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Everything posted by Zinjo

  1. Ditto! I'd suggest using Terragen for the island, much more flexible for terrain modelling and can import the files into most 3D Rendering software.
  2. Hmm, interesting. Having the VF-0 flying above a Russian carrier... With motion blur and some heat distortion, this one could look very cool!
  3. Aww, c'mon take one for the team!!! j/k Thanks for the scan!
  4. This is very true. The mecha action against giant space monsters is disappointing on several levels, not just the premise. The music does grow on you and there definitely are funny moments.
  5. The biggest thing about Mac 7 debates on this board is that they always burn themselves out eventually. The lovers will scrap with the haters and the middle grounders will either laugh at the insanity, try to throw our opinions in here and there or poke fun at the fanatics. It is all about personal taste and preferences. No one is wrong or right from that perspective, they just are. For all we know, the sponsors insisted on certain aspects for the series and the producers had to find ways to make it work. We all know that particularly in Japan, the show's sponsors hold the purse strings and thus can be the tail that wags the dog in many respects. So unless we get the chance to pick Kawamori's brain on the subject, we are going to be debating on a few topics about this show forever.
  6. That's where the PD went wrong. No one would have sent in Max in a VF-22 for a farm of Monkeys...
  7. Life energy? Life energy for a human is the process of breaking down food. Humans are pretty much an internal combustion machine. 415199[/snapback] OK, OK, then WTF creates the magical auras that deflect macross canon blasts and all manner of conventional weaponry??? Are you saying it's chemical secretions from the brain???
  8. I'd like a scan of the art work less the text as well. I've got the R2 release, but a textless version of the artwork would be nice to have.
  9. I find it ironic that you can't grasp a basic concept that "sound energy/anima spiritia" as per what is clearly stated in the series (when the Sound boosters are first used by Dr. Chiba) as being something different than physical sound energy (what we hear). If you want to ignore it, fine but I'm going to call you on it. You may call me on it all you like, the truth of the matter is, that I really don't care that much about it to want to learn the minutia. Anima Spiritia is some magic power similar to the RT magic battery... It's all good for those who enjoy it, I am not one of those people. I liked different parts of the show, not that. The show was for "kids" and it catered to that demographic very well. I doubt any of them are here on these boards arguing the credibility of the ideas as much as you and others.... I have come around to accepting the fact that it isn't a total write off as a series, but it took Macross in directions I didn't particularly care for and I am entitled to my preferences. Hell, I never thought I'd groove to a show about surfing mecha, but there's "Eureka 7" and I love it, so go figure! They could have taken the Macross 7 series in so many less fantastical directions, but that wouldn't showcase any of the singing talent they hired and a typically serious Macross story would have bored the target audience they were shooting for. So I appreciate the parts that I like and accept the show for what it is. It isn't a serious bit of drama, but a light hearted space show with giant space monsters and very good vocalists. I'm sorry if my reduction of the show to a simplistic description bothers you, but that is my opinion and I have yet to have any Otaku Kawamori minions or Mac 7 minions change my mind so far. It is doubtful they ever will. As a total series of work, it just aint my cup of tea, I just liked several parts...
  10. So how often did they battle the PD in an atmosphere compared to space? As for the mouse argument, well I have speakers that look like speakers and they produce sound, not luminosity or Anima Spiritia... The fact that the series tended to have the PD army actually hearing the music whether they had a speaker pod imbedded in their ship or not, is what tends to blur the common sense aspect of the series. However, I fully appreciate the fact that the target audience didn't care about the "credibility" of the tech, but enjoyed the show as it was. They didn't spend half as much time thinking about such matters as some people do typing up defenses to questionable artistic licenses the production team took with an early adolescent targeted program...
  11. Yeah, even I was a bit surprised when I turned that up during my searches. I guess the whole cousin thing is more cultural in the West, than we ever imagined. Though with mass clonings as there were it is very conceivable that you'd have more than a few pairings of unaware siblings over time.
  12. Yep... I don't understand why any of them got "sound boosters" Considering sound barely travels in space.... If they all got speaker pod gun pods, that would be different. However, the kids never questioned it, so the target audience was satisfied..
  13. Look up the links in my modified post above regarding 1st cousin marriage. Apparently, according to modern genetics; mutations and birth defects between cousins is mostly a myth, stemming from a poorly done scientific report published back in the 19th Century.
  14. Actually weren't Minmay's father and Kaifun's father(?) cousins themselves? I was under the impression they shared the same family name, but not through direct decendance. That would make the two kids, second cousins. However, cousin marriage is fairly common in Japan, and isn't considered incest as is the case in North America and many European countries. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1066789/posts http://archives.cnn.com/2002/LAW/04/column...n.incest.04.09/
  15. OK, with that basis for the argument, I agree it would become a political issue on Post War Earth, dispite the mass cloning going on.
  16. Well as far as I am concerned if it still being published in Japan it's taboo. The new Kawamori art book is a perfect example. I own a copy and would be a bit pissed if someone posted hi-res scans of the pages that I paid good money for. Now the out of print books are, well... no longer in print and those who benefited from their sale (Big West, Studio Nue, artists) are no longer receiving royalties from said books. The only ones who are profiting from these sales are used book stores in both North America and Asia as well as E-bay and Yahoo Japan sellers. If the books were to be re-issued that would change things and make the scans inappropriate to host without permission from the publishers. As far as I'm concerned, until the subject matter contained in out of print books are re-issued in a new publication, I don't see any problem with scanning and hosting the images. This won't stop avid collectors from buying the books anyway, because it's the having of the item that is the main part of collecting, not the contents of the item.
  17. So you are trying to argue that in the 21st century of the Macross Universe, incestuous leanings are supposedly acceptable? Hmmm..... Sounds like an attempted hijack to me...
  18. 3 years into this argument, and I have yet to see one clear argument that puts macross 7 in the "kiddie" category. Young teen, more like it (which is the demographic almost every major anime series is aimed towards) OK, not being one who needs to dive into the minutia of semantics, my term of "kiddie" applies to teenie boppers and younger.... The show was aimed toward a fairly young audience and as such, it worked, but I don't feel any need to justify my "preferences", as they are all subjective. Dispite the premise and the battloid Battle 7 that made my eyes roll back into my head, I did in fact enjoy the character interactions. I eventually came to appreciate the singing abilities of Fukuyama Yoshiki and Chie Kajiura (they are quite good as singers even outside of the series). Now any series that puts Max back behind the stick, can't be a total write off...
  19. I use that term because "Sound Force" makes about as little sense as "Sonic Force" and I don't like the Mac 7 term.. Actually we do. It is mentioned in the series that the PC's gathered as many of the Anima Spiritia people as they could to combat and ultimately imprison the PD. It is implied that this is not a common ability. It is also reinforced by how the Jamming Birds so utterly failed to do what Fire Bomber could. I'm sure they all sang their hearts outs, but were unable to muster the pure passion required to generate "Spiritia Force" (for want of a better term). It is shown that in large amounts it can work and that the PD are able to produce the effect naturally for themselves.
  20. The way I understand it, (and I'm not a fan of the kiddie pablum of Mac 7) is that it is the "passion" behind the singing that creates the "spiritia" energy that Sound Force uses to defend against the PD. Singing and music also create spiritia, but not in enough measure (on an individual basis) to be used as any sort of weapon. In the "lore" only certain individuals have the ability to produce the kind of sonic energy levels that can be useful to combat the PD. Basara and Mylene have that ability. It is also revealed that the PD have the natural ability to create self sustaining spiritia for themselves, but it has to be learned.
  21. There were also tactical concerns, as seen in the first episode. The initial nuking of the zentradi in the first strike left most of their sensors blind. I believe that is the main reason why Global never really relied on the Nukes during the war. He had a massive enemy fleet to keep track of and to be blind even for a few hours was very dangerous for them. Besides, he had an energy canon that would do the same job, and it didn't mess with his sensor array. As for Mac 7, they did use nukes, but the weapons were severely restricted in their use. Max had to get special permission from Spacy command before being allowed to use them. This is way "off topic"... You may want to start another thread to explore that little gem...
  22. Zinjo


    Well I found out they are called Chibi drawings, which is a certain style of pictures, but I've not found any sites that carry this particular artist's work...
  23. Zinjo


    I bet they are, but they are done by one guy and I can't remember what his name is! He's done Gundam, GIS, Macross, all different series'.
  24. Is there a site, any site, dedicated to Macross line art though? 413831[/snapback] With so many books out of print or going out of print, I'd suspect there will be a real need for one soon!
  25. We argue within the context of the established universe. Since in 1999 no alien space craft crash landed on Earth, the world wasn't plunged into chaos because of it, no Giant aliens were discovered to exist, etc... I suspect we are safe in determining that what is convention now, may not be if such extraordinary events were to actually take place. It's all speculation. It's kind of like asking, how did America manage to go from concept to moon landing in 10 years? I'd suspect the answer would be motivation and strong sense of purpose. They didn't screw around, they just got the job done. Thank God they weren't trying to design a modern fighter jet....
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