The only complaint I had about the PS2 SDF Macross game was that it was tooo damn short! You had all these great fighters, great physics and superior controls to Battlecry and it was over before you knew it.... Yeah you can play in non-campaign missions, but they are all rehashes of the ones you've already played, just with different colored Valks. Well worth modding my PS2 for!
  16. I havent' found much officially definative explanations of what "Spiritia" is. We know it is the "type" of aliens that inhabit the EVIL series Bio-mecha, but not too much farther than that. I suspect I understand what it is "meant" to be from what I've gathered here and there, but I've been burned by Kawamori before on such matters. Others would include, F91, V-Gundam, Gundam Wing, etc.... It's nice to see a Mac 7 appreciator admit that. Too often its fans adamantly attempt to argue how cerebral the series is and how it is actually very mature if you wear the Kawamori colored glasses in the right way...
  17. Yeah among other mecha, but I can't remember the name of the PS2 game off hand...
  18. It has been said that SK had little direct influence on Mac 7 during production (speculation? Possibly), as he was concentrating most of his efforts on Macross Plus. It's conceivable that Mac 7 was part of the deal to get Macross Plus made. However more knowledgeable members would be able to verify that. Personally I am leaning toward that notion as I compare the stories of Macross Plus and Macross Zero compared to Macross 7. That isn't to say SK wasn't involved, but I often wonder to what extent he was involved.
  19. OK I am at a disadvantage, having never found a site or articles explaining the stories behind the games, so I can't comment on those unfortunately. However most people are either unaware of forgot that Macross Plus was never intended to be a Macross story, but it was the only way Kawamori could sell his idea of a "Top Gun" type story to Big West to get the funding to make it. At the time he was finished with Macross as far as he was concerned. I suspect the biggest impediment to the continuing adventures in the Macross universe was likely the legal dispute over who actually owned the show as well as Kawamori's initial divorcing himself from it (maybe an attempt to avoid being typecast as a Macross only, idea man). By the 90's it appears that it was established that Big West still owned the franchise, but no decision was made regarding the show that started it all. Hence Macross II and the subsequent greenlight of SK's top gun show aka Macross Plus, et al. Kawmori has NOT said he doesn't give a "rats ass" about Megaroad, he just hasn't done a story about it and prefers not to visit that story. Yet he hasn't come right out and said he'd refuse to do one either. I doubt he'd ever limit himself in that way, so as to have the ability to do it if he ever found sufficient inspiration for a story. There is some doubt as to how deeply SK was invovled in Mac 7 and the only definitive Macross works he's clearly done since SDF Macross is DYRL & Mac Zero (Mac Plus was not originally meant to be a Macross show). So if there is enough inspiration I'm sure there will be more shows, but we have to keep in mind it takes SK approximately 3 years of pre-production before a show of his is produced. I doubt Macross is dead, it just isn't the merchandizing machine that Gundam has become.
  20. Macross II never made it to TV. It was an OAV from the start...It came during a time when lots of shows were done as OAVs. 405714[/snapback] Thanks, I kept getting mixed messages in that regard. It still doesn't change my belief it was meant to be longer... Unfortunately the necessary "hook" wasn't there at the beginning either.
  21. Ahh, I knew it was in there, just couldn't find it in time. That is what I've read that the reason it was called "Super Dimension" is because it was capable of space folds, not it's size. I believe the whole "size" thing was an RT explanation for the name SDF-1.
  22. I still firmly maintain that since Macross II has a truncated story from it's shortened run, due to unsatisfactory TV ratings. Had the full story been told as intended, we'd be in a better position to judge it's fitness in Macross Franchise. The story was too disjointed at times, seemed rushed in other areas and several threads were simply left dangling in the wind, that really didn't do justice to the premise presented. Considering the abilities of those who worked on the project I find it very hard to believe it was meant to only run 6 episodes. Since they don't abruptly "cancel" series' in Japan, like here, it seems clear to me that the production team had very little time to wrap up the important story threads before the plug was pulled. Hence I like to believe there would have been episodes where humanity had to face it's own arrogance and change in order to survive.
  23. Ok I need that sentence completed to understand what you meant... Then how did it "fold"? Why is it called the "Super Dimension Fortress"? That would imply that projectiles went through the shield unimpeded. Not at all. It absorbed directed energy weapons and clearly deflected kinetic or projectile weaponry. There is not implication as I stated above. I suspect the ODB would absorb a portion of the explosive energy of missiles, but not as much as directed energy weapons or reaction warheads. I'll concede that as I've only seen Mac 7 once. However it can be argued that any fighter with a "rear" or co-pilot as in the case of the "B" & "D" type fighters, could have a PPB that is directed as opposed to focused on the shield area. That is what the SD organs were for as well as what powers the fold system. True, however if there wasn't the overload that released the extradimensional beings into our dimension to possess the EVIL mecha, the Bio-mecha that were powered by these organs would have been nothing more than an piloted or AI controlled AFOS craft. One could argue that the AFOS was a successful use of the EVIL technology.
  24. If the PPB didn't require the output of a SD reactor then why didn't they have one already? I got the impression that this energy had unusual properties not previously seen. Otherwise the fastest way to deal with the energy discharges would be to shut down the relays feeding it and move on. If the PPB was not fed by the SD reactor then why could they not use the main cannon while using the PPB? Was not the main cannon powered by the SD reactor? The ODB's (if I remember correctly) achilles heel was that it "absorbed" the energy weapons directed at it, thus it would discharge all the absorbed energy when it reached critical mass. Against non-energy based weaponry (projectiles) it would be fine. The reason why the PPB on the fighters were only available in GERWALK and Battloid modes was because it was localized on the arm shields of the fighters. It didn't appear to be "moveable". The AFOS and the EVIL series were "Bioweapons", that were grown, not necessarily built. The benefit of Bio weaponry is that they generate their own energy source, most likely throug Zero Point enerizing means. They were "Bio-Mecha", the PC's version of the Ghost X-1 from Macross Plus or the Destroids only substantially more powerful. In the case of the EVIL series, that mecha became "possessed" by entities from another dimension, thus Mac 7's "space monsters" . These Bio-mecha known as the PD are said to contain SD "organs" that allow them to power their weapons, their abilities and even fold small objects other than themselves. Thus if an SD reactor has that much power output it is reasonable that it could indeed power a PPB as well as a fold system. We can assume this is the case aboard the Zentreadi ships, which also seem to appear to have been "grown" rather than built. If Spacy was to employ an ODB on fighters would likely be for the purpose of blockade running. A means to give a fighter / squadron protection for a very limited time. At the same time, a micro SD reactor may only give a fighter a limited jump range, because of the limited power output a small reactor might give.
  25. HUH??!! Last I checked humanity was getting it's ass kicked in Mac II because they consistently underestimated their opponents and over estimated their own abilities. I don't think we watched the same show...
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